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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    This band just won't die... Well it's not a bad thing! Rather confusing and annoying though. Then i watched that clip, and it convinced me, that Caligari should not return so we can have Xa-vat, Makoto and Cuckoothatisprobablydeadnowbecausetheyhaventreleasedshit, or are they doing lives ? Anything?
  2. Hahahahah nice! Finnish people dominate this thread.
  3. I'm not sure how i ended up owning the damn thing, but it's still in my possession, regardless of how i got it.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Finally i got two computers that i can use to watch my last.fm charts, at once! Just got to install all the extra crap and i'm all set.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    Merry - 激声
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Today i cleaned my Mp3 player from... well everything! So while doing that, i checked which albums stood the test of time. I'm listing only visual-kei. Dir en grey's Gauze, Macabre, Kisou and Uroboros. My favorite albums from those guys, and the ones that never get tired of. Especially the three last have a ethereal feel in them. cali≠gari's 5-10, oh how i love these. Kagrra's Gozen. I'm not sure anymore if this is my favorite album from them or not. I really can't decide at the moment, which is weird since Gozen sealed this position for itself a long time ago. LUNA SEA - Mother. One of the best Vk-releases ever for sure. Merry's Modern Gardegartewhatever, Peep Show and Nuchemical Rhetoric. <3
  7. Karma’s Hat

  8. Karma’s Hat

    I listen to more metal in the winter definitely, but in the summer i prefer shorter and " easier " songs that fit the mood. Thrash/blackthrash is the best kind of metal in the summer though Epic music for drinking and spending time. If i'm in the buss, tram, subway or just walking around in the city, then something like Deerhunter is great for me. Guess i'm generally in a better mood during summer... I really hate the cold and dressing up hundred pounds of clothing just to go to the store. That apparently reflects to my listening habit's One of my most listened albums of this winter, was Jedi Mind Trick's Violent By Design, which i always listened to when i went out to eat. It's more subtle than their newer stuff and arguably it's their best work. It's dark, and darknesssadnessgriefpainbloodtears = winter. I haven't made a single playlist in my entire life.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    " The first track is supposedly “post-rock??, and, seeing as I’m a heterosexual, I don’t what the fuck that means. " - Some guy on Metal-archives
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary
  11. Karma’s Hat

    7/10 I've always liked your avatars, at least the ones i can remember
  12. Karma’s Hat

    The Prom night song linked here has been taken down due to copyright infringement by Ark's channel. lölizluzzuozuzozu
  13. Karma’s Hat

    Can we have a " Thread of the Year " contest here? If so, i'm nominating this with the Kiwamu thread.
  14. Karma’s Hat

  15. Karma’s Hat

    Ark music factory has brought me so much joy. I watched 13 of their videos and wow, just wow. Danika is probably my favourite from this group of amazingly talented individuals, and the black guy from Friday makes an appearance! Fanservice! Finally an internet meme that i will love. All the pictures in this thread are awesome.
  16. I'm fairly sure it's because of the earthquake. The best of album is a shameless cash-in anyway, and now people have more reasonable things to spend their money on than a Gazette Singles collection.
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Well i'm too lazy to make a song-by-song review as sort of promised, but i'll give the overalls. It's amazing for the most part. The album has more far more variety and Catchyness than i dared to hope, and exceeded my expectations easily. Shuuji is awesome, and all the bleeps and bloops are miles better than the ones found on goatbed ( Don't get confused by my eclectic reviewer dialect, ps. i don't know what i'm talking about ), so basically this is Goatbed 4.0 for me. I'm trying to stay away from picking any favourites and dislikes from the album, as I almost wrote that i like ZEROTICA the least, but then the chorus got me and now i can't do it. But guess i could relatively safely say, that THE 艶℃ BABY, Mecca, E-Z, Invasion-Novation are my favourite songs on the album. Awesome shit, and that'll be enough.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Moonsorrow - Tähdetön
  19. Karma’s Hat

    You know what. I'll come back after a few more spins to give a song-by-song review, so somebody else can go first
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Say what? US stopped trading with Japan due to their expansion to European colonies like French Indochina, and seriously threatening Australia, Alaska and the Philippines. After US stopped selling them oil, they decided to take the oil-rich areas of the pacific and attacked Pearl Harbor to protect their invasions of US interference. So in fact, it can be considered that 100% of the fault goes to US since they did not care to fund the Japanese conquest of Asia. That would have been practically the same, that nobody would have cared if Nazi Germany conquered all of eastern Europe. Christ.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    I hope their economy can recover in the shortest period of time possible. And yes, every single, no matter how large of a disaster is huge when it hits commercial centers like Japan, US cities etc. because then it affects everybody in the world. Best thing that can happen now, is that the death toll doesn't increase too much, and the restoration will be effective and fast. Also fuck everybody who's making fun of this. I haven't been so ashamed in a long, long time.
  22. Seasons will change, rain will fall, flowers will blossom...
  23. Karma’s Hat

    I thought it was a guy until it talked, then i was just confused. Amazing video regardless! +999 for amazing green screen work. Now that i have watched it five times, my feelings have ranged from amused to ashamed.
  24. Karma’s Hat

    I hate kids that aren't related to me.
  25. Karma’s Hat

    A lock is probably in order, since there is now a thread for bands with multiple of unusual instruments and such.
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