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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    This. I think Immortalis is a pretty solid album. Just solid. It has some key tracks that I love but nothing really "omg" worthy. Honestly, the first half of the album is nice but the second half, is meh besides In all weathers and kugui (鵠) To say that one album" surpasses everything DIR EN GREY has done", Imo is a stretch. A really bad one at that.
  2. Ro plz

    I agree with this. Especially in the case of Nocturnal Bloodlust. They're talented in a way that they can hold their own without the visual kei scene. Its a double edged sword. Becoming a visual kei band is a guaranteed way in because of how devoted the fans are, especially because of the visuals. It works and to me it explains why a lot of bands outside of Japan have hopped on the band wagon, regardless of good or bad their music is. On the other hand, it could be seen as certain bands aren't confident in just their music holding its weight.
  3. Ro plz

    That's the consensus. And they're about to do a tour with Girugamesh soon. As much as I don't like them atm, I gotta admit that this is pretty cool.
  4. Ro plz

    I remember getting chills down my spine when I first seen this. This performances intensity despite Kyo's shot voice was amazing. I know this live in general is blacklisted in the eyes of many but I gotta admire how the band powered through it, especially during this song.
  5. Ro plz

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5dJrmAAXEA I felt like responding to Pretzy's post because no one else did, haha and I'm also curious as to everyone else's response. So here goes. As you can see, I picked RINKAKU. For some reason, its the only song that wasn't completely ruined by the terrible production/mixing that plagued the majority of that live. Also, the band actually looks like they gave a damn and put fourth some energy into it. Perfect, seeing as its one of my all time favorite songs.
  6. Ro plz

    Sai, this was surprisingly enjoyable! Thank you for this. I agree with the part about Alone. To me, its their best song (with Give it to me being second) and Album. As for the rapping in general, I don't mind it. There are times, as the above poster stated in which they stick out like a sore thumb and add absolutely nothing to the song. T-ARA, as much as I love them is guilty for this. Number 9 and Sugar Free are songs that would easily be 10/10 if it wasn't for those parts. Luckily, the production and the rest of the songs (as well as instrumentals), overshadow em. In general, I've gotten used to the rapping (no matter how good or bad), being part of the formula of K-Pop. It balances out after awhile. With that said, a lot of the reason why I can't stand GD, and 2NE1, a lot of 4MINUTE songs and a lot of male groups is because rapping in K-Pop is already meh and the majority of their songs focus primarily on that. A lot of it comes off as too try hard-ish. The production on a lot of those songs are pretty boring as well. I'm sitting here wondering how in the hell that 2NE1 track and the GD track broke into the states and landed on the billboards. Then again, the masses do like a lot of questionable/bad music....
  7. Ro plz

    So what upcoming Anime is this for?
  8. Perez and Cat are the worst combo in chat. LOL

    1. Koike


      We really need best chat moments-thread here ;A;

    2. sai


      I used to have a whole document of that. Sadly it got lost in the void

    3. Show next comments  150 more
  9. Ro plz

  10. Ro plz

    Different Sense followed by Chain Repulsion sounds so nice! Id kill to see Juuyoko and Uroko played back to back though.
  11. Ro plz

    I totally respect that, especially the relating part. I'm just someone who likes to see bands progress with time and do something different. I blame a lot of this on the many metal/J-rock bands that I listen to. So when it comes to new release announcements, the first thing I think about is, "what have they done differently? What freshness did they add in? Etc."
  12. Ro plz

    Its all good! I respect your opinion as well, I love conversations like this. And, I wouldn't mind peeping what they come out with in the future to see if my opinion has changed.
  13. Ro plz

    ONE OK ROCK is one of the most generic and bland major J-Rock bands to date. I've given them a fair try many times only to find myself growing tiresome with how predictable and boring their songs are. To me, they are pretty much on MEJIBRAY's (and 90 percent of these indies bands) level in which they both add nothing new to music. They throw together something catchy and it resonates with the masses apparently. There's only one song that caught my fancy and that's DREAMER. Everything after that is just...bleh.
  14. Ro plz

    That was very enjoyable. The song is very appealing as well as the dance. I tried KARA, they just aren't doing it for me :/ This was a lot better imo lol
  15. Ro plz

    All hell is gonna break loose. Hello there stranger.
  16. Ro plz

    They mostly bring ppl together. Seems as if there's still remnants of dick fans, however. But I'm done.
  17. Ro plz

    You want a cookie?
  18. Ro plz

    You and Ezra can eat a dick.
  19. Ro plz

    Its not whining. Its fact. Some of your posts are extremely unnecessary and asshole-ish. Maybe the mods and everyone turn a blind eye to it but stop tryna brush it off as what we're saying isn't true. Grow up.
  20. Ro plz

    I'm so happy that i'm not the only one who realizes this.... As for the song compositions, I thought UROKO was a Dir en grey composed track because it dead ass sounds like the product of a great jam session.
  21. Ro plz

    This. I'm under the impression LMC was the only band available haha.
  22. Ro plz

    That sounds pretty awesome.
  23. Ro plz

    ^ I love you so much for this.
  24. Is it wrong that partying hard friday is my only incentive to get this work done?

    1. chemicalpictures


      nope. I live weekend by weekend. The so-called Work Week is just some bullshit I have to endure, so I can avoid starving...

  25. Ro plz

    I figured I might as well start this thread. ARCHE leaked yesterday and I think peeps have had enough time to get a few listens in. Here's my review straight from my FB status: Its a pretty kickass album for what it is. I second Dakota in saying that it is not a favorite. I already have my batch of favorite tracks but the other songs don't really really resonate with me at this point in time. This could be due to the fact that I really didn't like a lot of the tracks that give off the vibe of the way older albums. I have key songs that i like in the pre MOAB era but for the most part, a lot of those songs are a snooze fest. With that said, I do dig that this album is very tame, simple, and very easy to get into. It took awhile for me to really get situated with URO and DSS so this was a nice change. I look forward to seeing how the new songs are placed in setlists for future live DVD's. I feel like placed perfectly, they will blend so well with the bands previous material and the sets will shine. Great Job. Highlights: Un Deux, 咀嚼 ,鱗, Cause of Fickleness, 濤 ;Behind a vacant image, Revelation of mankind. Rinkaku remastered.
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