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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    A new favorite of mine:
  2. Number Girl

    With some of those songs off Heavy Rock Hits and then that Golden Dance Classics split from a year or two ago, this change in sound doesn't surprise me at all. Speaking of "Attention Please" it looks like the announcement has been removed from the home page, strange.
  3. Number Girl

    Agreed with the above!!! Should be an interesting album.
  4. Number Girl

    I'll talk about my procrastinating . . . later.
  5. Number Girl

    I really felt that this single didn't live up to the hype . . . or anything really. I think I'm probably the only one who disliked it, but whatever. "Misery" was not that bad actually, but it wasn't amazing either. It could have passed for something released under just Kiyoharu's name basically. Not exactly something worth getting too excited about. It's certainly not a remake by any means of the old "Misery" (which I liked a bit more). I couldn't find anything I liked about "Paraphilia" or "Glory Hole." Just, no. . . there's a lot more I could say to express how I feel about those songs, but I'm going to reserve that for another place. So in conclusion: Misery: 5/10 Glory Hole: 3/10 Paraphilia: 2/10 Overall: 3/10
  6. Number Girl

    Well, it this may not count, but Atchan went from a great drummer of an awesome, legend band to a "meh" singer of a generic, yet fun dance rock band. So I guess he didn't really "progress" but it is interesting still how he's changed. xD TDoNX0lRL1g n2liDrVSx0U
  7. Number Girl

    Fleetwood Mac . . . @___@
  8. Number Girl

    DO WANT.
  9. Number Girl

    Hah, it's nice to have someone who "gets" my username! ^^
  10. Number Girl

    Hello, fellow Number Girl fan, I've seen your name around quite a few times in other places! Nice to have you on Monochrome Heaven!
  11. Number Girl

    Scary lady!!!!
  12. Number Girl

  13. Number Girl

    Btw, I found a link to where someone was posting they heard about a "new songs" thing: http://community.livejournal.com/lunati ... 28493.html Apparently info about new songs made it to Wikipedia and many other places as well, hm. Thanks for that little historical piece of info. That would explain why I haven't heard of those songs until recently -and why people thought they were new songs. I only ever collected their studio CD's.
  14. Number Girl

    Well that's what I was wondering to be honest, heh. A few people on LJ were saying they saw a setlist with a new song called "Days of Repetition" or "Days of Limitation" or something like that, but as far as I'm concerned it is a rumor for now. Random derpy fan question, but when were "Nightmare" and "Suspicious" released?
  15. Number Girl

    Does anyone have any live clips of them doing the new song(s)?
  16. Number Girl

    Well, he at least apologized to her (the camera lady), but it was really, really poor judgement. I would have said he shouldn't have tried getting off the stage in the first place, but whatever. :/ But I think trying to halt a possible illegal activity makes more sense than just hitting people who happen to crowd his precious space because he's a dramatic "diva" lololol.
  17. Number Girl

    A few years ago there was this big deal about an Anime USA live where Kamijo stepped off the stage during a show, he unknowingly injured a lady staff member trying to take her camera away. It ended up being a horrible mistake on his part, since he actually didn't know she had permission and thought she was an illegal photographer. I think at that same moment he did push a girl because she reportedly bit him/grabbed him on the arm and tried to tear his clothes or something weird like that. (Or so the story goes). But a lot of fans who weren't even there or who had second-hand information were bitching about it for several days, saying Kamijo was being a maniac diva and we should all boycott Versailles, lol.
  18. Number Girl

    I lol'd in real life at this. Doesn't Yoshiki have a bad temper or something too? I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
  19. Number Girl

    I had a dream Luna Sea were coming to a local grocery store (yeah, that's right) in my hometown and they played "Breathe" and I started sobbing my brains out, I was so happy.
  20. Number Girl

    Yep, Champ's right! It's very "non-VK friendly" around here. Our Last.FM music tastes are "VERY HIGH" cool. ^^ I like a bit of indie and underground music too, though probably not as much as other people here. Welcome to Monochrome Heaven!
  21. Number Girl

    Funny thing about Celga, back at Christmas they gave me one of their free gift thingies with my order and they gave me a GiGs guitar lesson CD, but they didn't put the actual GiGs magazine with it. So now I have this lone CD full of useless guitar solos on repeat. Wonderful service. I try to use deputy services now only as a last ditch effort to get something rare. My last two orders I didn't get any gifts but for awhile they where giving me all sorts of crap and some of it was pretty cool! The best gift was La'cryma Christi album Sculpture of Time Wow, they really screwed me over then, haha. It took me a month to figure out exactly what the CD was supposed to be about until a friend explained it to me. Would have loved to get a GiGs mag. . . especially since it covers bands that I'm actually into, plus they actually have sheet music/tabs of Japanese artists.
  22. Number Girl

    Like I said before, I think he's just whoring for attention and trying to garner sympathy from his fans.
  23. Number Girl

    Funny thing about Celga, back at Christmas they gave me one of their free gift thingies with my order and they gave me a GiGs guitar lesson CD, but they didn't put the actual GiGs magazine with it. So now I have this lone CD full of useless guitar solos on repeat. Wonderful service. I try to use deputy services now only as a last ditch effort to get something rare.
  24. Number Girl

    I get many releases as gifts, so probably just around $250 a year more or less. It varies depending on what band I happen to be collecting at the moment or if I'm buying used or new stuff. I don't buy DVD's, magazines, or worry about getting first presses or limited editions, so that helps a lot.
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