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andymori finds new drummer

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http://aionline.eu/2010/11/29/andymori- ... w-drummer/

The news that andymori lost their drummer came as a big surprise in september. Now, three months later, they found a replacement. 岡山??二 (Okayama Kenji) has been formally announced as their new drummer. This came as quite a surprise since they had 山崎正太郎 (Yamazaki Shoutaro) from CZECHO NO REPUBLIC as their support drummer since their previous drummer left. Their first show in this new setting will be held on December 2 in 下北沢SHELTER, where they will be supported by The SALOVERS?????????国 (kinoko teikoku) and OLDE WORLDE. Photo’s of the new line-up will be made public when their new DVD (???????アンディモリ~日比谷野外音楽堂ライブ&ドキュメンタリー~) will be released on December 8.


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