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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Serves me right to waste my time downloading some of Pitchforks top 50 of year winners. Most of this is either pop music covered with an "out there" production or just sonic wallpaper.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    The GazettE - TOXIC The albums main faults remain that it's completely devoid of any ambition and energy. From songs like UNTITLED you can just tell how the song is there just because of the catchy part with the vocal effect. The rest of the song? Probably from the PSC random-generic-verse-chorus-generator that most likely worked overtime with this album. At best TOXIC works as a guilty pleasure ( Suicide Circus, Pledge, Shiver. ) playing in the background while doing your hair, but at worst it's ear grinding ( Sludgy Cult, The last song whatever it was ). In the end, this album has nothing to offer. You tap your feet to the rhythm, notice how Pledge sounds nice and done. Completely vapid and soulless rock (<-- barely ) music. DIR EN GREY - Dum Spiro Spero I sort of respect their ambition with this one ( By mostly abandoning traditional song structures, but unlike with Uroboros there is no rhyme or reason with the song progression here. Stuff just happens ), but in the end it's just overproduced mallcore with some vision. The drumming is boring ( DOUBLE BASS OMFG SO SPECIAL ), the bass just makes sounds ( FPLONK FPLONK SO FAST SO RANDOM SO SPECIAL ) with no actual melodies apart from a few parts, the riffcraft is abysmal so the songs completely rely on production trickery and vocal hooks to make them memorable. Don't let the aesthetics and gimmicks fool you, it sucks. MUCC - Arcadia Jesus Christ. The most embarrassing effort on this single is the FUZZ remix that has some of the most godawful bro-"metal" riffs known to man. Aicle - Aruku Fuck this band.
  3. Nokturnal Mortum is still an amazing band and still most likely as racist as ever before considering the bands they perform with like Dub Buk, Stormheit etc. Also the two main guys of Nokturnal Mortum are responsible for the band . Still not sure if the project was a joke or not, considering songs like Crush The Lies
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Depends on how many people are filming/taking pictures and where. Saw Morbid Angel last July and the first three or four rows were full of middle aged women taking pictures and filming and it kills the mood like no other. I could just wreak havoc as usual, but I'm a nice guy after all and so were all the other people there so everybody just stood still because we didn't want to upset any old ladies and break their cameras. That's easily my worst experience when it comes to camera's in concerts. I still support ( Good quality ofc ) filming because it's nice to watch the show's you've been to on YouTube later on, regardless of a few bad experiences related to the shitcamerapeople in the past. Usually when discussing about this issue some might say " The band wishes not to be... " and I couldn't honestly care less about what they want. Band performs for the people who paid to get in and not the other way around. But also people paid to get to watch the band and not somebody's mother blocking the view with an Ipad so filming should be done from back and not in front of everybody.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Most likely I'm just going to go to a bar or two around town. Keep company to seldom strangers/drink alone and pass out before the fireworks in somebody Else's bathroom. No resolutions last year, none will be given this year.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Awful metalcore riffing that I've heard a hundred times before, coupled with terrible vocals. What's so special about this again to warrant the hype?
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Mods! Shield my eyes from this indecency! Lock, ban, burn!
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Seems like the last tour went good for them financially. Hopefully their success will encourage more bands to come overseas.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    Pg.99 - In Love With An Apparition
  10. Karma’s Hat

    I just hope they get creative like they used to, instead of blueprint three minute pop/rock songs with a little dose of cali≠gari. Tedious uninspired ballads like 東京、40時29分59 can go and gtfo
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Goes from amazing to unremarkable. Exited for the first two at least, though the inclusion of 東京、40時29分59秒 means at there's at least one weak track on the album.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Shiiiit, so much hate. Expected all of you to love this stuff The earliest stuff is decent, especially the second album. Their imagery was always pretty "gay" so to say ( which is why they succeeded as an mallcore band and as an T-shirt factory ), but I didn't mind since I couldn't make out the lyrics anyway. After Dusk it just got worse and worse and worse until they did the hilariously awful rock song " Forgive Me Father " after which I decided not to go on even for the lulz. And Pantera is the Nickelback of metal. Everybody knows that.
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Get drunk, some photographer wants to take pics of you because he likes your clothes, get free drinks and bitches, some guy asks you if you are a graphic designer like him, people believe your bullshit stories and that would have been the perfect day unless my ex's sister wouldn't have shown up at the bar. Got all depressed after that so I had to leave.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Should've gotten Yurameki after that
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Ahh man who cares. The best forum I've ever been to has mods that don't do any "modding" besides deleting ancient threads. There's a little spam yeah, but it never gets in the way of real discussion when there's one to be had. They have a section for pointlessness, much like this used to be when I came here ( Not that bad or good though, depends on what way you look at it of course. Now this has turned into the random video section and reminds me of a ghost town. ). Also they don't protect the users who take people not liking/bashing their favorite bands personally, which is how it should be ( still get the banning of people have gotten banned here... Except Herpes as I feel he contributed a lot). But I don't mind the way that stuff is handled here, except a couple times when you guys get a little trigger happy with the red color but it's 'aight. Remember to Chill guys, chill
  16. Karma’s Hat

    Damn I've only played 20 hours and it's most definitely my game of the year. This game is too addictive. Meaning to do the Thieves Guild quest line today and maybe finally some story missions. Too bad I have to go to my parents house for Christmas so I can't play this for two weeks
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Re-named the topic because I plan to revive this whenever there's something to talk about. Just came back from funding the multikulti-mafia. Damn you immigrants and your decent and cheap fast food! Times like this make me want to live in Italy where there's so much to choose from ( at least in Rome anyway. Heard it sucks compared to the northern cities though, but I'll still keep going there since it's the only city besides Helsinki where I know where to go and stuff ) . Didn't bother to go to the library since it started raining. But I did see the cutest girl ever. Thought about asking how she feels about my shoes and casual intercourse, but she had a better looking and taller friend with her, so I didn't have courage. If I was to become the emperor, I'd banish all people taller than 190cm to the coal mines. V Oh come on don't be like that. A special day for me. I don't do double posting so It'll dry up and vanish unto history soon enough for ye people who hate Waffles.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah I know you wouldn't lock this. I love you/you love me etc. <3 Before I go fetch the coffee ( finally ) I'll get the festivities out of the way zbQZkqzh9p8 I dedicate this to the following people ( There are more I'd like to thank, but these are the ones on the top of my head ) Mono2, my bestest internet friend forever and ever. Will, for fighting the Man. fitear1590 for the post about Aicle in the underrated bands thread. Decided to give the band a second chance after that and then realized the genius. Thanks! My History teacher Pentti Linkola, Nietzsche, Prozak, Eugen Schauman, The black dude from Night of the living dead, Putin, Pretsy Trombe for being the insane news guy Ishii Shuuji Eroterrorist and Junna777 from Last.fm CAT5 for not locking this topic Last but definitely not least, my mom. Party like it's 800! Hail Satan!
  19. Karma’s Hat

    It's the highest post count I have ever achieved! It feels like turning 18 again. Bittersweet and melancholic, coupled with the realization that you are alone and don't have much time left on this earth. Nah, this won't get locked. Too much tension here anyway. Edit 1. Listening to Pierrot for the first time since... Well like a year? Glad to own the limited edition of ID ATTACK Also happy birthday to Revania, Kodomia and some guy I've never heard of! Edit 2. My only decent jeans left " clean " smell like cigarettes and wine. Well I only need to go to the library and get some kebab ( FIGHT MULTICULTURALISM, after dinner ), so maybe they'll suffice. Edit 3. I REQUEST THE ATTENTION OF NEKKICHI
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Done! Didn't do that when I first woke up because of stuff~ You aren't answering my spam on MSN yo? Should I start considering the possibility that people aren't interested? Never.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Good, you have arrived! BEST BAND YOU GUYS HAVE NEVER HEARD OF 7SlznWYVjtk Recommending: Everything What happens in Toasted Waffles, stays in Toasted Waffles
  22. Karma’s Hat

    We need to bring Toasted Waffles to it's former glory with spam and good times! Don't make me talk alone! How's everybody doing today? Edit 1. Going to get some coffee and avoid angry roommates. Wish me luck! Edit 2. Didn't have the balls so I took a shower instead. Took only 17 minutes which is a record breaking time for me. Edit 3. I REQUEST THE ATTENTION OF USERS ALLISAPP AND PRETSY.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Can't go downstairs to get coffee because I accidentally forgot to return the key to the laundry room so my roommates are probably pretty pissed.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Season two of The Wire! Amazing show.
  25. Karma’s Hat

    Usually I don't even listen to bands that have fans that I find annoying. Tastes in music bring people together and all that. Sure every now and then you run into the 17-year old girl who has a tumblr full of corpses or the misguided white supremacist, but who cares really. Dir en grey fans are definitely the worst though. Their shoutbox in last.fm tells everything you need to know. Who would have thought the band would also gain such an elitist ( Ironic since we are speaking about Deg after all ) fan base who shun on VK the same way a weaboo would shun on non-vk ( AKA. Americanized ) so in the end, they are closet inverted weaboos. If some band gets labeled progressive, experimental, avant-garde or whatever, it attracts people who think they seem really ELIT3 when they like all this music that's just out there, random ( being the keyword here ) and most definitely 2deep4u. Cynic, Opeth, Necrophagist, Tool, Meshuggah and so on.
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