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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    Yup! I'm following him on Twitter and he posted all the updates.
  2. Number Girl

    Volcano posted a compilation of samples from their new album Mythology on their website. Sounds awesome. http://4148.jp/
  3. Number Girl

    ^ Srsly, lol. . .
  4. Number Girl

    It was actually my imagined/subconscious real life depiction of him.
  5. Number Girl

    HMV has the album art, description, and a tentative track list available. It looks pretty awesome. http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/3975006 The sound is described as being a unique experimental pop release. Nice.
  6. Number Girl

    Any update on Hizumi's health?
  7. Number Girl

    I had a dream Herpes came over to my house for a slumber party and he tried to steal my popcorn. No joke.
  8. Number Girl

    Requesting this to be uploaded.
  9. Number Girl

    I also find that quote absurd. As for Kiwamu, he has neither a good attitude nor a good face and his music sucks, so I don't see how that could be an adequate argument in the first place. He probably announces stuff like that on his Facebook for the sheer fact that he knows he has big fans on there dumb enough to feel sorry for him and hopefully rationalize/justify his actions so he feels vindicated. "Kiwamu, you tell 'em baby! I love you!!!"
  10. Number Girl

    Yup, in most English non-VK forums, talking about VK could actually get you yelled at/made fun of/or even banned unless the people there are just really open. I've known and been apart of a few. Sadly most of those kinds of boards will have a short wave of activity and then they remain dormant for most of the time. Tainted World is one of the few places where both can coexist. Although visual kei is still predominant, people still are accepting of non-VK artists in a way and the threads aren't necessarily doomed to die.
  11. Number Girl

    Yay for Color fans!
  12. Number Girl

    Isn't it like that every year, though?
  13. Number Girl

    I'll admit they had some meaningful songs, but some of the English makes me laugh or go "wtf?"
  14. Number Girl

    I was listening to Kimonos today and was curious about Leo Imai. Does anyone recommend any particular albums by him by any chance? Was he in any other bands?
  15. Number Girl

    Bands with Best Lyrics: - Number Girl because Mukai is king of everything - The Stalin and Michiro Endo's spoken word/acoustic stuff especially the song "Mother, I Can Never Remember Your Face" - X Japan and Gackt (haters gonna hate) - Melt-Banana (joking . . .) Bands with Worst Lyrics: - Color - Guitar Wolf (some truly "deep" material, I'll say) - Loudness (some of the 80's stuff is lol)
  16. Number Girl

    I'm unsure about the whole "uploading" thing as well, considering I've never uploaded a thing here (and don't really plan to) and I'm a VIP.
  17. Number Girl

    I feel bad about my vote for "WTF?" now. I had completely forgotten about the retarded Ayabie sitation. . . I figured some lulzy band would get the "Best New Comer." xD
  18. Number Girl

    I didn't listen to it. I was a little discouraged by the line-up. I'm mostly disappointed that Ging Nang Boyz didn't cover a Stalin song like "Romanticist" or "Kaiboushitsu." "Just Like a Boy" isn't bad, but that band has so much energy to waste on an old geezer ballad.
  19. Number Girl

    I doubt it. At Amazon USA, only domestic addresses are eligible for prime shipping so I'm pretty sure the same applies to Japan. The Japanese Amazon Prime terms pretty much imply Japanese addresses only can get the free shipping benefits.
  20. Number Girl

    This band makes so many catchy songs and their singer is very lovely. I need to pick up all their singles collection albums. Right now I only have some iTunes songs I bought off Arcadia.
  21. Number Girl

    Versailles have actually been pretty active recently.
  22. Number Girl

    Yay, love anydmori! . . . if that isn't already obvious enough. Can't wait to hear them with the new drummer.
  23. Number Girl

    Luna Sea and D'espa are awesome! Welcome to Toasted Waffles.
  24. Number Girl

    Nice . . . hate seeing MUCC up there, but it is true in my opinion. Surprised Gackt got anything, I thought people hated him on here. . .
  25. Number Girl

    Then in 2014 Kiyoharu will hopefully IRL perma-ban them.
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