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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    Because we all know 90% of rock and metal is all about friendship and sunshines; we should totally expect better of its fandom, lol.
  2. Number Girl

    Tumblr in a nutshell: One user posts a picture. Ten thousand people "reblog" the same picture. The cycle continues. Is it true that it is like an unholy power combination of Twitter, LiveJournal, Flickr, formspring, and YouTube?
  3. Number Girl

    It's not like I was implying that as a negative thing. Although English-speaking music critics do give Japanese bands a bad rep, I believe that a lot of them are actually trying to convey their true feelings and emotions (but through a "Western" medium) and not just doing what they do because "ololololol we r liek Americunzzz, omg wer famus rockstraz." To be honest, I'm not all that crazy about traditional Japanese music, although some is interesting. I was just stating a basic fact.
  4. Number Girl

    The fact they are even playing rock music at all reflects their interest in American culture. If they wanted to be absolutely true to their roots, they'd just stick to the traditional music and instruments of Japan. But hey, it isn't like avoiding Western culture is something easy to do nowadays.
  5. Number Girl

    Cowpers most definitely.
  6. Number Girl

    ^ Country is alright. But Ke$ha, eh just so-so ...
  7. Number Girl

    Maybe they are dads just trying to see what these "Japanese homosexuals" their fat daughters are listening to are about, lol.
  8. Number Girl

    imo, the song is slightly better, but my opinions about her haven't really changed.
  9. Number Girl

    Something is wrong with this world; very, very wrong.
  10. Number Girl

  11. Yeah, I guess it is a good idea to get awareness of these bands - though personally I would have been more daring and went back into the 80's. 8D
  12. Number Girl

    By: Color
  13. Amusing is the only word for it. Horrifying for some. *remembers the Luna Sea tribute album*
  14. Number Girl

    Yeah, agreed. Not that I was actually planning on buying a Dead End shirt anyway.
  15. Number Girl

    This is like the sixth disbanding thread on the front page. . . depressing. Kagrra were an okay band and I liked some of their songs actually, so that's a shame.
  16. Number Girl

    Yeah, I used to blindly hate X Japan until I've found all stuff with Taiji playing in it is actually fine, back when they were just "X." Dahlia and everything after is just . . . :/
  17. Number Girl

    Good grief. . . shirts cost as much as an album. I hope they have pretty shirts.
  18. Number Girl

  19. Number Girl

    Cool, which one was it?
  20. Number Girl

    I used to hate all Japanese heavy metal. I liked visual kei-related metal and I enjoyed non-visual indie hardcore stuff, but I just couldn't stand anything that remotely came from the 80's just because I couldn't take the whole hair thing seriously (ironic that I liked bands like Antic Cafe at the same time, but fourteen-year-olds fail at logic ). Then one day about 2007/8-ish I was lurking in this obscure J-Music forum (after typing in "Dir en grey sucks" Google Search lol), I was told about Loudness and I listened to the song "Let It Go" on YouTube and since then I've come to love heavy metal. Now bands like Anthem are one of my most favorites! I also used to hate Melt-Banana and Boris. I just couldn't, no matter how hard I tried, get into noisy-type rock (especially Melt-Banana with the vocals). However, one day I just . . . couldn't get enough of it . . . and now those bands are also some of my top favorites along with many other noise-type bands. I think my frequent listening to Number Girl between the time I first listened to them and when I tried them out again, really helped me grow an ear for more "stranger" sounds. Finally, I used to hate Color and Dynamite Tommy. Now I'm kinda interested in them and have bought a few albums to try out. Tommy's voice and the old raw punkish sound has grown on me in a strange way too (but hey, if you can get comfortable with Melt-Banana's vocals, no band's singer is a challenge). To be fair, I'll also say I used to hate Dir en grey with a passion, but I've realized they have a couple of okay songs like "Yokan" and stuff off Uroboros. I don't think I'll ever fall in love with them and I can't see myself buying their albums or anything, but it no longer invokes as strong of anger within me to see them mentioned. Same with the Gazette. ^^
  21. Number Girl

    I think we have a winner.
  22. Number Girl

    Big time lucky used item splurge: Color - ASK THE ANGELS Color - Extremism: Best of Color Color - 激??!! Spiral Chord - サ・ヨ・ナ・ラ・セ・カ・イ Spiral Chord - 脳内フリクション Grand Slam - Rhythmic Noise Grand Slam - Infinity Grand Slam - Inside or Outside
  23. Number Girl

    This is about promotional videos, not videos taken from people's cellphones.
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