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nekkichi last won the day on January 17 2022

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About nekkichi

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  1. ummm so like guys you know how the left are always triggered so easily so TODAY I ACTUALLY WENT OUTSIDE and there was this bird and you know like lol birds and twitter haha right like bird twitter twitter bird twitter SJWs you get what I'm talking about so it got me thinking and I ran back home and you know what time is it haha it's time to SHITPOST SHITPOST SHITPOST AGAIN SHITPOSTING TIME OH YEAH 

    1. Zeus


      but did u get to the store tho?

    2. nekkichi


      no I'm like not giving globalist market cuckolds what they want!!!!! only capitalist neolib SHEEPLE would do that

    3. Arkady


      LibTard cuck0Ld!! *gets triggered by your being triggered and start to have words diarreha*

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