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Ro plz

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Everything posted by Ro plz

  1. Ro plz

    That limited live single though.....it sounds boss.
  2. The original versions that many of the songs on the latest Buck Tick album derive from are perfect as is which makes listening 2 it hard at times....its almost feels like an unnecessary release. 

    1. crossparallel


      That's a first, have any specific examples? I do feel they are going for many recognizable, kinda retro styles here and mixing them with Imai's signature bleep-bloppery, but the only song that feels truly derivative to me is Bi Neo Universe. And that too is more of a case of a musical cliché that can be heard in many songs than something I can trace to a single song they derived it from. Or do you mean the "I wanna be your boy"s and "Besame mucho"s? Those kinda make my day, I don't perceive them as any different from the other (literary, film etc) allusions in the album. All in all, I've really been loving Atom Miraiha, it makes me feel feels and imagine some funny things. It seems like the culmination of the direction they took back with Razzle Dazzle, or maybe even earlier, so definitely not unnecessary for me.

  3. Ro plz

    Does DISREIGN have enough of a fanbase in Japan compared 2 BatAAr to warrant them to pull off a few shows though?
  4. This is getting way out of hand....what the fuck
  5. Ro plz

    NIGGA. WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST LISTEN TO. As much as i don't like dude, I have to give CRED WHERE CRED IS DUE. This was a very well executed track. If I didn't know this was Yohio, i would've chalked up the vocalist as being just some other J-indies vocalist. That's how passable his Japanese is coming off to me in this song. I have agree here with @Disposablewhen he says that this is on a whole other level compared to what many in the swed-kei scene are doing. While I won't call myself a fan of DISREIGN based on this one song, I will def keep an eye on them to see what is next after this. Ngl, I was convinced that after the majority flop fest that's been BatAAr after their two members left, that there simply wasn't any more worth checking out from the Swed-Kei niche but this....this.........maybe some good can once again come from em. I still can't believe it, what a kick ass track.
  6. So I'll be the first to say it. The new song really isn't anything that special but its still a nice listen. The acoustic version is pretty cool too.
  7. Ro plz

    I expect a new single announcement during the time period after the last 2 STUDIO COAST shows.
  8. Where the hell has everyone heard this single already at? Plz direct me! ;_; EDIT: Found
  9. Ro plz

    Pretty sure its Asanao that's the fishing enthusiast haha.
  10. Ro plz

    @platanityand @cvlticexplained perfectly well why they can't play without Akinori. Understandably, it seems as if many forget that Lynch. is NO LONGER an indies band and Akinori is an OFFICIAL member, NOT a support bassist like before in their earlier years. Akinori is visible in a lot of their recent PV's, is in promo pics with the band, and ON top of that during the MC's on their last two major lives, he's actually talked to the crowd alongside Hazuki and co. In the public eye, both fans in Japan and overseas see him in the same light as the other members. These are solid reasons alongside the others (that we do and don't know of) behind the band going on hiatus. Its not an issue of "hey they can just do XYZ" in the meantime. Guys it is NOT that simple.
  11. Ro plz

    Fuck this. I'm done.
  12. Ro plz

    Im broken right now.... Like...I really like Akinori and a lot of that is due to how lively and fun he is/meshes well with the band. What the fuck man.... What the fuck.
  13. Ro plz

    No offense to Kobayashi but damn, that new Guitarist/vocalist fits the song much better imo. And I love that Die is FINALLY more Audible! He sounds good! STOKED.
  14. Ro plz

    i came here by accident...... glad i did
  15. Ro plz

    Seems like it... because the first new song was supposedly violent.... Holy shit what is going on??
  16. Ro plz

    No. If anything, they probably haven't even properly recorded it yet. And with the stretch of shows that they have coming up, its likely that we wont be getting any type of announcement about it till early next year if not later.
  17. Ro plz

    Wow....old Undecided???
  18. Ro plz

    Despite what people may think of SADIE, and my issues with how inconsistent they seemed at times....they still are a super important band to me. Learning that they were going on an indefinite hiatus sucked but i was also happy at the same time. They need it. This led to them giving us VOYAGE, which is what I believe is their best work since COLD BLOOD. Watching this performance broke me. I was in front of my computer with tears rolling down my face as The crowd sang "lalalalalala" and Mao kept screaming "MORE" while crying....dawg I miss the hell out of SADIE and this live as a whole is superb. A perfect send off for a band that can really soar higher if they want to (upon their return).
  19. Ro plz

  20. Ro plz

    Merry is a band that i leave alone for long chunks of time and then when i revisit them its always a pleasurable time. They also are a band that I purposefully try not to know much about the older stuff in their discography because I absolutely love randomly coming across gems like this one Speaking of their recent material, I think im maybe the minority that enjoys Beautiful Freaks a lot. Its the first album that i really sat down and listened to through out and it was very appealing. Hella good gems on there especially Zaa Zaa and The Cry against me. I need to listen more to Nonsense Market but i remember my initial opinion on it was that it was just an okay album. It didn't grab me as much. Either way, MERRY is a pretty special band in terms of sound and band chemistry. Their live stuff radiates this kind of genuine feel and you can tell that these guys really enjoy each other and what they do. Side note: That recent single of theirs is ballin.
  21. Moon light down isn't even that bad of a song though. Nothing special....but damn.... Not bad.
  22. SADIE has a symphonic version of ROSARIO that surpasses any of Dir en grey's symphonic stuff.

    1. Tokage


      how tf did they get the budget to afford that kinda tomfoolery

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      @seurongDont take my word for it. Just watch this epic-ness.

    3. Tokage


      i mean Rosario's always been one of my most-liked Sadie songs, but i cant pick up any differences from the ''regular'' version???? guess my ears just suck or w/e


      still sounds bretty gud tho actually, im surprised

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  23. Up watching SADIE's last live. OH ITS FUCKIN LIT!

  24. Ro plz

    So pumped for this.
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