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    -Tetsu- reacted to Komorebi in Piracy's role in visual kei   
    I have very, very mixed feelings concerning this topic, so all I say may sound confusing. I may sound cocky too, but you guys asked for opinions. I also tried posting this under spoiler but phone won't let me...
    Brace yourselves, rant is coming:
    Of course, just like any foreigner, I got into this thanks to piracy. Of course, I do download pretty much everything shared on the VK section, even if just to sample it and delete it half an hour later (I no longer hoard music I do not like).
    And, just like many people, I occasionally share rips because I know some people will enjoy them and some others might discover a band they will like and support.
    Yet I truly despise when my rips are shared outside of this community, even though my common sense (who usually sounds like Yuyo) dictates it's the right way to preserve and spread it.

    Maybe it is because here it stays within a community of people who also buy and share their rips and it feels more like an open trade. Key word: feels like.
    But feelings are not meant to be rational, right?
    I support about 10-12 active bands. A good portion of my salary goes towards VK. I make certain sacrifices in order to make sure my honmei can have their rice and redbull. Hell, I even pay people to get me goods at lives so they can get more money from me in a more direct way than buying second hand stuff.

    Maybe that is why I feel I 'earned' the right to trade rips of the bands I do enjoy yet don't love enough to include in my monthly spendings. And I feel people who share rips here kinda earned the 'right' to get my rips for free. Because they support the scene too.
    Sometimes I even dl rips from the bands I do buy from because I'll buy the release with the next paycheck or the following, or sometime in the future when I stop blowing my money on chekis (sorry, Diaura).
    Which is why it kinda bums me to spend hundreds of dollars on music, share it with people who also support the scene as far as their wallets allow it, and then it gets leaked to people who not only don't support the scene, but feel entitled to be given rips anyways 'because they love the band so much, omg they mah favez!!'
    I don't mean to say I am a better fan than they are, or a better person, or whatever. I'm probably a pathetic chick who blows her paycheck on asian drag queens who attempt to play metal instead of in... idk whatever shit regular people spend their money on. But it really gets on my nerves to read so many people on social media, especially Hispanics, viewing piracy as a 'right'. Demanding for HQ rips, whining about those 'fucking selfish japs/gringos who get everything and don't share fast enough'. Fuck you! If I buy a release I do not have the moral duty of posting it online. And in those very same communities I see a handful of people leeching, bragging about 'their collections' (virtual collections of course) and sharing our stuff just to make themselves popular. 'Look, I'm such a VK connaiseur because I have two hard drives filled with VK I got from MH. I'm a true fan cuz I have rarez. Now kiss my ass if you want me to share the rip I didn't even originate'.
    I know a dude who's considered the 'wikipedia of VK' because he's always talking about the many bands he knows and buys. Turns out he doesn't buy shit, he leeches from JpopSuki and here AND HE FUCKING CHARGES FOR IT. HE IS SERIOUSLY MAKING HIMSELF A NAME AND MONEY SELLING OTHER PEOPLE'S RIPS. AS HIS OWN.
    I understand the role piracy plays in the scene. I know it's exposure, and it helps spread the music and make bands popular. It preserves files online (though I've been all day looking for geek sleep sheep's albums and I cannot fucking find a decent rip, I swear). It also gives way to interesting discussions about music.

    But I also understand it fucking pisses bands off, many have told me so. It even pisses off western VK bands I know when they see their music up for grabs where they didn't post it. It's sorta disrespectful in a way, to say "yeah, man, I love your art but I ain't paying for it'. I have literally read those words online.
    I don't know if my point is even understood here... I've even defended piracy when talking to a few bandomen, saying that it actually promotes their music and gains them new fans. And I understand without piracy most of us wouldn't be here today. Boy, I really wish someone would share those Amai Boryoku live limited EPs. 

    But I hate so much that downloads bring people here only to leech instead of for all the other amazing features this community has to offer. I hate that people outside of the community get popular or even get money spreading our rips without even mentioning Monochrome Heaven. I hate the way they talk about us when we don't share fast enough, like we owe them the rips. Like it's our duty to share the day before the release and in HQ...
    With so many bands posting their previews on youtube, full releases on Spotify and iTunes, is such an open piracy still necessary to promote the music they work so hard to make?
    (I refuse to use youtube and Spotify, I hate them, so I'm being cynical by just bringing them up myself). All the people who say 'I don't risk buying releases I don't know I'll like' can now hear the previews on youtube/spotify, right?
    I think I'd really like to keep the DLs here to the community and the people who contribute, so maybe people elsewhere will stop taking us for granted and have a solid reason to complain about us...
    I'm ready for the MH trolls to go berserk on my feelings and opinions. Keep in mind these are just rather irrational feels and opinions and that my opinions stem from my own experiences and my own reality, which is not the absolute truth and does not account for other people's experiences.
  2. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from platy in The Official "I NEED HELP!" Thread: J-Rock Questions   
    it's tomo from dadaroma
  3. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Aferni in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    I really hope there'll be a release soon. His voice is so damn awesome.
  4. Like
    -Tetsu- reacted to Mamo in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    Also it appears this will actually be the first live  according to the Kioku lyric video:
    3/5 (Monday) Shinjuku RUIDO K 4
    L.O.V.E Produced by Konomi
    "Mora aversion - Vol. 1 -"
    Also all of the support members have been announced now:
    Support Members:
    Gt.叶真(towma)(ex. dolore➡ D.I.D.➡ L.O.V.E)
    Ba.KEI(ex. X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus)
    Dr.しゅう(Shuu) (ex. Luzmelt(as miu) ➡ AUBE)
  5. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from zaa_zaa in your most special Vk live occurences   
    I didn't pay attention for a short time because I was talking to the girl next to me when she suddenly started laughing. I didn't know why but then I realized that Mr.SaTaN wasn't on stage anymore. He sneaked  up behind me and it scared the shit out of me when I turned around because he was so fucking close. There were only about 40 people around so it wasn't that difficult to see that I wasn't looking at the stage ... After their show we talked for a short while and he was so excited that they had fans outside of Japan and he kind of ignored the japanese fans just to talk to me (I guess he was like... really excited haha)
    I don't know if this is something special or interesting, but a nice japanese girl switched place with me so I could be closer to the stage during DOAKs show when she heard that I just came to Japan to see their last live. So this was my first time in the second row for seeing one of my favorite bands. Everyone around me was so nice and they integrated me in everything. I was used to be ignored for being a foreigner so this was really exciting for me. Never felt this happy before. Meeting Yuuki after the show made it the most perfect day of my life.
    Cazqui where his support guitarist during this live and when he threw his pick I was about to catch it but instead of closing my hand I hit it and it fell behind the barrier. I politely asked a staff if he could give it to me but he said no and gave it to another girl that was screaming on him to give it to her instead ... I'm still pretty mad about this
  6. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from appl- in your most special Vk live occurences   
    Travelled to Tokyo again in December to see my favorite band, X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus and Yuukis first live with his solo project.
    Met XMAS after the first live I went to and I was so damn nervous, but they where so damn nice and cute and talked to me in english, also took some pictures with them.
    Went to one of Another Story's lives too, XMAS played there as well and when they've spotted me in the crowd after their show they hugged me again, talked to me and even gave me the setlist as a gift (along to some other merchandise). Saw them a third time a few days later. Had a mental breakdown right after their set but their drummer, yu-ta, wouldn't stop hugging me and asking me if I'm better now. Then spend quite a long time with them after all bands finished their sets, talking about everything that came to our mind.
    Went to see Yuukis live then, my ticket number was quite low so I managed to be in saizen for his set, right in front of K from Haloring (aka KEI from XMAS) and he smiled at me when he recognized me, made me really happy. Met Yuuki after the event again and he was like "I know you!" and I nearly started crying because he remembered me. Got three cheki with him but couldn't think about a last pose, so I've asked him if he's got an idea. Well, you can see his idea on my profile picture. He told me to sit down and he sat on my back. Most precious memories so far!
  7. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Mamo in Show Yourself (again)   
    wanted to do some creepy make up for carnival but ended up with this
    I really like that look and I wish I could go out like this every day
    (It was really cold, so I've put on as much clothes as possible ...)
  8. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in Show Yourself (again)   
    got myself some new lenses and tried some make up for carnival on Saturday. not really satisfied but I still kind of like the result.

  9. LOVE!
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Fyrnia4Maya in Show Yourself (again)   
    tried some halloween make up although I won't attent any event
    I hate that there's nothing close to me because it's so much fun to put on some make up lately
    I tried to do some D13 from Leetspeak Monsters inspired make up, didn't turn out how I wanted it to be but I'm kind of happy with the result anyway.

  10. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Jun_ in Show Yourself (again)   
    got myself some new lenses and tried some make up for carnival on Saturday. not really satisfied but I still kind of like the result.

  11. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Kathy in Show Yourself (again)   
    got myself some new lenses and tried some make up for carnival on Saturday. not really satisfied but I still kind of like the result.

  12. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from lichtlune in Your Most played Vk songs   
  13. Thanks
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from nekkichi in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    Yuuki just added another date and got some other awesome news!
    He named his solo project "kallistie" (I guess that name will be very familiar to you) and his first live with that name will be on 13. April at Ikebukuro EDGE.
    Supportmember will be:
    Ba.KEI(X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus)

    He'll sell cheki again for 1000yen each, old cheki for 500yen each. There'll be atari cheki for a two shot cheki with him too!
    Support member cheki will be 500yen each.
    the official twitter account is:
    he also mentioned that he is already planning new goods!

    (nothing about a CD release so far...)
  14. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Mamo in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    Yuuki just added another date and got some other awesome news!
    He named his solo project "kallistie" (I guess that name will be very familiar to you) and his first live with that name will be on 13. April at Ikebukuro EDGE.
    Supportmember will be:
    Ba.KEI(X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus)

    He'll sell cheki again for 1000yen each, old cheki for 500yen each. There'll be atari cheki for a two shot cheki with him too!
    Support member cheki will be 500yen each.
    the official twitter account is:
    he also mentioned that he is already planning new goods!

    (nothing about a CD release so far...)
  15. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from suji in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    Yuuki just added another date and got some other awesome news!
    He named his solo project "kallistie" (I guess that name will be very familiar to you) and his first live with that name will be on 13. April at Ikebukuro EDGE.
    Supportmember will be:
    Ba.KEI(X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus)

    He'll sell cheki again for 1000yen each, old cheki for 500yen each. There'll be atari cheki for a two shot cheki with him too!
    Support member cheki will be 500yen each.
    the official twitter account is:
    he also mentioned that he is already planning new goods!

    (nothing about a CD release so far...)
  16. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from togz in Crystal Lake to perform in Italy   
    Hopefully they'll add a few more dates and make it a tour through Europe. I really want to see them!
  17. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    couldn't decide which one I like more
  18. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from maryeon in Show Yourself (again)   
    couldn't decide which one I like more
  19. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Anne Claire in Show Yourself (again)   
    couldn't decide which one I like more
  20. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Jun_ in Show Yourself (again)   
    couldn't decide which one I like more
  21. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from itsukoii in Show Yourself (again)   
    couldn't decide which one I like more
  22. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Zeus in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    ¥1.000 (sealed, pulled by random)
    Support members individual cheki
    *the Yuuki cheki lottery includes: A two-shot photo session
    (all taken after the end of the public performance)

  23. Like
    -Tetsu- reacted to nekkichi in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    hard-working dark prince 🖤
  24. Thanks
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from nekkichi in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    Seems like he will! He just tweeted that he finished a new song and that it is a good one haha
  25. Like
    -Tetsu- got a reaction from Mamo in 勇企 (Yuuki) (ex-UnsraW ➡ DOAK) solo project, "kallistie" will perform   
    Be patient, I’m sure there will be a release sooner or later lol
    he needs to make enough money with his expensive cheki first haha
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