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Status Replies posted by Mamo

  1. Is scapegoat worth listening to? 

  2. RarezHut has our first exclusive distro CD! Find out more and get a free copy here http://rarezhut.net/ren

  3. Is scapegoat worth listening to? 

  4. Is scapegoat worth listening to? 

  5. Is scapegoat worth listening to? 

  6. were 'conditional disbandments' even a thing in '90s / early '00s vk? who the fuck started that trend? i dont recall hearing about that kinda thing until after the '00s

  7. were 'conditional disbandments' even a thing in '90s / early '00s vk? who the fuck started that trend? i dont recall hearing about that kinda thing until after the '00s

  8. were 'conditional disbandments' even a thing in '90s / early '00s vk? who the fuck started that trend? i dont recall hearing about that kinda thing until after the '00s

  9. Is "grimoire" any good?

  10. Dear Nihon Ongaku admin: since you erased my request to take down MY rip AND banned me from the page, you made this personal. I will get you reported, even if it's the last thing I do.


    Anyone else who wants a VRZEL song can buy it :3

  11. Does M-H stil have the M-H jrock awards or no?

  12. Deviloof!!!!!!

  13. Deviloof!!!!!!

  14. JILUKA is BLOWING MY MIND. Wow... Just wow!

  15. Deviloof!!!!!!

  16. Deviloof!!!!!!

  17. does anybody know anything about ジェリー ? i guess it was the previous band of GREGORY's vocalist and guitarist? i can't find any music samples anywhere.......

  18. does anybody know anything about ジェリー ? i guess it was the previous band of GREGORY's vocalist and guitarist? i can't find any music samples anywhere.......

  19. I don't know what kind of gratification I'll get for finding all the bands, but I'm already 179 bands deep down the rabbit hold and i can't stop anymore







  20. Forgive my computer illiteracy, but what's a transcode?

  21. Is LuLu still going? Or did they disband?

  22. Is LuLu still going? Or did they disband?

  23. New heidi. album is giving me fucking chills @_@

  24. New heidi. album is giving me fucking chills @_@

  25. Music in general is like a drug, but Psychadelic music is the most potent out of all music. Seriously, songs like Dir En Grey’s “Raison D’etre” or Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid”, or literally any David Bowie song literally make me feel like I’m on some kind of hallucinogen.

    Should music even be making me feel this way? I literally put no substances in my body, but yet I feel high from some songs.

    Maybe I just need Mental Help... or weed xD

    IDK, does Psychadelic music does this to anyone else?

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