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Posts posted by evenor

  1. 24 minutes ago, Kelrya said:

    He actually did an interview about this either last year or early this year. Idk if there is an English translation out there. Basically there are two reasons, and they extend to WtD as well. The first is that he didn’t want to play the simplistic rock/hardcore/metal drumming style that the rest of the band asked him to play for those records. He wanted to be more creative but they said it didn’t fit the style they were going for or something like that. The other reason is that they decided during that period when they were trying to break into the Western market to stop wearing makeup during performances. Shinya was the one member that was super against this and he nearly quit the band over it because he told himself from the beginning that he wouldn’t be in a band that doesn’t wear makeup. Obviously they have since gone back to wearing makeup. He said he was able to enjoy these albums more for what they are during the “mode of” tours but it remains his least favorite chapter in the bands history.

    If true, Shinya essentially saved dir en grey. 💋

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