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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Considering I don't understand most of the music I listen to, I suppose lyrics really don't matter to me that much in the grand scheme of things. However when I really like a song, I make an effort to try to find a translation if possible. When it comes to my favorite artists I like to know what they are trying to say or the point they are trying to make if anything at all. It's for the same reason I also like to read interviews and blog entries - I just like to get to know the artist more. Sometimes I've been disappointed and sometimes I've come to deeply appreciate a song even more than I did before because of lyrics. For English music, I'm obviously a bit more sensitive about lyrics. I admit - and I blame my somewhat conservative background for this - that I do not like songs with excessive, pointless profanity. My "fuck-nigger-bitch-motherfucker-shitcunt-suckmydick" threshold is only so high even for songs just trying to be funny or ironic.
  2. Number Girl

    Anthem are indeed awesome. I need to get more of their older material, especially Yukio's songs even though like most people I prefer Eizo. I have all of their post-reunion material. If I had to pick any favorites: Tightrope, Immortal, and Overload are my favorites. If compilations count, Very Best of Anthem is also pretty sweet - has the best of their 80's songs. I agree they never fail to pull off a great album. Heraldic Device was great, although I think it could have done without the keyboards. Naoto Shibata is also one of my favorite bassists and song writers in the world. Eizo also has a great solo project (not Eizo Japan) although those songs are more pop style than metal.
  3. Number Girl

    Luna Sea's whole discography . . . Color's first album and Kuroyume's Mayoeru Yuritachi. Sorry, I'm too tired to argue right now and there are not that many good VK albums I can even think, lol.
  4. Number Girl

    Bringing back so many memories . . .
  5. Number Girl

    JESUS CHRIST. o____o
  6. Number Girl

    One reason VK has gone down the drain in my opinion is because VK has really lost touch with its roots. The new bands and industry have forgotten what the movement was originally all about. In the beginning, visual kei was a mark of attitude and expression. Now its about "how many fangirls can we get" - that's why most bands are so quick to hop on musical and/or the same old boring visual trends and bandwagons. Whatever sells to their tiny niche of fangirls is what works.
  7. Number Girl

    Merging this thread with the original CD questions topic.
  8. Number Girl

    Watch out, Dir en grey.
  9. Number Girl

    Definitely either Luna Sea's "Virgin Mary" or the Image album version of "Moon." Also Gackt's "Bird Cage." But there are also quite a few J-Rock songs I'd prefer in choral a capella then orchestra.
  10. "Art of Life" by X-Japan . . . the whole entire thing.
  11. Make sure they have a good football team. Lol, not really . . . but school spirit has the power to draw you closer to other people in a good way, even on very large campuses.
  12. Number Girl

    Band: Number Girl Song: Trampoline Girl Why?: Narrowing down my favorite Number Girl song was easier said than done; it ended up being a matter of simply following my heart. Out of all the highly definitive tracks in their collection, I strongly cling to a little known track from the SAPPUKEI album. I believe the primary reason "Trampoline Girl" is my favorite song is because of its nostalgic value. Hearing it's addictive, bouncy, youthful rhythm now brings back memories of many early mornings spent riding back and forth to my high school. The possible cold and disturbing interpretation of its lyrics aside, "Trampoline Girl" is an unfailing instant pick-me-up. Musical aspects that strike me include the strong melodic quality of Inazawa's drums. Its synchronicity with the guitar and bass work together to create a harmonizing wall of sonic power. It is difficult to be listening to this song and not experience a momentary numb and hypnotizing sensation. Through the chaos pervading the song, Hisako plays a catchy, pop-sounding melody. It is like a children's playground song on steroids. Mukai's simple voice chiming in a midst the blast of noise adds to this effect. His screaming portions in the bridge is instant added fuel to my adrenaline. Lyrically, "Trampoline Girl" appears (in my opinion) to have a very morbid underlying message, stripping away its innocent appearance and exposing some of Mukai's typical dark irony. Reading translations, I've always interpreted it to be alluding to suicide - it seems as if the "jumping girl" in the song is referring to Japanese student suicide incidents but knowing many indie bands it could also mean absolutely nothing. Even within this context, I still use the song as a means of lightening my mood and improving my day. However, its separate dimension of meaning is still worth my appreciation.
  13. Number Girl

    Ew, they look disgusting.
  14. Number Girl

    Dorm much? xD Gotta love the brick walls. Yep!!! my cozy prison cell for the next six or seven months. <3
  15. Number Girl

    ^ You never know - just look at that set list. Nothing wrong with SHINE-style though either. Some great songs came out of that era too.
  16. Number Girl

    Can't wait 'till 2012!!!
  17. Number Girl

    ^ It is a wonderful idea. I've actually tried doing it a couple of times in the past but my threads would get only one or two hits before dying so I got a bit discouraged. :/ However, since more people appear interested in the bands maybe there will be some actual conversation holdings rather than the usual "download 'n run" routine.
  18. Number Girl

    Windars sevun
  19. I'm a Animal and Veterinary Science major, studying to enter the field of veterinary medicine. I'm really, really interested in either pursuing an Equine specialty or a Beef/Dairy specialty. In other words a horse or cow doctor.
  20. Number Girl

    Yay! More J-Metal fans!!! Now you're gonna make me cry. ^___^
  21. Number Girl

    Recent webcam fun pics:
  22. Number Girl

    Not sure about Malice Mizer as they were under an entirely different affiliation. However, a lot of people who uploaded anything from Gackt's solo project material (even television broadcasts) used to get infractions due to complaints from Gordie Entertainment.
  23. Number Girl

    is this 4 real?
  24. Number Girl

    Gackt is a major one.
  25. Number Girl

    beautiful, i'm crying.
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