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Number Girl

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Everything posted by Number Girl

  1. Number Girl

    A lot of real jazz is annoying imho. Too much honking and squealing for my tastes. But VK "jazz" is even more annoying because they usually write the worst song possible.
  2. Number Girl

    Lucky you.
  3. Number Girl

    Wow, didn't know Mad and Eizo already had Facebook. O___o
  4. Number Girl

    Aw, I thought the topic said "Number Girl" I was about to have a fangirl fit.
  5. Zessy answered my question, thanks. You made the purpose of the topic very clear, I'm not confused about that in any way - and I know when Jasmine You died. If you read my previous post I say "already been two years." Sorry if I bothered you . . .
  6. Number Girl

    Is it weird that I feel sorry for the poor squid?
  7. Number Girl

    made me tear up.
  8. Okay, I see. Well, because I was about to say there were some "major" deaths only just the year prior but I see this is only this forum's consensus.
  9. I think I've said what I needed to say to Taiji in my blog. Although my words probably won't be able to really capture the extraordinary man and musician that he was. Just wondering but why "specially Jasmine You?" I loved Jasmine You - nothing against him at all, but just curious why he's the exception. Sorry if I sound rude or something . . . Anyway. . . it is hard to believe it has already been two years since he's died. It feels so much shorter than that. I like that he's the "eternal member" in the album notes. Pretty cool. I feel bad that after he died everyone started pretending they were his fan just to join in the "fun" of mourning his death and started all that conspiracy rumor crap. Yeah, because experiencing a person you respect die so suddenly sure is one great big ball of giggles. :/
  10. Number Girl

    I'm open to the possibility, but I still can't help but roll my eyes whenever someone brings up a new piece of "evidence." Somehow it always seems to fit the human-imagined/science fiction drama perception of extraterrestrial life (aliens, flying saucer space ships, and what not) which leaves me doubtful.
  11. Number Girl

    Saw Part 2 the other day; some parts could have been done better, some parts blew me away. Very sad that there will be no more to look forward to. That has always been a constant in my short life - a new Harry Potter movie. ^^ I really, really want the soundtrack to this one too.
  12. Number Girl

    A little late in the drama, but better than never: Let's try to be mindful of what we say and keep a respectful tone towards the deceased artist as much as possible in this thread. As it is obvious, several people actually cared about Isshi and at this time (until factual evidence can be provided) it is probably inappropriate to be discussing rumors, conspiracies, or anything similar. Thanks.
  13. Number Girl

    Huh???!! 2011 sucks. Edit: The link isn't working for me. Another source for this? I'm not finding much.
  14. Number Girl

    A new laptop baby!!! And a chicken biscuit.
  15. Number Girl

    I took Latin for high school credits. The other option was Spanish and the instructor rubbed me the wrong way so I took Latin. Fun, extremely hard course, but 80% of what we learned was pretty useless if you didn't live in Ancient Rome. Knowing the derivatives of English words was probably the best thing I got out of it. Japanese is offered at my new school and I wanted to take that a lot, but I've been told it is too hard for a science-related major plus it wouldn't fit in with my schedule this semester. But I'm going to go for it anyway some other semester. . .
  16. Number Girl

    I don't doubt that for a second, lol.
  17. Number Girl

    Are you talking about PV's that come with CD's and such? Like Limited Edition bonuses?
  18. Number Girl

    90% humidity is <3 It does wonders on my hair!!!
  19. Number Girl

    I first thought that last thing was either ducks or snakes; now I'm not so sure if it is even food.
  20. Number Girl

    I posted links to Project Mixtape and other threads on the OP. I hope this is helpful to everyone! >.
  21. Number Girl

    Ke$ha's little sister?
  22. Number Girl

    Oh my god . . . I was never his big fan, but even so I had the deepest respect for who he was. Taiji was a true Japanese metal legend and he actually was a very talented bassist too. For me personally, he was part of the "true" X Japan. He lived life on the edge and he will be remembered forever. Love you, Taiji! R.I.P.
  23. Number Girl

    I miss bands that haven't even disbanded yet.
  24. If only I were a Taurus man . . .
  25. Do whatever you want. It's your blog. If some Jay-wawker is so sensitive and self-important he wants to throw a fit about something like that, they deserve to be deleted anyway just for being a moron.
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