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Status Replies posted by Mamo

  1. Question for @inartistic or any other WE LOVE UCP guys. Was "griever" on the Freely distributed 2016-12-09 oneman version the same as the version on the 2012 mini-album "griever"? Or was it a new or re-recorded version?

  2. Question for @inartistic or any other WE LOVE UCP guys. Was "griever" on the Freely distributed 2016-12-09 oneman version the same as the version on the 2012 mini-album "griever"? Or was it a new or re-recorded version?

  3. The memories of Ikuma wearing a DOAK tshirt and Morrigan playing DOAKs 揚羽-ageha- still gives me goosebumps.

  4. shit music acts that have better production than goatbed

    remember cinema bizzare omg

  5. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  6. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  7. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  8. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  9. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  10. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  11. Anyone here big chariots fans?

  12. Here's a link to a higher def image of meidara in case you want to have a not-so-pixelated avatar.

  13. RAZOR's single is interesting, but considerably weaker than their debut mini. Way too much born-esque style chorus and chanting, not really fond of. More MBHI, less born for next releases please, thank you.

  14. Leaving MH can be done so easily, trust me, someone has done it so many times~

  15. No one ever told me that ai from Deathgaze's project was this good. Listening to the Despair single now.

  16. I finally got all my japanese releases up on my discogs profile. Holy shit was that a pain in the ass.

  17. I started trying to work on my Rentrer en Soi mixtape, but mostly it's just been me sitting in front of my computer and crying... T_T

  18. Scapegoat's "Shuan no Chigiri" though... the instrumentals are so on point especially the break down in the middle.... Got me repeating my life away like DAMN come with it loves<33333333333

  19. Lament. Is truly the best visual kei band.

  20. JFC!! My relative got into a big bike crash. I'm relieved that he survived and only broke his left arm, but sadly, the other party died instantly.


    The other party was turning his bike to ride against the traffic flow for some reason, and my bro couldn't break in time and finally crushed him in the middle.


    Even though he was right and his pricey big bike was wrecked, he isn't gonna sue the dead anyway.

  21. JFC!! My relative got into a big bike crash. I'm relieved that he survived and only broke his left arm, but sadly, the other party died instantly.


    The other party was turning his bike to ride against the traffic flow for some reason, and my bro couldn't break in time and finally crushed him in the middle.


    Even though he was right and his pricey big bike was wrecked, he isn't gonna sue the dead anyway.

  22. Is lynch. actually a lousy band or Inferiority Complex is just a bad album? 

    I heard it like three times and the best way to describe it is forgettable. Should I give them another try with a better album?

  23. Thanks for recommending  SCAPEGOAT earlier this month @tetsu_sama69@Ada Suilen @Peace Heavy mk II and @Elazmus. They"re fuckin' awesome!

  24. What band you guys want me to upload. Koichi's old band Mind Flare or -O'Mega-'s 痴神-GOD SEXUAL-

  25. What band you guys want me to upload. Koichi's old band Mind Flare or -O'Mega-'s 痴神-GOD SEXUAL-

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