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Status Updates posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. getting pretty interested in enka but i dont know where to start. anybody got recomendations (with downloads)?

    1. Jigsaw9


      Hikawa Kiyoshi is always a winning choice! Tho it's been ages since I've last listened to him, so I don't really know what to recommend. XD Maybe one of his older albums?

    2. chewi



  2. Going to see Arlequin, grieva and Dezert on my birthday 8) yay

    1. Shmilly


      Awesome trio! Have fun!

    2. beni


      Oh yeah!~ Enjoy!!

  3. Going to see Grieva for free on saturday \o/

  4. Gonna see AUTO-MOD and AURA on Sunday u.u are they any good tho?

    1. Keiyuu


      Haven't listened to many songs, but I really like Cannibal of Love by AUTO-MOD

    2. Wonrei


      auto-mod is pretty damn fine. aura is the AIIIIII NO AURAND band? if so they're pretty cool too.



      auto-mod's sadistic dream and deathtopia are also good...

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Gossip's new single is so awesome

    1. eiheartx


      it's on the upcoming release list sweetie <3

    2. kyoselflove


      I knew that... >.>


    3. Takadanobabaalien


      2 hours after I visited tower records to buy the single, Gossip was there to promote it. That sucks, oh well lol.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. Got a free ticket for Avelcain's oneman in Ebisu. Yay :3

  7. Got a free ticket for the first live of "DissIDear" lol.

  8. got luna seas new album today. its beyond amazing. :V

    1. Jigsaw9
    2. sai


      i'll see it when i hear it...the previews were really eh

  9. Got my new cds today! Unfortunately I'm off to work in 20 min and can't upload kuroyuris new mini just yet...

    1. CAT5


      Looking forward to it! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! (_ _)

    2. Elazmus


      RAAAAGEEE just kidding love you uglymouth

    3. Aferni



  10. Grieva and Femme Fatale was the best bands tonight. Femme fatale was really really awesome! ;o; Also wing works was surprisingly good, maybe I wouldn¨t like them as much on CD though. They were great live..

  11. Have anybody heard anything from ?逆的??制noize「ロゼロ??? They look pretty awesome but I can't find any music

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      except some live clips~~

    2. Gaz


      also waiting for first release

  12. How am I supposed to do a search for ザアザア? Doesn't work in either romaji or katakana.... (tried both xaa xaa/xaaxaa and zaa zaa/zaazaa)

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It probably won't work unless people tag it in romaji. I try to do that for bands like Grieva so they show up that way too

    2. yakihiko


      Here? Look for the cd name's in romaji. It worked to me when I was looking for first release.

    3. Zeus


      type in artist name and release name

  13. how fkn great were vice risk and la miss fairy tho? still pisses me off that yayoi doesn't do 1 day revival with them. but i guess its because the bassist is dead ;(. also sad over only having one demo tape of vice risk nowadays D:

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      One of their guitarists is dead too.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Yeah but I think yuuze and yayoi were main composers? May be wrong tho

    3. Senedjem


      Time to get the freaky post-death revival puppet rig out again, hasn't been used since heisei ishin

  14. How long does it usually take for u to get ur tracking number from closet child? I payed the invoice immediately but 4 days has passed and still no tracking number..

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      ok cool, i just mailed them xD

    2. kyoselflove


      they alsways forget lol

  15. i am so hungover -v- great birthday yesterday though. seeing grieva, arlequin, dezert and then went out for beers with some friends ^^

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. nattliga_toner


      A birthday without a subsequent hangover ain't no proper birthday. Belated congratulations!

    3. Elazmus


      I'd take a waterbottle to the face from Chiaki/

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  16. I am way too excited for Kuroyuri to kage's album.. :x

  17. I can't understand a single word of what this guy is saying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6_heefSzoQ&feature=youtu.be do you native english speakers understand it? lol

  18. I don't think I will ever understand people who refer Dir en grey members to their "real names" (who btw are not even their real names). I mean, what's the reason?

    1. Lestat


      Because why would you address your 'husband' by his stage-name?

    2. emmny


      LMFAO lestat thats straight facts. its soooo fucking weird lmao but then again welcome to the fandom

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Share with us their real names xD

  19. I downloaded Gazette's first collection album (from 2004?) and it has been on repeat ever since. This is great while waiting for more releases by Gossip, lol.

  20. I guess it always fun to get a new fee at 50,000 JPY to get my Visa in time before I travel to Japan. Oh well, guess we'll have to post-pone buying planetickets till august☆

    1. lenji


      i'm still so jealous :< but i'm so happy for you :3 and for me :33 cause i'm totally selling a kidney and giving you all the money to buy goatbed stuff for me and send it back to europe. :333

  21. I just love ains so much *-* Really wish I could attend their bounenkai..

  22. I met a super cool old lady today in Harajuku who had been designing clothes for over 40 years! She have designed stage outfits for a lot of famous bands like buck tick, luna sea, dir en grey, gazette etc. She was cool!

  23. I really hope Betty release something soon because I really like Monochrome Sekai on black market gang

    1. VkBrutaliaN


      in case you haven't seen it yet here's a live video from 'em

      they start around 40:00
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