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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    Seconding Pretsy on Kuroyume. Luna Sea's J also is a beast. Good example in this song: zN-utCxHJyQ
  2. Whenever my boyfriend is protective of me, it makes me smile. ^^ He's also just adorable in general. He's also extremely ticklish and it is funny to see his reaction when you poke him.
  3. Number Girl

    Hm, I probably could come up with something. Thanks for your suggestion. Maybe this weekend I'll work on it.
  4. Number Girl

    mine too. things in this world just won't be the same anymore. the sky won't be the same. the trees won't be the same. things and people i used to love will disappear. its like everything i touch just slips away from me.
  5. Number Girl

    yo momma
  6. Number Girl

    ^ If you like Suisei, you'd def like Number Girl since their frontman produced Suisei and they have a similar "core sound." I need to buy Suisei's albums. But I'm scared to look at my bank account now to see if I'd have the money for them . . .
  7. Number Girl

    Minato most likely didn't like the "visual kei" leaning direction they were going in, from what I've been told. Song's not too bad at all though.
  8. Number Girl

    R.I.P. Really depressing news . . .
  9. Number Girl

    ^ Heck yes! Oh and Wata from Boris can make some great solos as well. *waits for Zess or someone else to post example videos*
  10. Number Girl

    B'z, Luna Sea, and Anthem definitely. hRqp8FgPwD8 (solo is at 3:28 - 4:07) ZsxfJOLct9U 14ozHngHr6Q Of course there a gazillion more examples from them . . . Oh and the intro of this is just beautiful . . . vnIdoJW7c9E ^_____^ Lol! Eizo is so funny.
  11. Number Girl

    Omg, that preview was abysmal. . . .
  12. Number Girl

    I'm actually kinda glad the site is back up. He deserves some kind of proper memorial.
  13. Number Girl

    I'm in the same situation, so I know how crappy that is. Even though I never contributed much in terms of downloads, college still bites into a lot of time.
  14. Number Girl

    Cheesy cover art, lol.
  15. Number Girl

    Just merged this topic to the CD shop page! Thanks for understanding
  16. Number Girl

    Whoops, sorry I forgot you put "no females." ^^ "Weekend Lovers" is a guilty pleasure of mine. Their major albums aren't as good as their early indie stuff though. I recommend trying Waiting for My Food and Android ~Like a house mannequin~.
  17. Number Girl

    i love you sendajem.
  18. Number Girl

    For those similar to The Telephones, you may like The Molice/MOLICE for Vola & the Oriental Machine.
  19. Number Girl

    I made one just last night! http://inazawafangirl.tumblr.com/
  20. Number Girl

    Made my day.
  21. Number Girl

    I'm scared now. But lol, "green is not a creative color"?
  22. Number Girl

    Only certain retarded ones think it is okay. As cellphones have nothing to do with going to hell.
  23. Number Girl

    I actually can't believe it either. I remember in Gackt fan communities Bunraku was like a "myth" joke compared to S.K.I.N. because its taken so long for much to happen.
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