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Status Updates posted by nekkichi

  1. Status Update Game GO!! pennisilin - samurai fuckboy #replace_vk_song_title_w_fuckboy

    1. blackdoll


      Fixer - Decaying fuckboy

    2. blackdoll


      the black swan - i am fuckboy noodle but...

    3. nekkichi



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  2. year 2017. a pitchfork reviewer assigned w. testimonial for RAVE-レイヴ- #1 USA billboard slamming single AMEDAMA BROMANCE opens up youtube, does a quick search and faintly whispers “holy shit, man. . . 2002 visual kei really... WAS... better?? before discharging a vigorous cascade of cum to Tomomi Ozaki’s distant satanic chortling.

  3. synths on camera obscura used to annoy the hell out of me, but after a few days I've seen the light #im_feeling_this

  4. let's dedicate a moment to praise femme fatale's best VK album/mini-albums of 2014 for ~inspiring~ lycaon to record a best visual album of 2015 and release it early in the year killing everyone else 11 months in advance

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      :. hum... let's go to ... LoL ! .:

    2. nekkichi


      i love you too ricchu-boo (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      lighting my kaya votives as we speak.

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  5. INTERESTING: I just linked a MH status update on my twitter and clicking that suddenly opened a shit-ton of pop-ups and some female posing w. her boobs all over the screen. (chrome on mac os) clicking it again did not bring that up. wtf?

    1. nekkichi


      @bonsaijodelfisch you have no idea how scary accurate that sounds

    2. Zeus


      i believe i fixed it this time. the problem doesn't always occur so it's difficult to tell for sure, but i'm 99% positive that it's gone. if you see it again let me know what website it redirects you to.

    3. nekkichi
    4. Show next comments  60 more
  6. I leeched all gazette discog bc you know feels and such, and when I got to FADELESS b-sides my right ear started bleeding, can you imagine????? (my ear is fucked since a bad otitis case in school 84 yrs ago but this didn’t happen with arche!!! (you can use this as an argument in stan wars btw))

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Well, theres one thing we agree on...

    2. kyoselflove
  7. Home » In The Unsaved World » Satans Internet Nasties » Queen of Vagina Majela ZeZe Diamond Is a Black Cyber-Threat

    1. nekkichi


      lol this sounds like what CL management were ripping off when they were looking for white rapping girls examples

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. nekkichi


      itchy areola of the unsaved australian continent

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  8. 2004 gazette best gazette
    1. Ro plz
    2. Elazmus


      oh god I miss this Ruki so much lol

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      why are they copying gossip? so many copycats these days

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  9. Akane-san, I'm atheist as you I love you and your music. But please, understand not every muslim is a terrorist. This what the news want you to believe. (lmaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooo)

    1. nekkichi


      I've already joked about christian VK, but omfg, this is the insight into life of my faves I wish I had a chance to unsee

    2. PsychoΔelica


      If I were him I wouldn't change my mind about anything xD

    3. nekkichi


      But please, understand not every Christian is Mao from sadie. This what the news want you to believe.

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  10. bvbymetvl weave snatch incoming

    1. Jigsaw9


      Cool animation! :D The style totally looks like Kill La Kill (wouldn't surprise me if the same team did it xD).

    2. nekkichi


      yep, it's same team

  11. happy birthday Ricchu-kun, I hope it's blessed with lots of quality D.

    1. Licio123


      hahahah parabéns ricchu!

    2. ricchubunny


      Obrigado Liciooo :D

    3. nekkichi


      it's that d precisely ricchu, hope it's all around perfect

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  12. suddenly the koons is nonsense system??? yomi's voice sounds weird a.f. in the entire single, but that last track...like...slays??? werks??? serving snatched weaves?????

    1. CAT5


      Seems like the vocal mixing is kinda muffled/over-compressed? (almost like he's singing into a plastic cup at times). Idk...I could be wrong, my headphones are uber cheap.

  13. I'm p. sure Gossip-ゴシップ will disband before end of year, but their 2nd single hits 2004 gazette fangirl right in the feels tbh (& I hated that eccentric agent indiefag band which did the same copyband thing, except way too directly)

    1. nekkichi


      idk who's ghostwriting those choruses, but it's legit better than current gazette anyway.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is the last track supposed to be Nightmare? It doesn't sound very gazette to me

    3. nekkichi


      nah it's them

      they steal quite a lot from early baroque/cali gari as well, but not in that track
    4. Show next comments  60 more
  14. ngl my meat pizza tasted better before i went into ambergris thread

    1. CAT5


      One instance where an actual flame war would have been preferable, jfc

  15. I'm not a wandering stan, I am a woman of choice!! My cryptic status updates is protection for the gorgeousness of my faves.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      archaa-a-a-aa archa-a-a-aaa

    2. nekkichi


      behind the kaya, behind the kaya

  16. what happens to pansexual genderfluid kidz once they hit 20? (lighting a candle for every radical lesbian I knew in 2004, all married to dudes by 2007 and most probably divorced by now)

  17. be not afraid of band members departing, be afraid only of all bands you like disbanding (chinese proverb, ca. 9 C.)

    1. beni


      amen [2] Should be thankful for at least that

    2. shizukasou


      preach sensei, preach

  18. omg the kamijo MH header is magnificent no less <3 blinded by his radiating glam

    1. sai


      thank you ;w; It's one of the favourites I've made so far so I'm glad you like it!!

    1. beni


      Oh my gosh, I didn't even know about any of that. D: Still upset anyway about the disband. ><

    2. nekkichi


      I'm not even upset anymore, lol. all of my fav. deathgaze songs (namely sinner) are rip-offs, and I don't even like the originals lmao. gj at stylizing someone else's ideas, though.

    3. beni


      I never even realised or noticed. D: Still, it's sad when a band does disband, but how naughty! I'm hoping we do see them again though, to be honest. Just.. don't do any of that silly stuff again. xD

  19. lbr GANGSTA promo we were all waiting for
  20. pumpkin spice chai mistos are giving me so much life this week (can't drink coffee, have 2 substitute)

  21. which gazette track did screw steal for deadlock? I'm thinking something off DIM or stacked rubbish, something really familiar

    1. CAT5


      Now I gotta go DL this to see whatchu talkin' bout

    2. Elazmus


      Sounded like Psychopath at parts to me lol

  22. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10387670_10202357368751181_2957619871130796209_n.jpg the dude on the right is performing on the same stage w. Moi Dix Mois. w/e you're smoking russia please don't stop it
    1. Jigsaw9


      wow Carrot Top looks p normal there

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