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Status Updates posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. I am very nervous about the future for Kuroyuri to kage, I really wish they could just stay with AINS. People at tanuki are flipping out :x It seems like they basically have NO money at all. Anyway, I'm glad Gossip is still on the label. But they seem to be Yukika's pets so they'll probably stay there for a long time.

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      I don't think anybody knows. But I guess it could be that all their money for costumes, make-up and studio time came through AINS, and now it doesn't. Apparently the quality on their new single is very bad as well. I'll recieve it on Sunday so I'm pretty excited over hearing it anyway though lol

    2. emmny


      its just a shame they left ains (whether it was their fault or not), i hope they manage to push further but they peaked with their first album anyway. no new members, no budget, no hope lmao.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Part of the appeal of vkei is the story of bands like this. I love the tragedy and the drama :-(

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  2. I didn't expect Trump to win /: wth america

    1. Biopanda


      Lycaon did this.

  3. i got the horses in the back 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Reebok talkin' smack 

  4. I just read "to be honest, seremedy was 10x better than any of their new projects, there was something about seremedy that set them apart from every other band in the world, with their unique take of visual music and yohio's guitar skill." on youtube lol

    1. saishuu


      VK died with Seremedy

  5. I just realised both Ray and Kifumi from Etcetra were in BORN later. They did write songs for etcetra as well. Do anyone know any releases similar to that of what etcetra did, or any recommendations if I generally want to check born out?

  6. I just realized I have DEEP RAVE's selftitled debut mini album. Has it been uploaded here or do you guys want it?

    1. PsychoΔelica


      I got it from here I think.

  7. i love kisaki

    1. Biopanda


      I think I'd go out for a beer with kisaki

    2. emmny


      i dont think a year has gone by in the past 5 without some kind of kisaki mess...thank god

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      He's not the hero that we want, but he is the hero that we need

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  8. I love Yuuga's blog entry "Oricon charts explained so even a monkey would understand".

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Does he expose any industry secrets in it?

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Nope, just where and how to buy their new single for it to be counted to the oricon lol

  9. I scanned my Kuroyuri mini album and well, I'm too lazy to deal with their shit again so if anybody wanna try and transcribe the lyrics I will give you the scans. ping @peffy

    1. peffy


      yes please, i am ready to sacrifice my eyesight (again)

    2. IGM_Oficial


      I could do it in my free time.

  10. I think we have Kizu to blame for making this "mystery band" reveal a thing. 

    1. Jigsaw9


      I always knew I couldn't trust them... 😩

  11. I want to travel to Berlin again. Only been there once for 5 days but I loved the city.

  12. I won't be able to buy kuroyuris new single until mid November so if you want it early someone else has to upload it here :v

  13. I'm attending Avicii's only gig in Sweden next friday omg what happened to me

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      are you going to tell him you're cool after doing drugs in spain

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      I'm secretly hoping for avicii to bring hizumi up on stage for a house remix of lucifer. 

  14. In kuroyuritokage's "looking for drummer" tweet they stated that "gay people are free to apply as well". It's kinda strange from a western perspective but I think it's nice compared to most vk bandmen who are homophobic.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The should have just @'d me if they wanted me to apply

  15. is blackdoll banned? feels like i havent seen her here for the last week

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      lmao, not surprised. also he? i always thought blackdoll was a girl

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      It's a he and good riddance

    3. Komorebi


      No wonder I hadn't seen him around.

      I can't say I'm surprised, though.

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  16. Is DOGMA by Gazette worth checking out?

    1. nekkichi


      DIM was a blast back in 2009?...2008? but I never get back to it nowadays. I have no clue what you're listening to aside from gzt though, so that depends.

    2. echo


      As an album it kind of falls short for me. None of the songs really stand out. But if a song from DOGMA comes up in a shuffle then I usually find myself liking it. Also, the more I listen to it the more I like it (as is the case with most Gazette songs these days)... but overall I think a lot of the songs are much better live than recorded.

    3. Euthanasia


      Yes. But I recommend to listen to it a few times before you make a final judgment. 

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  17. It tastes like there's baileys in my coffee at work. :v

    1. Komorebi


      Why is that a bad thing?

  18. It's too bad that most former ains people are drummers, otherwise they could form a band together. Kurogrieva to gossip or something.

  19. Just downloaded Madara by Gazette and it's pretty nice. This band is great when waiting for new stuff by Gossip (no hate)

  20. Kuroyuri's new mini is amazing. But am I the only one who gets reminded of Freak on a leash in Gekijou heya (track 3). Specially the bassolo.

    1. emmny


      even considering the limited amount of korn i've listened to, the bass and mei's total rip off the unique korn vox was a pretty heavy reminder LOL it caught me by surprise. im with u though, KTK killed it this album, especially with the bass.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Haha yeah, I'm pretty sure this was their inspiration for that part at least: 

      And yes, the mini rocks. For sure their best release to date :)

  21. Kyouki shouting "DIE, SUICIDE DIE" in Jisatsu Circle just makes me think of Aliene Ma'riage lol

  22. La'veil mizeria was great tonight. For the encore they did madeth gray'll covers ;_; they also announced a single release for April but I cba to make a topic :v 

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Ooooh La'veil Mizeria doing Madeth Gray'll sounds tasty. Know what songs they played??


      How full did they have Cyber?

    2. lichtlune
    3. Takadanobabaalien


      I didn't recognize all but I know for sure they played missantroop. I did make a tereko as well anyway. 

  23. Less than two weeks until X Japan's Wembley gig. Any bets on how Yoshiki is going to get out of releasing the new album again? (He said when Pata got hospitalised last year that it's going to be released along with the gig).

    1. Jigsaw9
    2. herpes


      he can't kill taiji again so who knows

    3. orange~


      I think jigsaw got it right XD

      I'm expecting to see tweets of collapsed Yoshiki on the ground after near-death rehearsals and "the vampire" is hospitalized for the few critical days...

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  24. let's start a petition for gackt to be on the new carpool karaoke with James Corden

  25. Lmao gulu gulu is in yabatan's new video https://youtu.be/goPokLCaDwM

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