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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

  2. Number Girl

    Sorry to hear that Naru . . . O____o
  3. Number Girl

    Maybe move this to Tainted Waffles since this a big joke anyway. the judgement day site is down for maintenance, maybe they changing the dates now? lol
  4. Number Girl

    Normally, I disagree with Dawkin's beliefs but he's sadly right on target with that quote, lol.
  5. Number Girl

    For anyone curious - here is Andymori's new album information: http://www.andymori.com/3rdalbum/
  6. Number Girl

    Harold Camping is a big fat scammer who makes me sick and that's all I have to say.
  7. Number Girl

    Hey it's the South Carolina state motto, lol. Thought the same, actually.
  8. Number Girl

    ^_________________^ !!!!
  9. Number Girl

    this cant be for real.
  10. Google is taking over the world, I swear. Integrating with YouTube accounts and others, now this. My blogs were made post-2007 so I guess I'm in the clear. . . ?
  11. Number Girl

    Baroque and An Cafe are the best. ^^
  12. Number Girl

    Very generic suggestions for Loudness but Thunder in the East and Disillusion (English or Japanese version) are classic albums. A key thing to know about Loudness is to listen to the ones with Niihara as singer. Mike Vescera just sucks. . .don't even bother.
  13. Number Girl

    Probably. . . The Stalin (w/ original '85 lineup) x Melt-Banana Number Girl x Boris Anthem x Grand Slam
  14. Number Girl

    Love The Stalin (michirrrrooooo), Guitar Wolf, Yellow Monkey, and Blankey Jet City (if they count). Also, obviously a lot of the 80's metal bands such as Anthem, Loudness, et. al.
  15. Number Girl

  16. Number Girl

    Didn't she actually get famous enough to get on a Japanese TV show/porn/whatever or something like that?
  17. Haha, awesome. Yay, for more MxBx fans on MH!!!
  18. Number Girl

    Can't decide if I like the song or not, but nothing about it strikes me really. But, but, but! I enjoy the music video too.
  19. Number Girl

    I like Gackt, don't get me wrong, but I just wish he'd release a decent album for once and not just more so-so singles. I don't even think Reborn should count as an original album - more like another compilation. Edit: Fix'd
  20. Number Girl

    I found it via Google on one of my leeching escapades back before I bothered to buy anything. I registered at TW.net long before I became active under some random account to get some Yama-B downloads and then forgot about it until a year ago when I got tired of the other forum I used to go on.
  21. Number Girl

    I wouldn't consider myself a HUGE indie fan, I probably couldn't name that many bands as CAT5 or Aion, but I am a HUGE fan of Number Girl and a massive Inazawa fan girl. I think he's the most kawaii indie rocker ever, not to mention one of the greatest Japanese drummers. Never was fond of Mukai's projects, though I thought Kimonos was fantastic. I liked one of Nakao Kentaro's bands Spiral Chord too; they are one of those not-so-typical garage bands. Another band I consider kawaii is andymori, though I've only known about them for a year or so. I have a thing for "indie-style" rock bands with catchy melodies and clear vocals. I'm THRILLED about their upcoming album. Melt-Banana is also a big favorite - finally music that fits my attention span. Agata is <3. Recently, I also got into Molice. I think Rinko is sorta cute and her voice isn't bad either. They are probably the first female-fronted Japanese bands I've really held an interest in lately besides Melt-Banana. I have a thing for that punkish new-wave sound. Speaking of which, I also love VOLA & the Oriental Machine, even though they are actually major now and became Telephones II: Electric Boogaloo. I think PRINCIPLE was a solid album; had more high points than SA-KA-NA had for me, though it certainly doesn't contend with Android and Darkside. I guess to name some bands I have a passing interest within the more "well-known" indie bands: Sparta Locals, Ginnan Boyz, Eastern Youth, and downy. I have more favorite bands in the "super ultra mega underground" category. I love a lot of the Japanese post-emo, punk, and hardcore bands. Sunsgrind is probably my biggest guilty pleasure - I have a weak spot for sappy melodic hardcore sk8ter music sung in Engrish :B. Some other underground bands As Meias, Bluebeard, and Onsa that have the pretty post-rock/post-emo sound I fall for, as long as the vocalist isn't too nasally. Recently in regards to that brand of indie, I've gotten into Cowpers and Exclaim. Cowpers being a 90's hardcore band, and Exclaim being a DIY punk band that sounds like steroids on steroids. Pretty amazing. . . I'm sure I've left out someone else. . .
  22. Number Girl

    Lol, that's golden. Don't have an answer to your question, I'm just glad most of the stupidity is harbored on FB and the internet and not anywhere near where I live.
  23. Number Girl

    Eeeeeeeek, another Eizo Sakamoto and Anthem fan on MH!!! Welcome!!!
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