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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    brb, crying out of shame of the human race Kiwileaks sounds like a brilliant project.
  2. Number Girl

  3. Number Girl

    Good lord, the song is already horrible enough in its hideous original form.
  4. Number Girl

    Lol, I tried pocky maybe once when a friend offered it to me. It's like eating a cookie except without all the flavor. . .
  5. Number Girl

    The thought of an anime club makes me cringe, just because most anime fans I've known have been the screaming, screeching, ADHD type girls . . .
  6. Number Girl

    Never was into them much, sad to say, but always in support of whatever Kenichi Asai does. I really liked his voice a lot more on Sherbets than BJC. I second Des' statement that as long as he doesn't quit music, it's all good.
  7. Number Girl

    Ah, I went through a six month phase of trying to dress vee-kay, but I was trying to emulate the Kera models more as I had enough common sense to know that trying to dress like this would only result in epic failure. I had already dressed a bit punk-ish already but tried to incorporate the Japanese style into my fashion more. Then I stopped giving a shit about fashion in general. I don't think I even ever emulated anything, lol. I just bought a bunch of tacky black studded stuff to wear all over my body and saw that as trying to be "hardcore visual" and such . I guess one day I had a revelation that 1) I look retarded and 2) it just wasn't me, I was simply forcing myself to be something I wasn't and stopped dressing like that ever since.
  8. Number Girl

    I'm judging, by its purpose alone, that it may be an upbeat pop-rock song or a ballad like most of the other charity singles have been.
  9. Number Girl

    Oh god, I probably have some, though I often frequently prided myself on being one of the "milder" weaboos if one at all. I don't have a lot of internet archived moments, since I probably deleted them a long time ago. Anyway, it shouldn't be hard for me to make you feel better about yourself. . . My idea of a critical review on LJ circa 2008: "Also, I'm really happy because one of my favorite bands, Versailles came out with their first full-length album called "Noble." I fell in love, it rocks so hard. I don't know which song I loved the most!" I've done tons of weeaboo-ish stuff IRL. All this stuff took place in middle school and freshman year of high school mostly. - Put anime characters/lulzy visual kei J-Rockers on my school binders - Carried around lulzy pictures of visual kei bands printed off the internet at school and showed them to uninterested people - Bought a GACKT T-shirt on Ebay for $50 even though it was too small for me and proceeded to wear it once weekly throughout freshman year. - Carried around and showed uninterested people an issue of Purple Sky at school - In seventh grade, I wrote a (bad) poem about Shigure Sohma (from Fruits Basket) for Literature class and know one knew wtf I was talking about - Made stupid nicknames for J-Rockers that I used when talking about them with my friends (and I don't mean names like "Kyo-chan" or something like that, but WEIRD names). - Taken my lap top to school (to present a project) with Versailles in the desktop background to "show off" my taste And I think I went through a six month phase of wanting to dress "gawfic" and "veekay" - which really translates to wearing Hot Topic crap. Luckily this all took place before I owned a camera. And the list goes on, but that should be sufficient. . .
  10. Number Girl

    Anthem finally put up an announcement on their website for their new album!!! More info here (in Japanese): http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/anthem/ At this time, it is scheduled for July 6 this summer!
  11. Ah, CAT5 I did not know you used to like Hyde and Rentrer en Soi! ^^ I looked back at my own Photobucket account several weeks ago and discovered many, many not-funny macros I had made for an LJ comm and some TERRIBLE anime/J-music fan drawings. Even found some A9, Gazette, and Miyavi stuff in there as well. And agree with Disposable too! I get embarrassed reading my old forum stuff (not TW/MH of course, but elsewhere), I end up literally banging my head against something. I was so mean to people! xD
  12. Number Girl

    Headache. . .
  13. Number Girl

    ^ Agreed with everything above. :/
  14. Number Girl

    Watch, "Dry Ice Scream!!" will be the best song they've ever written. @ Peace Heavy: That theory about the misspelling makes sense, actually.
  15. Number Girl

    Yeah, you know it!
  16. Number Girl

  17. Number Girl

    Translation: Incredibly dull and without any soul am i doing it rite?
  18. Number Girl

    I kinda like it slightly better than Misery, but I agree it is still bland. . .
  19. Number Girl

    Excited for this! ^___^ *awaits the Monty Python jokes*
  20. Number Girl

    Bleach manga Volume 34
  21. Number Girl

    Ron's post reminded me I love Eizo Sakamoto's metal songs covers. Could care less about his anime theme/J-POP song covers, but he totally pwns when it comes to metal classics. 1V8A2XxJsY8
  22. Number Girl

    Ron's post reminded me I love Eizo Sakamoto's metal songs covers. Could care less about his anime theme/J-POP song covers, but he totally pwns when it comes to metal classics. 1V8A2XxJsY8
  23. Number Girl

    Hello! ^___^
  24. Number Girl

    ^ Well, on that sentiment, it isn't unheard of for Yoshiki press to exaggerate from time to time either. Or so the rumors go . . .
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