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Status Replies posted by Mamo

  1. just got Devil's Proof in the mail oh my god i haven't been this happy about receiving a CD since PURGE :tw_bawling:

  2. Been blasting Mamireta for the past 5 hours, sorry neighbors.

  3. [Update]: About Issei and Tsubasa ...
    If I don't read wrong ,
    They both will be back to the scene in the future.
    Also , their Twitter will keep going on !
    And DIMLIM will return soon with a new form ,
    So I think the endin' is not bad though !
    A little sad that they are not the members in DIMLIM ,
    But at least , DIMLIM and they both will step on their own new paths.

  4. LOL jpopflac is the fakest page ever. Every download from that page is a random encrypted AVI thats why everything is the same file size LMAO

  5. The new Scapegoat mini is so sick! Can't believe I never noticed these guys

  6. Last.fm users please vote for the new and possibly last look of chariots: https://www.last.fm/music/Chariots/+images/9c5eb0ff4277b209e1c0ba8889472c5e

  7. Last.fm users please vote for the new and possibly last look of chariots: https://www.last.fm/music/Chariots/+images/9c5eb0ff4277b209e1c0ba8889472c5e

  8. Kuroyuri to Kage should release something.

  9. love my Vk "throwbacks" every few months to listen some old BRUTAL系 classics - this time: Créateur, Golbeza, D-ZEL and 一兎 4 super amazing but extremely underrated/unknown bands who have left the Vk scene way to early...

  10. So is AllS (f.k.a. ALSDEAD) not vk anymore? 

  11. I want to express my gratitude to people regularly updating us on bands that are yet to release their first one-coin comment CD going through member changes/unexpected creative disagreements/live-limited hiatus announcements, etc


    keeping tr*mbe spirit alive, god bless

  12. Can someone do like a Nagoya kei guide?

  13. My upfront apologies for my lack of uploads. I'm waiting for my new disc drive to arrive.... anytime now. I am sooo anxious to listen to the rest of my VK. It's torture =___="".

  14. fell fast and hard for DIMLIM. 

  15. "Can I keep that?" lmao made my day.

    Not the best day for a Romero fan but well deserved Whittaker #AndNew


  16. "Can I keep that?" lmao made my day.

    Not the best day for a Romero fan but well deserved Whittaker #AndNew


  17. "Can I keep that?" lmao made my day.

    Not the best day for a Romero fan but well deserved Whittaker #AndNew


  18. DISH x emmuree x マルコ tonight. DISH and emmuree were excellent like always, now waiting on マルコ . Never heard them before so going into this blind. Interesting. 

  19. is anyone else having trouble scrobbling dimlim to last.fm?

  20. is anyone else having trouble scrobbling dimlim to last.fm?

  21. ugly gross fuck




    I hope his hairline leaves him as fast as his ex in question and his shitty little dog dies ffs


    are you excited for next GoT season y'all

  22. Has amne '瞑想 (Meisou)' by ARCHEMI. ?
    I need this song in my lifeso badly but too broke to order there Stuff and wanna listen to this song like 50/7 ;; 

  23. Girugamesh's last live. 


  24. Need a Vk workout playlist heavy stuff. Can some one help me out?

  25. happy 420 u buttsluts. enjoy the best dank

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