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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Could be. All I can be sure of, is that I was exposed to horrible deathcore from someones cellphone speakers while waiting in line I was there in 2010 and it surpassed the Helsinki gig of 2011 by miles.
  2. Karma’s Hat

    Wonder when they are going start playing Diabolos? Probably saving it for the Uroboros live. Noticed that they also dropped Lotus and Mazohyst. I'm still sort of hoping Mazohyst will appear on the next single, regardless the fact that I probably end up not liking the new version anyway
  3. Karma’s Hat

    After being to a Dir en grey concert in London, where the "scene" trend seems to be moderately alive, ( Unlike in Finland ) I noticed that for every casually dressed person there were three weaboos and two scenekids. So those people are starting to make a reasonable chunk of their western fanbase and it's probably the one that's growing the most. And you'd have to be deaf not to notice the approachable new-metal sensibilities of their more recent music, so it's no wonder that it appeals to the false-metal crowd be it Opeth ( after being slapped with the progressive tag, I've seen these people coming over to the deg fandom and former VK fans graduating to the progrock-"metal" fandom) or BMTH fans.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Now this "music" scene has brought enough lulz for me to justify it's existence. I hope they get married.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Anyone watched their DVD's? All that I've seen have horrible, horrible mixing. If they have one that doesn't sound like complete shit, do tell. And if they lose their drummer, they should just disband right there and then.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Seeing what people have posted here I need to give my support to their material up to Disorder. After that they lost all attitude, energy and youthfulness they had in their music, which was the main selling point to me as their music wasn't too special to begin with. DIM has a couple of pop songs that work + DIM SCENE but aside from those I find their new stuff not worth my while. Much support for the nearly single-less album. I'll be anticipating it with some curiosity. And lol where's Miseinen
  7. Karma’s Hat

  8. Karma’s Hat

    Paris Spleen by Charles Baudelaire and Länsimaiden tuho ( Death of the West, basically ) by Timo Vihavainen
  9. Karma’s Hat

    One of my friends does this to me constantly even though I'm not gay
  10. Karma’s Hat

    It's loud, clear and sounds like it was recorded in the vacuum of space ( aka, garbage ). It now feels like devoid of much of the soul that made the original stand out to me, but the songwriting is still there of course. I'd just get the original edition. The Hydra 666 is the epitome of lazy. It's the same shitty version that was on the Dozing Green single with the awful vocals. They should have had the decency to re-record it...
  11. Karma’s Hat

    Kagrra, most definitely. Haven't met any delusional fangirls ( I'm sure there's plenty somewhere though ) and the band never made anything controversial enough to divide their fanbase so there isn't much " I miss this, I want that " ( I fully endorse this so called bitching though, because any discussion is welcome as long as it's not about the band members favorite perfumes, personalies and such bs ) kind of talk even though their music did get simpler or sold out if you will, as the years passed. And of course it just seems that there's some nice reasonable people there along other things of that sort.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    Still haven't listened to the Shabazz Palaces album even though I've should have. From what what songs I've heard from it, it's great. I just always seem to forget that I have it :/
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Old Madonna! Some artists should just know when to give so that they wouldn't embarrass themselves. But this old stuff is great.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    Why I don't know if to take that as a positive or a neutral comment. Negative doesn't exist, it's all about love! Edit: Ah alright!
  15. Karma’s Hat

    I'll go just out of support for Vk-bands abroad ( even though I think they have been pretty bad since their early days. But their last show here was enjoyable ) if the price is under 30e which is just way too much for me now and most likely it's going to be over that again. We'll see
  16. Karma’s Hat

    To me the old Aicle is some of the most special indies stuff I've heard from this scene. Their lack of experience shows in the compositions ( mostly in form of absurd song progression with the following segment having little connection with the latter and the likes. ), but it's made up by spirit, great lyrics, themes and the technical talents the members posses. Ansatsu is a great example of what they can do. The riffs are cool, the drumming is great, the production is excellent, the twisted vocals work with the chaotic verse and the sweet chorus just fucks with your mind. Too bad we didn't get more of that. All I can say is RIP. Sorry if this post seems in cohesive or something as I am drunk as fuck. RIP! Also they remind me of a visual kei version of None So Vile era Cryptopsy at their most chaotic. Haha. I wish they would have developed more into that direction
  17. Karma’s Hat

    It seriously looks like Wow. Even the gained XP thing that pops up when you gain some, is of the color.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Obama not up in arms for liberal values, news at eleven.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Well even if he gets if in the white house, he'll be taking up the ass by ZOG anyway so somebody just needs to film it, lulz.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    That guy is hilariously misguided to the point of where this whole affair seems like a parody. "Notice in the past years Republican candidates are declaring less government yet seem keep trying to expand it especially into one's household?" Hah this. The true liberal/libertarian wing of the Republicans seems awfully quiet in the eyes of an European ( maybe their adventures just don't make it to the papers here ) aside from Ron Paul.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Ha-ha That's what you get for crowd pandering. Seconded
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Got a bunch Destruction Swans Watain Black Witchery Christian Death Shining Boredoms Godflesh
  23. Karma’s Hat

    Lol! *Something about Hot Topic and Scene-kids*
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Mass Effect 3 Bioshock: Infinite GTA V if it's going to be released this year? I have no idea.
  25. Karma’s Hat

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