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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

  2. Number Girl

    So many good memories. . .
  3. Number Girl

    As with all hurricanes, I'm more worried for my friends in Grenada and the people directly on the coast (like my family in Charleston) than for myself. Be as safe as possible everyone.
  4. Number Girl

    Gonna rent these, thanks!
  5. Number Girl


  6. Number Girl

    mkay . . . No really, I get your point. I don't care if a band changes, but I don't see the point of changing if it brings only 50% of the satisfaction. Actually, it is hard to really call this "change" considering most of it sounds vaguely similar to Kiyoharu solo material. I agree they have potential to develop and yes, "generic" doesn't mean they aren't enjoyable. ~Change~ isn't the problem, its the effort put into it. Of course, that's me I can't speak for everyone else who has disliked the single.
  7. Number Girl

    ^ But only compared to Kisaki's bands.
  8. Number Girl

  9. Number Girl

    I couldn't agree more. I knew for a fact they weren't coming back anytime soon. 3rding this. I don't see why Mana still manages to stay relevant and make music anyway, but whatever.
  10. Number Girl

    Pure gold.
  11. Number Girl

    Aw, sorry you didn't like it. But, glad you are back! *hugs*
  12. Number Girl

    she's awesome. good song.
  13. Number Girl

    you don't how much talent it takes to make those high-pitched grating vocals!!!!
  14. Number Girl

    My favorites are Amber, Aint Afraid to Die, Hikegi wa . . ., Embryo, and Toguro.
  15. Number Girl

    Looks great!
  16. Number Girl

    ^ Lol, preach it.
  17. Number Girl

    All I keep thinking while reading this is "Stay pressed, hoe."
  18. Number Girl

    give bad snarky reviews for a bunch of popular jrawk albums and watch the ratings soar!
  19. Number Girl

    Respect for them declining . . . IT'S NOT THAT GREAT OF A SONG. OH MY GOSH.
  20. Number Girl

    "You'll Be in My Heart" is an iconic song for Tarzan so that is a pretty sloppy mistake, imho. Disney fan or not. Hopefully it will be changed.
  21. Number Girl

    ^ Yeah I wonder the same. I know the same artist performed music for both movies so they probably got confused?
  22. Number Girl

    Mickey . . . what did they do to you?
  23. Number Girl

    Yeah, this. Only more distortion, etc. Nothing wrong with his solo stuff at all, but just slightly annoying that's as good as it can get . . . all the singles so far have been decent, catchy yet generic songs. This one is no exception. The cover is alright, I pretty much imagined him doing a song like that. Uhh . . . 5/10
  24. Number Girl

    Glad you found us again! Welcome!
  25. Number Girl

    I LOVE MY NEW COMPUTER. And my new B'z wallpaper. And TagScanner.
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