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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    In America there are also some people who buy any domestic releases of VK or "J-Rock" bands they can find just to show that there is a good market for their favorite kind of music and possibly encourage it to grow and expand to include their most favorite bands. Don't know how successful this has really been, but I've seen a lot more J-Rock on the shelves of B&M music stores than I have in the past.
  2. Number Girl

    Also still haven't received one since I made a request . . .
  3. Number Girl

    Okay, will do! ^^
  4. Number Girl

    If I were to rate them myself it would be: New Album > Heavy Rocks = Attention Please New Album was very solid, I felt. It probably kept my attention the most out of the three. Songs I enjoyed the most were "Hope," "Spoon," "Tu, la la," "Looprider," and that version of "Black Original." 9/10 Heavy Rocks had some awesome and then some so-so songs. High points for me were "Riot Sugar," "Missing Pieces," "Czechoslovakia," "Aileron," and "Window Shopping." The rest I disliked or have yet to grow on. 8/10 I felt meh about Attention Please when I first heard it, but I really, really like the alternate versions of "Tokyo Wonder Land," "Party Boy," and "Spoon" on there plus the title track and "See You Next Week." Also an 8/10.
  5. Number Girl

    Can someone recommend me a currently active indie post-rock or shoegaze band with good male vocals similar to Caroline Rocks, cabs, and cinema staff?
  6. Number Girl

    Kuroyume Madieduor emmuree DéspairsRay D La:Sadie's T.M. Revolution gossip Awoi MUNIMUNI as meias
  7. Number Girl

    The books Water for Elephants and Life of Pi.
  8. Number Girl

    The Tragedy of Cibicco-san 1. "CIBICCO-SAN" - Number Girl 2. "Tonight" - Luna Sea 3. "????誰も??????部屋??" - GACKT 4. "Curve II" - Cowpers 5. "Fightstarter Karaoke" - Dropkick Murphys 6. "KA RE HA TE TA SA KI - No One's Grieve -" - Boris 7. "Disappear" - As Meias 8. "fine" - Onsa 9. "Healer says . . ." - Blindmand 10. "Alive" - Pearl Jam ^ btw, that would be the worst compilation ever. xD
  9. Number Girl

    Thanks to the internet, I believe currently there are more overseas visual kei fans than Japanese. However, it is still a very small and scattered fandom.
  10. Number Girl

    Since they had so many releases at once, I thought it would be good to talk about them all in the same thread. So, thoughts about New Album, Klatter, Attention Please, Heavy Rocks and anything else put out this year I forgot to mention . . . ? For the record, I haven't heard Klatter at all yet but I bought the other three on CD. New Album has managed to grow on me while Heavy Rocks and Attention Please are slowly getting there. I'm not severely disappointed by anything so far. I honestly love "poppy Boris" even though they may have written better songs. I also have learned to enjoy Wata's voice more than I have in the past. Will go more in-depth about what I thought here later. ^^
  11. Number Girl

    Did anyone else listen to Yoshiki Radio the other day? Opinions?
  12. Number Girl

    With the "equipment" I have, I can only hear a huge difference in quality if 1) it is a dramatic decrease such as 60 kb or lower or 2) it is a YouTube PV/bad tape or vinyl rip. As for anything higher than that, the difference is faint, such as what Arithmetica said.
  13. Number Girl

    Apparently not as dumb as Ahito Inazawa's fans . . . http://www.tomscott.com/stupidfight/#ah ... thegazette Haha, I guess Japanese characters are considered dumb or something, lol.
  14. Number Girl

    that was quick.
  15. Number Girl

    The PV is strange, the song is awesome. Looking forward to this album. Haters better STFU.
  16. Number Girl

    Never heard of it before. Sounds cool, but it would take me forever and six years to upload my collection with my internet service . . .
  17. Number Girl

    Song is so DOPE!!! I really didn't expect that.
  18. Number Girl

    Haha, idk except I can tell one is slightly clearer than another, but that's about it. Then again, I am listening through laptop speakers. . .
  19. Number Girl

    ^ Thank you, Ito.
  20. Number Girl

  21. Number Girl

    The one day I don't visit the site . . .
  22. Number Girl

    I still feel sorry for the guy (Hizumi), even if it was his choice, yadayada - not for the fact he's selling merchandise, but because I have a good idea about where he really wants to be. But it is better than not showing up and unable to see any of his fans at all, I suppose. Well, hope the show goes well.
  23. Number Girl

    Here is a sample from his site: http://gackt.com/page/release_39thnewsingle/index.html I'll say, it is better than I thought it would be. Definitely beats "Ever."
  24. Number Girl

    Yeah, I did, my bad. I always get them two confused. And agreed, Rebirth was ten times more acceptable. Reborn was like the rip-off of the century what with that huge single promotion streak he went on.
  25. Number Girl

    Srsly . . . ? Whatever, going back to ignoring him again. What Zesshoku said.
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