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Status Updates posted by seikun

  1. Wondering if someone knows if there are any clips with Asagi perfoming Shikabane no ouja live. Youtube has offered me nothing so far.

    1. Komorebi


      No, there isn't. There was no live recording of Asagi's solo project.

    2. seikun


      That's sad because the song is awesome.

  2. Does anybody know what happened with members of Larme D'ange after their disbandment all these years?


    1. Alkaloid


      According to vkdb, their drummer Takurou was in Vallquar and is now in Magistina Saga.

      Guitarist Hiiragi is in Loup d'azur.

      Drummer Aki was in Rugia(g)gram and Vallquar as well.

    2. seikun


      I trid to find any info about Loup d'azur, but I couldn't.

      Thanks for the reply.

  3. Is Loop Ash still active and producing bands?  I entered Loop Ash's website and only saw announcements for Mask revival, but didn't find any access to other bands...

    1. Biopanda


      As far as I know, LOOP ASH closed their doors years ago with NEU being their last band. I'm pretty sure that Michiru is just using the name now for the MASK revival and nothing more.

    2. seikun


      Oh, I see.

      It actually sounds depressing how VK keeps losing its sort of old pilars u.u

  4. Does anybody know what Eze:quL's vocal Mayuka did after Eze:quL? Is he still making music?

    1. Axius


      I found a last fm thread on this band idk if your able to make sense because most of it is in spanish i pulled something from there that seemed interesting 

      Vocal and composer: 繭 霞 - Mayuka (→ SAKI → Eze: quL → 引退 / 人生 ロ シ ア ン ル レ ー レ ッ ト)

      This might be what happened idk if it is linked to anything.


      You can try to see for yourself.

    2. seikun


      I speak Spanish.


  5. The Eroguro makeup, especially the mouth was awesome. I remember how popular it was everybody getting their lips eroguroized :P

    1. Elazmus


      Define "lips eroguroized" haha, I love eg kei makeup so I'm interested to hear if there is a specific lipstick associated with it?

    2. seikun
  6. Malice Mizer's Au revoir in korean. Are they a Korean band?



    1. lichtlune


      Kinda rough but cool they did it.

    2. Hohchicano96


      I thought that link would be Sechkies' "cover," but it was a pleasant surprise.

  7. Is this Gill'e cadith's vocal Karuna? Just found his new band, 君は鋭くhttps://www.instagram.com/karuna_world/

    1. cvltic


      Yep, same Karuna!

    2. seikun


      So much time since Gill'e cadith.

      Thanks for replying.

  8. And no one seems to know where members of Noir fleurir may be and what they may be doing today. Will it be a mystery for ever?

    1. doombox


      You mean besides Mast and Tomo?

    2. seikun



      KENGO, Teru, Soushi, Karen.  So many yeas and it seems like we will never get to know anything about them.

  9. Lots of Lareine gifs : )



    By the way, I have been trying to find on Youtube that live where you find this scene: tumblr_ow6hl21LEu1u0vrrgo7_400.gif


    1. Cantavanda


      That scene is if I remember right from Chanton L'amour live VHS, in bonus content before the actual LILLIE CHARLOTTE movie and live start. I have it but not uploaded yet.  I might be wrong, it's a long time since I've seen it.

    2. seikun


      I have the concert, but it is in the baement and there are too many things there. I've been desiring to watch that scene again for very long. It's so beautifully artistic. If you can uplaod that would be awesome!


      And hope someone can translate into English too.

  10. Does anybody know who this is?





    1. Chi


      looks like hakuei

    2. seikun


      Yeah, it's Hakuei. I could finally find the PV.



  11. How come Visual Kei hairstyles went from awesome to horrible?

    1. IGM_Oficial


      It's part of the decadence

    2. Elazmus


      'awesome' and 'horrible' have quietly just become the same thing

  12. If only someone could add English subtitles to this...



    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The part around 44 seconds is them asking normies if they recognize any of the names on the left, which are:



      -Malice Mizer

      -La'cryma Christi

      -Fanatic Crisis


      Lady with glasses:


      "What language is this? ...Ca...careermen? Italian cooking...?"


      Next dude:


      "Is that the name of a cake?"


      Yoko Ono:

      "Is it a brand?"


      Lady with curly hair:

      "A cosmetic?"




      "Whaaa.....a singer?" (then she says stuff way too fast for me to understand and there's no subtitles)


      Awkward Gender Ambiguous Person:


      "They're visual-kei band names."

    2. seikun


      I could get some of that but I wish people would give them subtitles.



  13. I wonder what ex-members of Poitrine are doing today.

    1. Duwang


      Sacci (Sayo) was in Souiumono and has a new thing called kaiga no kotowari https://www.kaigano-kotowari.com/blog
      Nuppe (Denu) was also in Souiumono and now does sessions every once in a while? He hasn't updated his Twitter in two months so maybe he's slowly disappearing.
      Urala is a band called Charles https://charles3mul.wixsite.com/official/profile
      Ginga and Yusuke are long gone.

    2. seikun


      So detailed.


  14. Is yunisan back or is that the backup?



    1. seikun


      I hope it gets back completely :)

    2. seikun


      Oh I see.

      Hope everything goes well. That site is one of my last connections with old school Visual Kei.


  15. What an awesome cover. I never thought the guitar line was so cool. Lareine - Solitude.



    1. Arkady


      Solitude is one of my favorite songs from Lareine 2nd age.

    2. seikun


      Mine too and I love Kamijo's theatrical performance in Chantons L'amour.

  16. I have been wondering about the old school Visual Kei band, Lamiel. I wonder if their band name comes either from some angel of biblical mythology or if perhaps comes from Spanish "la miel (the honey).

    1. Jigsaw9


      Knowing VK bands, it's probably the former cuz it's so 'mystical', lol. But I wouldn't be surprised if they just cracked open a Spanish dictionary at random. :D 

    2. Himeaimichu


      It's also the name of some French film from the 60's based off of an unfinished book of the same title.

  17. Does anybody know what band this is?



    1. Hohchicano96


      Laputa is the band and the GIF is from the PV for the song “Eve ~last night for you~

    2. seikun
  18. He used to be a member of this forum.


    1. Zeus


      what do you mean?

    2. seikun


      The owner of that YT channel used to be a user in this forum and a friend on soulseek .

  19. Kiryu's Mahiru was in Lυτёη∀?  😮

    That means he is getting close to 40 then.

    1. anadentone


      yeah but his nose is closer to 2 lol

    2. seikun



      His nose was OK. He looks strange now.

      But incredible how time flies. Makeup makes wonders yo hide your age.

  20. What happened? They changed the site's layout and now back to the "old" one. I like this old one better though

    1. doombox


      Everything is explained in the updates forum. ^^

  21. I wonder what members of Aile are doing today... I found Aile's vocal's ameblo line in 2102 but then lost the link.

    1. nekkichi


      smoking weed & eating puss I guess?????

  22. Does anybody know how old Gene (Sick2) is ? He was Sect Materia's vocal like 10 years ago so I guess he's very close to his 30's despite his childish look.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Visual kei artists usually don't reveal the year they born

  23. Why are we all suddenly kawaii?

    1. PsychoΔelica


      That's a lie, that's why

  24. I can't believe up until now I never knew there was a PV for Urei by Kagrra. Just watched it. It felt awesome to discover an old Visual Kei video with that old VK essence^^

    1. Komorebi


      That is an awesome feel

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