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nekkichi last won the day on January 17 2022

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  1. still probably the most puzzling thing about VK for me to this day is that we've seen at least 2 or 3 lasting gazette copycat bands (I'm not counting the 2 single + a cancelled live-only mini album darlings which I'm p. sure were even more plentiful), but no one ever made a credible imitation miyavi thing


    myv got a major deal a year ahead of gazette, which ultimately ruined him as a creative, but financially I'm pretty sure good sister was set after that.


    japan wtf

    1. Tokage


      8P-SB is basically modern miyavi isnt it

    2. nekkichi


      lack of signature meth rage spanning over two albums kills them 😢

    3. saishuu


      i'd actually never thought about this? myv is probably the exception to the rule when it comes to having waves of copycats. he was very much a product of his time image and sound-wise. i guess the fact that he completely cut all ties with the vk scene helps too

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