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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    The whole idea of "traditional Japanese/brutal-formula-makes-instant-originality-and-improvement" has gotten a little overrated if you ask me.
  2. Number Girl

    Project 86's album Rival Factions.
  3. Number Girl

    ^ Oh cool, thanks for showing me that even though that wasn't directed at me. xD
  4. Number Girl

    ^ I wouldn't know one particular seller, but your best bet is an auction site like Yahoo Japan, Rakuten, or MBok. However, you'll need a deputy service like Celga to bid on them. Celga's website is at http://www.celga.com and they have links to all those sites there.
  5. Number Girl

    That's just nasty.
  6. Number Girl

    Lulzing at Jack Chick tracts.
  7. Number Girl

    I don't see why you couldn't grab something off Purple Sky. They usually ask generic questions like that.
  8. Number Girl

    Yes, many metal people in Japan also like to put ^__^'s and other smiley things in their writing.
  9. Number Girl

    They haven't worked together in years, so I wouldn't doubt they must be like strangers now. But I doubt Kiyoharu would force himself to work with someone he had major issues with. :/
  10. Number Girl

    Well, that is a relief. . .I was about to say, that'd be rather pointless if Hitoki wasn't in it. It isn't like Kiyoharu can't cover Kuroyume songs or write new ones under his own name. :/
  11. Number Girl

    ^ Agreed, you can score cheap things on Amazon.jp if you look. I recently bought a very rare CD for only $.45 USD ($9.00 SAL shipping) from there. Granted it was used and the exterior was not in optimal quality, but the disc itself was near mint and every thing went relatively smooth with the delivery process. Chinese CD vendors on Ebay also have a number of decently-priced used CD's, some with free shipping, so if your desperate to save I'd check there. The only reason I liked CDJapan is because they have more options in regards to shipping. Sometimes I can't always afford the big EMS prices, so I like being able to go lower as needed. HMV, Amazon.jp (new items), and some others don't offer much else for overseas deliveries except EMS.
  12. Number Girl

    A song that I feel is geared towards not just expressing an emotion, but channeling the emotion to the listeners is what I think is part of an effectively "emotional" song. A ballad is just another song if I feel the singer or guitar player is detached from the speaker and just seem to be doing it to have a sad song to add variety to their discography. (Hence why I tend to roll my eyes whenever I hear an artist has another "great" ballad out). I think subjectivity does play a part in it, but I also believe it can also be a matter of an individual's understanding. Sometimes you can't get all you can out of a song by just hearing it once, by not understanding the lyrics (specifically the Japanese bands), or by just listening to the guitars or some other aspect and not the song as a whole. There are times when I have to look at those various deminisions before I come to really love a song. I hope that all makes sense. . .
  13. Number Girl

    Seriously, Yama-B, Eizo, Michirrrooooo, and Akita Masami talk about food 24/7 in their blogs.
  14. Number Girl

    Dynamite Tommy and my copy of Gekitotsu as well as Grand Slam.
  15. Number Girl

    @dracolicious13: Just commenting to say I agree with everything you just said thus far. xD Especially with the "opera" singing thing and the stuff about fans whining about concerts. It's rock, not a poetry-reading, what do people expect?
  16. Number Girl

    He died, I hope.[/hate bandwagon] Nah, I think Kyotaro is a pretty cool guy, eh sings okay-ish and doesn't afraid of anything.
  17. Number Girl

    Yeah, agreed. Indie/early EMI Kuroyume was always my most favorite; could never get hooked on some of those later releases. Still trying it out of curiosity though.
  18. Number Girl

    Now how exactly do you know all those J-Rockers are certified? I've seen no documentation whatsoever.
  19. Number Girl

    Kinda creepy. . .
  20. Number Girl

    Yay, finally!
  21. Number Girl

    That's just . . . ugh . . . Best of wishes to that little girl and her family.
  22. Number Girl

    The evolution of my emotions reading the latest posts in this thread:
  23. Number Girl

    I love Kenzi's Kamaitachi/Sisters no Future stage name: Crazy Danger Nancy Ken-chan. Very gangsta indeed. Other hilarious/weird names: Crazy Cool Joe - bassist from Dead End Yama-B - singer of AxBites (reminds me of some hip-hop star) Dynamite Tommy - singer of Color (also reminds me of some hip-hop star) Annie - singer from Blindman (I know it is a "normal" name, but it just doesn't seem very fitting for him AT ALL) Yoshii Lovinson - singer from the Yellow Monkey (the fake last name just kills me) GACKT - kinda an obvious one, but still think that's probably the wierdest name in all visual kei Chachamaru - Gackt's guitarist
  24. Number Girl

    Google: 3790 results Google Images: 610 results And as expected most are Number Girl related.
  25. Number Girl

    That makes a lot of sense, actually. See flikflak's comment. Same with Versailles.
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