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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    Lmaoooo I love you Emmny hahahaha. As for me their best album is NIL, followed by Disorder, and then DIM. DIM is amazing and yes it is their best work but i just love everything about NIL a lot more, especially the composition and the over flow of the album. Its almost tear jerking.
  2. TM hasn't dropped anything that i can deem amazing since Seventh Heaven. I wanna check this song out but blocked.
  3. This was surprisingly pleasant.....
  4. Ro plz

    I read this as KEEL. WTF lol
  5. Totally open to dating any one of any race. I used 2 be that weeb that wanted to only date asian women then i grew up and realized that every race/ethnicity has something to offer. And they also have people that id prefer to stay away from.
  6. I think the song is legit. Nothing forced and everything seems to flow well together. Once again, it is nothing special because after my initial 2 listens, I have no incentive to come back to it. I felt that this needed commentary. At this point, it seems as if Mejibray and whoever is running them makes sure they can be as pretty/visually appealing as possible. Its guaranteed buys for their material and guaranteed attendance at lives. The upside for them and downside for fans who actually pay attention to the music...,On the creative/composition side, they literally don't have to do much. All they gotta do is switch around stuff from an already created song enough to the point where ppl can tell (some what of) a "difference." I will even DARE to say that who ever is their main song writer is,-is doing a great job at following Ruki's footsteps (since they seem to be huge Gazette fanboys) with being a hard headed dictator (even worse on their case), when it comes to their sound. This is my best analysis of them. I'm no music expert but when you have these consecutive releases back to back, it makes sense and cuts down mad time. And also huge LOL on the guitarist. My nigga wanted to the bassist so bad, it was almost cringe inducing to watch him in the video hahaha.
  7. Ro plz

    I remember trying Ayabie once and being displeased with em. I should probably revisit cuz they seem to have had some gems here, according to these posts. But for the Poles sake, old school Girugamesh. They were untouchable. And its cool now that they are revisiting that style in their latest release.
  8. lmaooo Dawg, is Dum Spiro Spero/Dir en grey the only progressive thing J-rock fans have listened to-to the point that anything that may sound like its that genre is automatically slapped with that label?? As for the previews, this sounds much better than what he's been pushin out before. My only complaint is the terrible production. I hope thats just the video quality. Say what you will about Satsuki but the man should be well off to afford some decent production.
  9. Ro plz

    Oh shoot...damn, I didn't mean to doze off during the awakening Previews and the first disk. They make good background music to sleep to. Now the second disk:
  10. I can't tell what was more cringe inducing....the crowd size, how dead the crowd is or Jin's horrible vocals in the intro. The performances though were pretty raw. I loved what they did with "Hate yourself."
  11. They must've gotten better from the last time I listened to a full release of theirs. I just peeped Urei Libido and Saishuudensha. Not bad at all. I still think their metalcore stuff is light years better though.
  12. Calling it now. This album will probably have a couple of boss ass metalcore tracks and in between them, the terrible jazz kei or whatever you call it that they play as filler. But i'm here mainly for the metalcore because that's the only thing DADAROMA can do correctly.
  13. I'm a bad person for not voting?

    1. anieresus


      Even if you hate politics, by not voting you're just letting politicians get their way even more. Voters can always make their voices heard.

    2. Duwang


      I didn't vote either. Guess I'm bad, too.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      never voted in my life and don't plan to either... I don't really give a fuck who's elected because it doesn't affect me directly, so fuck it. I don't get involved or even know anything about who's running and you know what? I'm happier because of it XD

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  14. I miss -OZ-

    1. Nightmares4ever
    2. YuyoDrift


      Stop. Ma feelz.

    3. Duwang


      Same. It'll be 3 years in June and I'm still not over it.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  15. Ro plz

    Wildfire, after watching that vid wasn't too bad. Nothing special but not bad.
  16. Drunk status update. Time 2 ask the stallion anything. And ill answer truthfully.

    1. Valicious


      What's your favorite Pauly Shore movie?

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      dunno pauly shore

    3. evenor


      Ill answer for stallion - Biodome

  17. y'all removed the pink. I riot

    1. togz


      I'll make the banners and picket signs

    2. -NOVA-


      I'll turn on CAPS LOCK!!!

    3. CAT5


      Go home, bruh.

  18. Ro plz

    Super homo, id reproduce with Shinya too.

  21. Ro plz

    Idk, the fact that this thread even exists is kind of weird to me. It can simply be chalked up to what makes people tick musically as with any other genre imo. That's my general answer haha. And i put heavy emphasis on musically because just like in VK (unless you're a stan), looks can't be the deciding factor on if the music is appealing or not. Personally, its cool to have yet another scene alongside the others i follow thats droppin music that i enjoy and can use as influence.
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