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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    It was on the LALIENE demo tape, I believe and some compilation album.
  2. Number Girl

    Two Crashdog albums Some embroidery floss A pack of beads A chicken melt at Steak & Shake A frappe from Starbucks Some photo editing software for my mom
  3. Number Girl

    brb, throwing up Edit: Then again, I couldn't think of a better or more brilliant campaign. At least it is a lot better than releasing 10 different versions of the same single or something.
  4. Number Girl

    Some of those guys look just . . . ew. And those pics are really badly shooped, good Lord. Kyotaro looks alright.
  5. Number Girl

    I thought that's what it was meaning too and I was also going to put JRR!
  6. Number Girl

    I forgot to also mention MUCC. I used to be such a big fangirl, but then their new music just kinda made me sick of them, plus I just found better bands to obsess over. . . it's almost kinda sad. I still listen to their old stuff whenever I feel like it, but that is very rare (despite what my Last.FM charts will lead people to believe).
  7. Number Girl

    I actually kinda feel sorry for him, lol.
  8. Number Girl

    Okay, thanks a lot!!!!
  9. Number Girl

    Needing the valued opinion of someone who knows Japanese. Does anyone know a more accurate romanization of a few band members of andymori? I know Wikipedia says one thing, but I see different stuff everywhere (and Wikipedia is notorious for screwing up stuff like that). Here are their names in Japanese I have questions about: ??山田壮平 藤原寛 I just don't want to try to rape their names and look like a fool if I happen to be talking about them. xD
  10. Number Girl

    I could care less how "metal" they are. Actually, I prefer their songs that are less dark and heavy. There are times when wading out of one area can cost you the things that made people love you in the first place and that is exactly what happened here for me. If they just decided to make regular generic hard rock or garage songs, I'd actually be happier than if they decided to go all [insert sophisticated-sounding obscure genre]. I'm not convinced a single song on the album is remotely good from any perspective. I would be positive that this change means something good in the future and that they'll venture in something extraordinary, but I tried being positive after Shion and I tried being positive after Kyutai and things just only got worse every time so I'm not sure being positive after Karma is going to be worth it.
  11. Number Girl

    Oh yeah I remember her. This chick just plain creeps me out even when she isn't dressed like a maniac. Which song is that?
  12. Number Girl

    I used to love many, many of the "popular" visual band such Gazette, Antic Cafe, Miyavi, Alice Nine, MM, Moi dix Mois, Candy Spooky Theater etc. until I realized that I only liked them because everyone else did, not because I really liked the music all that much. There are a couple of songs that I listen to when feeling like reminiscing, but otherwise I just ignore most of those kinds of bands now and trust my own ears for music instead of the J-Rock fangirl consensus. I used to like Galneryus, but I grew to hate a lot of that brand of symphonic metal especially as their music started to get worse and they started hiring VK boys and old J-Pop singers. (Although I'm a hypocrite, I still like Versailles, but they aren't really my favorite anymore). I still love Yama-B and his other projects, but anything with Syu in it makes me roll my eyes. And it is sad because Syu is such a good-looking guy. T_T Finally, I used to love Coldplay, but nowadays I have to be really in the mood to even listen to their halfway decent older material.
  13. Number Girl

    I dreamed I had to sing a song for some kind of play at school and I realized that I had no idea what half the song's words were. It was pretty scary.
  14. Number Girl

    That book was required reading for my English class last year. It was pretty graphic and tough to get through, but it was really good overall. It made me appreciate A LOT that I live in a culture that (for the most part) sees women and children as human beings and not someone's property or commodities. I can't say my life has been hard, even though my emotions may want me to think that sometimes. Even when my families were a very low point, we always lived decently well.
  15. Number Girl

    For those 'Mericuns still concerned about customs: I got a package from CDJapan and I didn't really see anything that looked like it had been messed with at all. :/
  16. Number Girl

    Yay for Gackt fans! Welcome!
  17. Number Girl

    If you have iTunes, there is a radio streaming station called "JRadio.Net" that's entirely filled with Japanese CCM. Most of it is just gospel-style music, English hymns sung in Japanese, and very mellow adult contemporary/acoustic stuff like mainstream CCM in America. Nothing really exciting.
  18. Number Girl

    Yeah, I realize that this was released a thousand years ago, but I finally listened to it anyway. . . I have to say this release was the most devoid of emotion of any MUCC album I have ever heard in my life. On top of that, everything just sounds awful (Tatsurou's voice especially), not to mention terribly boring. MUCC just needs to let this type of music go and focus on something else or just stop making any altogether, in my opinion. It doesn't really deserve an effort to rate it or anything. BLEH.
  19. Number Girl

    The English version of "December Love Song" by Gackt is definitely my favorite "Christmas/wintery" song. The video always makes me cry.
  20. Number Girl

    I have never personally bought a book or mag from them, but I hear that they package everything very well so nothing is bent or damaged. When I ever received extras with items from them, they were always wrapped up and placed neatly with everything else. I think everything will be fine. ^^
  21. Number Girl

    The cover of "In the Name of Justice" (and the title itself) always cracks me up. It's so serious! xD
  22. Number Girl

    Agreed. It's even worse finding out if the other guy/girl is liking someone else, and they actually start dating. I always get the thought "That should've been me" in my head, I know it's selfish but yeah, I'm sure most people actually feel this way .__. *raises hand* In that very same situation right now. It seems like every time I begin to gather the confidence to share my feelings or to attempt to start some kind of relationship, the other person finds someone else. Double disappointment when that "someone" happens to be one of my close friends and you have to see them together all the time. blah blah blah. . .
  23. Number Girl

    Huh, weird title from a band like them.
  24. Number Girl

    Just posting to say I'm enjoying looking through this thread! I was never much of a jazz person, but some of this stuff is great.
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