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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    I know, right? How disappointing. . . Still, I'll take his word for it about the awesomeness of it and think about investing in the DVD. Sadly, I don't think I'll be able to see Boris live any time soon, so a slightly less accurate representation of the live experience will have to suffice. xD
  2. Number Girl

    I lulzed for two hours after reading this. brb, losing faith in humanity.
  3. Number Girl

    Out of that list, I only listen to Owl City! xD I've read about BALZAC in a magazine before, they sound kinda cool. Welcome to TW!
  4. Number Girl

    I admit that in elementary school, I was a bit "eccentric" and probably was asking to be picked on. However, kids don't seem to want to let things go (I've been at the same exact school since kindergarten), and even after I became "more normal" it eventually got beyond just funny nicknames and such. Probably up until the later half of freshman year, I was called a lot more less-than-innocent names, had spitballs thrown at me, had things stolen from me and torn up, punched and shoved into the lockers and school bleachers, had rumors spread about me, and was generally tormented and belittled for just about everything they could come up with. I think what damaged me the most was not the bullying itself as much as the lack of action taken against it. Teachers didn't care, even when they were witnesses to it, and I was basically told to "get over it, you're just being a baby." All the blame was put on me, saying I was just too sensitive and needed to learn to fight back. It did much to damage my self-confidence and I missed out on a lot of my school life because I was just too afraid to be around those people (of course then I was accused me of being anti-social, snobby, and rude, so that sure helped). I really began to think I was all those things those people said I was. Gradually people grew up and it almost completely stopped, but I still can't wait to get out of there.
  5. Number Girl

    A friend of mine and fellow Boris fan posted this link today: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbe ... mID=150578 Awesome! And here's where to get it, not a bad price: http://www.southernlord.com/store.php
  6. Number Girl

    I don't see myself going out of my way to actually get this new album. Not that it wouldn't be interesting to hear, but because I find it useless to buy another copy of something I already have at just a higher price. Perhaps rather than just better production quality they would be new, improved, updated "evolutions" of the songs which could either turn out badly or epically. I was more looking forward to the "new material" as in actual newly written songs, so this release was rather anti-climactic to be honest but I guess beggars can't be choosers . (Although I find it highly ironic I was discussing the release of something like this in earlier pages of the thread).
  7. Number Girl

    Speaking of Disclose, does anybody have an idea of where I can buy CD's of them? @Chianti: LOL that thread. . .
  8. Good, because they would most likely be raped. Also, this: I understand Mao dreams about Kiyoharu every night, but lol.
  9. Number Girl

    Exclaim Sunsgrind Kulara VIVISICK Spiral Chord Cowpers 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal Are some of my favorites. Some are not completely solid hardcore through and through, but still have an excellent sound.
  10. Number Girl

    I had a dream that I was made a mod on TW and there was a huge inauguration ceremony! xD @ Chianti's post: Hah! My dad is one of those people who dreams in black and white!
  11. Number Girl

    It's not really my kind of thing, but it isn't too bad at all. Really soothing instrumental jazzy stuff.
  12. Number Girl

    You win for posting this. One of my favorite songs in the whole wide world.
  13. Number Girl

    I knew following MusicJapan+ on Twitter would have its benefits: http://www.musicjapanplus.jp/news/1/661 ... -a-grammy/ Yes, yes, yes I know people tend to do this at the Grammy's: And I understand this isn't the first time he's ever been nominated for one, so not really "news" I guess but still thought people would be interested, especially the few B'z fans lurking on this site. Ashamed to say that I've never heard any of his Larry Carlton collab material, despite the fact he has been enthusiastically promoting it on the B'z site for months now.
  14. Number Girl

    Spiral Chord's cover of "I Wanna Live" by The Ramones.
  15. Number Girl

    Eh sorry, if that's not the best way to describe it. Punk-ish, garage-y, hard rock whatever . . . >.> What would you think it sounds more like?
  16. Number Girl

    Someone fainting on stage in the middle of the performance a la X Japan? Interesting, though I was personally hoping for that "new material" they promised. I guess I would still like to hear the old songs in full/better quality, though I have doubts about how Ryuuchi is going to go about recreating those vocals.
  17. Number Girl

    Only if you like really jagged, raw punk rock would I recommend them. They aren't a bad band at all, though, just sometimes an acquired taste and something that takes time to get used to (as with all Kiyoharu projects). I agree that Sad Blood Rock 'n' Roll is one you should try out first. I personally can't stand them for the life of me - the way Kiyoharu sings in that band irritates me, and I don't remember them having a lot of songs I liked in general, most were kinda bland-ish. I did have "Strawberry," "Rakuen," and "Masquerade" on my iPod for a time so those are pretty listenable songs to start with.
  18. Number Girl

    This is good news they finally found someone, I was really sad about the old drummer leaving.
  19. Number Girl

    Weird. . . although I'm betting it is also connected to the recent hysteria. That still sucks though, they aren't charging any fees are they? Customs scares me, especially considering the awful delays and that items sometimes get lost waiting to get through.
  20. Number Girl

    Whaaat?!! Wow, it's been a while. . .
  21. Number Girl

    One question: Who is the band in the middle?
  22. Number Girl

    My two cents: Apparently due to terrorist fears, all items shipped to the United States via air from Japan that are over 16 oz. are restricted from being shipped into the country. However, if the shipper is registered with the Japanese Postal Service as an "approved shipper" (or something like that) then the restrictions do not apply. I'm pretty sure if you are buying from a reputable place like CDJapan or HMV or you are buying a small, lightweight item, I don't think there is a need for concern (but I am not completely certain, no websites have really posted anything about it). Not sure about Brand-X or how customs fits into all this, but I believe it should apply mainly to less established vendors (i.e. random Ebay users from Japan). (If you click on the Celga link I posted, they have a link to the details).
  23. Number Girl

    I knew ViViD didn't remind me of the Gazette for no reason. . .
  24. Number Girl

    Oh yeah, I remember that site. xD They do have quite an obsession with bacon and Twinkies. . .
  25. Number Girl

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