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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. I've gotten used to this place, to be honest. The old site had some things I'll miss, but I can live without. The only thing I won't miss is the frequent downtimes and crashes from all the traffic. The place was TOO easy to access probably.
  2. Number Girl

    While he probably has right to be angry about people doing stuff they shouldn't, he's such a drama queen it's just . . . lol.
  3. Number Girl

    Ah, thanks for reminding me about the update! Hm, this could either be really interesting or really bad. . .
  4. Number Girl

  5. Number Girl

    I just started this two months ago and I am a big newb to the whole Blogger thing, so it looks rather bland. The name is cheesy, but it just happened to stick. Just has reviews and news and stuff on bands I like and follow. http://southernfriednoodles.blogspot.com/
  6. Number Girl

    ^ Even though I probably like a couple of those aforementioned artists, I have to agree.
  7. Number Girl

    ??山田壮平 (andymori) Eizo Sakamoto (Anthem) Jun-ya Kato (Grand Slam) Koshi Inaba (B'z) Yama-B (Gunbridge) Kenichi Asai (BJC) Annie (Blindman) Ryuichi Kawamura (Luna Sea) 高橋良和 (As Meias) Takakazu Okazaki (Onsa)
  8. Number Girl

    Loudness breaking successfully into American scene in the 80's hide's funeral and the copy-cat suicides Luna Sea's Final Act at Tokyo Dome B'z being first Asian artists to be on Rock Walk
  9. Number Girl

    Terrible ones that had the greatest impact on me were: Irokui's vocalist Ruki (Gazette) - sorry, but because of him I can't bare to listen to the band much Asagi - not really bad, maybe even tolerable for some . . . but he does particularly grate on my ears Dynamite Tommy - for harder/punk songs I don't mind it, but he can be incredibly laughable attempting more pop-based songs Umemura - sometimes he's okay Tetsu (Malice Mizer) Miku (Antic Cafe) And all the vocalists from the "Crappy Bands to Cure Obscure Indies Obsessions" compilation.
  10. Number Girl

    Mine are a bit surprising, but it is my honest favorites: Yami ni Furu Kiseki (the original, though Classic White version is fine too) Kaleidoscope Quarter Void Tainted World in vain Cacoon Heaven's Door Kamikaze Hai to Ame Kogoeru Yoru ni Saita Hana Trickster All not counting the songs I liked from Monsters which are "Human-clad Monster," "dope," and "Final Call" <--- it grew on me, seriously.
  11. Number Girl

    Just saw the trailer. Philia does sound pretty good! And yeah, lol @ how they say "VERSAILLES" and Hizaki with a baby!
  12. Number Girl

    I'm actually kinda happy about the new single. "Destiny" and the other songs recently started growing on me. The T.V. show is probably going to be absolutely hilarious!
  13. Number Girl

    Recently I've discovered Crashdog really pumps me up. Yay for punk!
  14. Number Girl

    I don't know if they actually count, but I've heard people refer to Bluebeard, As Meias, and Onsa as shoegaze or shoegaze influenced. The band Sherbets is also sorta dream poppy. xD
  15. Number Girl

    You can never go wrong with Irokui! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq5WpijGmwU
  16. Number Girl

    So intense . . .
  17. Number Girl

    Recently Boris announced on their homepage for a new album released on Avex/tearbridge records. http://homepage1.nifty.com/boris/top.html Also a release titled "Attention Please" will be released on Sargent House and the album Heavy Rocks will be re-released (?) on Southern Lord records. No other details are given, but will be updated as it gets closer to the release, hopefully. HUGE EDIT: As of recently, here is what is going on: Boris is releasing FOUR new albums: 1) "New Album" - A Japanese release for March on Avex 2) Attention Please - A Sargent records release for April with Wata on vocals 3) Heavy Rocks - Another Sargent records release for April - this will NOT be a re-issue, but a completely new album with new songs 4) Klatter - a Merzbow and Boris compilation Please help spread the news around because there has been lots of confusion!
  18. Number Girl

    It would probably be too good to be true, but I'd love if there was an overseas release. o____o
  19. Number Girl

    Will actually be 2011 in almost an hour where I live, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! And we are doing. . . absolutely nothing, like last year. My dad is watching college bowl games and my bro is fooling around. . .
  20. Number Girl

    Maybe most of the same ones as last year. Might even see Kuroyume or Luna Sea this time. Probably no D'espa this year though. . . :'(
  21. Number Girl

    Growling isn't even all that interesting, imho. . . even if you can do it "correctly" or "well."
  22. Number Girl

    If you wanna go old skool, show them some pictures of the band Aura! Good luck showing your friends the wonders of visual kei.
  23. Number Girl

    I believe they planned on completing the tour and then taking a break, if I'm not mistaken. The singer has a temporary treatment so that he can continue until he has a chance to find better help.
  24. Number Girl

    ^ Yes, but I don't think that means they can't re-release old material. I'm holding onto a smidgen of hope that this doesn't signal a disbandment, but I'm hoping even more that they make the best choices for themselves. They have to do what they have to do.
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