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Status Replies posted by Mamo

  1. The hinge clip on my Beats broke and it's ~$65 to $99 to fix. Ugh.

  2. The hinge clip on my Beats broke and it's ~$65 to $99 to fix. Ugh.

  3. Another note on "2007~2017": the shakuhachi on "Etsu to utsu" makes me CUM.

  4. ... the "new" rip of the DIMLIM single is just the same crappy barely 128kbps transcoded ... Why people? WHY?!

  5. ... the "new" rip of the DIMLIM single is just the same crappy barely 128kbps transcoded ... Why people? WHY?!

  6. ... the "new" rip of the DIMLIM single is just the same crappy barely 128kbps transcoded ... Why people? WHY?!

  7. ... the "new" rip of the DIMLIM single is just the same crappy barely 128kbps transcoded ... Why people? WHY?!

  8. 「Iconic Members」 Σ(゜Д゜) since when?

  9. Am I the only one NOT hyped by La'Veil MizeriA?


    It's not that they are bad, I just don't dig that type of sound and I don't see the need to bring it back XD

  10. Am I the only one NOT hyped by La'Veil MizeriA?


    It's not that they are bad, I just don't dig that type of sound and I don't see the need to bring it back XD

  11. Am I the only one NOT hyped by La'Veil MizeriA?


    It's not that they are bad, I just don't dig that type of sound and I don't see the need to bring it back XD

  12. Only a few days left to submit your votes for the MH JRock Awards!

    Get them in ASAP!



  13. I just got my rejection letter from JET ... I don't know what I'm going to do with my life now.

  14. Nihon ongaku has been inactive since the end of the last year. Pretty strange...

  15. w1CTPt2.jpg


    my bloodborne hunter finally serving the artkei looks he always deserved


    please rate in former sioux members/10

  16. Okay Far East Dizain has earned my respect again Beyond These Walls is pretty awesome.

  17. w1CTPt2.jpg


    my bloodborne hunter finally serving the artkei looks he always deserved


    please rate in former sioux members/10

  18. Okay Far East Dizain has earned my respect again Beyond These Walls is pretty awesome.

  19. Nice avatar change. Are you looking forward to the new Godzilla anime coming out?

  20. Nice avatar change. Are you looking forward to the new Godzilla anime coming out?

  21. confession time: first time listening to vajra and they're lowkey so good...

  22. confession time: first time listening to vajra and they're lowkey so good...

  23. I'm going to be in Seattle again in two months, wild.

  24. Name an album better than PTP's Gene. Yeah, I couldn't do it either...

  25. Name an album better than PTP's Gene. Yeah, I couldn't do it either...

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