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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    OH NO, I'M SO SCEYURD!!!!!! NOT FACEBUUUUUK!!!! So what's for lunch?
  2. Number Girl

    I'm not a fan of Diru, but I tried to be as open-minded as possible about this because I heard it was good and I always try to give good music a chance. I also liked Uroboros a lot and seeing as this is going in that direction I thought I might like DSS too. So please don't flame me or anything, I will try to be mostly nice. ^___^ I tried it for another reason because Kyo's new hair cut is cute. ^___^ Things I liked - Instrumentals are awesome for a good percent of the song - some nice effects and added stuff in there. Tons of cool guitar solos. I also liked the general atmosphere of the album. Morbid, chilling - great concept throughout. If I ever decide to buy this - would be nice contrast from all my happy-skippy indie stuff. ^___^ Neat how they do something a little different with each song. No tracks can really stand out on their own though, it is an artful playground of sound. If they can make a few slight improvements, their follow-up releases should be killer. Things I hated - Kyo, though he is very cute . . . I can't stand most of his singing. Especially that pseudo-falsetto type clean singing he does alternatively with his screeching/screaming. I guess it is supposed to add to that creepy mood, but it makes me giggle uncontrollably. ^___^ I suppose big metal people will also say "Well, you just don't understand how much talent it takes to make those sounds." Exactly . . . I don't. And don't care to because it sounds freaking retarded. Sometimes I can tolerate it, sometimes it sounds laughably terrible. His regular clean singing sounds alright - hasn't changed much in ten years. Another thing I don't like is that the songs though not actually long, feel SO LONG. It is like a patience game to get through every song without skipping them midway or getting distracted and start looking at kitten pictures on Google. Not gonna do a song-by-song as I don't think that's even possible to do with this ^___^ . My top favorites were probably Different Sense (except the angry cat screeching, melodic parts were great), Dreambox (too lazy to write how whole name), Vanitas, and Ruten no Tou. Lots of good stuff on there, but there were a few tracks that teetering on boringness or just plain horrible. I guess those are expected when you try new stuff. Anyway . . . my rating is 7/10. Great effort.
  3. Number Girl

    Holy crap, this band was a legend. I had no idea he was sick. R.I.P.
  4. Number Girl

    I used Celga and Rinkya and honestly I do NOT recommend either of those. Celga gave me a few issues and Rinkya was way expensive for such an item - luckily both items ended up in my house in good shape, but after a lot of headache. If you are just getting a CD, I suggest trying Goodie Japan since their rates looked the most decent out of all the ones I researched.
  5. Number Girl

    Gasoline B'z - C'mon <3
  6. Number Girl

    If they have positive feedback, you shouldn't worry too much. Most Japanese sellers won't try to sell something if it is the least bit unlistenable, though you can always expect a bit of wear on used items (cracked jewel cases, rinkled pages, etc) which may explain the low price.
  7. Number Girl

    dude this is like my life theme song
  8. Number Girl

    mai favrit band.
  9. Number Girl

    Dynamite Tommy taught them well.
  10. Yeah, this would probably be best for the MH Market or the Events subforums. I will inform a globie or admin and see what they think. ^__^
  11. Number Girl

    I don't see why ratings, sales and such would matter to Diru (or their fans) much anymore . . . with the way they are going now with their music and image, I'd say they were just trying to appeal to Japan's smaller metal niche (and the large international one) rather than to the masses in Japan. If they are trying to chart really super duper high in Japan and sell out the Dome for two weeks in a row, they are doing a horrible, horrible job. They would just have to be so much more accessible musically. Metal in Japan (especially experimental stuff) is about as popular as homemade crap nowadays - unless Yoshiki's in your band. I think doing Loud Park with a bunch of other really popular Western metal bands is as big as they're gonna go.
  12. Number Girl

    Hey, Mei! You're not in trouble or anything, but just reminding everyone that if you have any other questions about CD shops that they should go in this thread, just so that the forum stays tidy and so we can aggregate all info people may want to know about the shops into one convenient place. Arigato!!! ^___^
  13. Number Girl

    It is just really funny to see Yoshiki doing everything BUT making music . . . which I thought was the whole point. But I guess whatever he thinks he needs to do to get out there. . .
  14. Number Girl

    Wow . . . I envy myself a minute ago before I read that paragraph.
  15. Number Girl

    My thoughts exactly, but I kinda wanna hear the one with Aoi singing, lol.
  16. Number Girl

    Since this thread is being bumped up again and no one is really posting about the new album, I'm going to suggest directing discussion about X Japan to their thread in the Artist section, just so that the conversation can stay in one place. Thanks for cooperating.
  17. Number Girl

    Have fun and be safe! >.
  18. Number Girl

    Hello! ^^ Hope you have fun here.
  19. Number Girl

    Um, no. The scene is just a big joke now. You'll have bands with awesome-to-decent debut releases and go down the toilet only a year later. Especially more so since most of the last remaining "good" bands have disbanded or have abandoned VK altogether. You have some old favorites returning though (like LS, Kuroyume, D'erlanger, X Japan etc.) but their new creative output is subpar to their classic stuff. I hardly bother with it.
  20. Number Girl

    Or better yet, edit it on Versailles' Wikipedia page and make a request thread for it here. Oh lololol . . .
  21. Number Girl

    Pretzy, I know what u can do. You can photoshop Chick-fil-A cows on Diru's new band pic!!!! ^^ MY NEW LAPTOP CAME IN TODAY!!!! OMG!!!
  22. Number Girl

    ^ Wouldn't be the first time.
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