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    PIZAZ reacted to emmny in GROUPS IN FEUDS   
    Madeth gray'll vs Beyonce BIG DRAMA
  2. LOLOL
    PIZAZ reacted to Tokage in Are there JROCKERS that speak/practice English??   
    Mana (of Malice Mizer fame) speaks fluent English, but inexplicably has a very thick cockney accent
    PIZAZ reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Are there JROCKERS that speak/practice English??   
    Dada speaks English well enough to lure in unassuming western girls to his web of mediocrity 
  4. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Karma’s Hat in sukekiyo new live-limited single "kisses"   
    This band fucking rules I can't wait. Adoratio is still being spun here at least on a weekly basis
  5. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Shaolan974 in DIAURA new maxi-single "MALICE" release   
  6. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Alkaloid in Your last music-related buy!   
    タイゾ (ゾロ) photocard
    東京カルテット - 脳内戦争
    CELLT - Candy Monst[a]r
    葵&涼平 incl.アヤビエメガマソ - モノクローム
    ν[NEU] - The 25th Century Love
  7. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Paraph in Your last music-related buy!   
    I hadn't bought anything visual kei-related for about 8 years so I kind of went a bit crazy recently collecting things I'd always wanted, but never got around to buying previously.

    The Candy Spooky Theater - SPOOKYWONDERLAND
    The Candy Spooky Theater - Murderland 
    The Candy Spooky Theater - PRINCE OF DARKNESS
    Spook Jack - SNOW THE DARK
    VELVET EDEN - ningyou shoukan
    VELVET EDEN - Street of ALICE
    VELVET EDEN - sute neko
    VELVET EDEN - Double Twelve (signed)
    VELVET EDEN - Witch on flames
    VELVET EDEN - film noir (DVD)
    VELVET EDEN - Behind the tales (DVD | signed)
    ZIZ - GIFT

    recently added:
    MALICE MIZER - bara no seidou (first press)
    Dir en grey - VULGAR (first press) 
    Dir en grey - GAUZE (first press)
    Dir en grey - Withering to death (first press)
    Dir en grey - MACABRE (first press)
    12012 - bell salem (digipak)
    12012 - Knight mare (digipak)
    12012 - shin ~deep~ (digipak)
    Karen - reset ~a revolving lantern~
    Karen - Actually
    Karen - Reincarnation
    Karen - mellow ~sou no senritsu~ (DVD)
  8. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Bear in random thoughts thread   
    Nah. First you go out and buy the best, most expensive and most exclusive peanut butter you can find. Then you take a huge spoon, dig into the glass and just eat it straight off the spoon to get a feeling of what it's like.  Then you make yourself a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich and just enjoy life for a moment. It's gotta be strawberry jelly. The real, natural stuff made of 98% strawberries with just a bit of added sugar. Preferable homemade, but you can get some good stuff in some stores too. Expensive as fuck tho, but worth it. Be sure to stay away from the awful, artificial shit you get in most stores with 60% strawberries and a lot of crap you don't need.
  9. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to cvltic in Dir en grey   
    heh , another SHALLOW fan with Nnothing to say abo ut the music. heres why yuou're wrong, Bitch:,
  10. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Karma’s Hat in Dir en grey   
    A little report from Warsaw yesterday.
    After taking a bit of a lax approach in actually getting to the venue instead of just drinking, myself & the other MH representative meat and her husband finally manage to get to the venue about 10-15 short of the show starting. Doing dispo things I naturally que up to the line for drinks inside hall and about halfway through that morass the new intro kicks off and the band gets on stage to a strangely lukewarm reception. Going into a little bit of panic, I manage to convince a fine local man in front of me to get me my two shots and then right away I start shuffling towards the best spots I can find while Utafumi is only about a halfway over. 
    The first thing me, and more or less everyone I talked to later on ( I must've chatted up to a good 20 people by the end of it ) noticed was the audience was very lame. A lot of the crowd that must've listened to j-rock five to ten years back, and now they've shown up as a contractual obligation to the past with their dumb boyfriend filming the show in tow. It was up until about Uroko that the audience just straight up fucking sucked, and the way this stuff works is that the confusion and lack of enthusiasm is just as infectious as the reverse, and it was only after that first genuine surprise when the actual fans decided to start disregarding the bores around them. The bottom was reached after Fukai when the band fucked off from the stage and staff started running around, and some people even wondered whether it was due to the reaction they received, or lack thereof. Anyway, the band comes back eventually and it was slow, but sure forward momentum after that and during Keibetsu Hajimari there was even an attempt at a moshpit which I joined instantly and thoroughly enjoyed as long as it lasted. The band definitely started winning the audience over as the show went on, and not even surprised because this is the best Dir en grey I've seen live. Kyo is absolutely killing it from beginning to end, like it's a marvel to actually see him in person and from fairly close as well doing all the theatrical stuff he has brought back/and from Sukekiyo where I suppose he was more free to do himself. Blossoming Beelzebub was something else with Kyo doing the same thing he did for the Mode of DSS live where his face is projected on the screen in real time, and he's just sort of drooling while giving the best rendition of the song I've hear so far. On all the ballads and stuff that might've been harder for him to pull off eight, nine years back he performs pretty much flawlessly from the start of the show 'till the end of it. It's mind blowing just how much he has improved and how many faults he's addressed even after seemingly permanent damage. 
    If I have to find a negative here, my friend complained about Shinya sounding sloppy during the show in Finland, and even if I became inclined to agree due to self-suggestion or some sort, I'm still going with it. The lack of intensity on his part was made apparent also by the fairly quiet sound of the venue, which was definitely surprising after having been there a few days back and everything sounded great and hit fucking hard.
    I quite liked the new songs live, even Values of Madness that I don't particularly care for I enjoyed and the band seemed to enjoy playing as well. Keibetsu hajimari and Devote My Life should have had a pit, and shoulders and fists should've hit the idiots standing still and filming in the face; there was this one dude who looked super offended that I featured myself in his video by growling the To Die In part in Devote, like fuck off watch them off of youtube or something instead. 
    Ranunculus got the people in my part of the audience hype, which I definitely didn't expect. Really good live tho.
    After the initial set ends your boi goes for more shots to be able to actually go through the entire fake encore routine that I still maintain is the most awkward thing ever, especially when you're in a country where people are struggling whether to pronounce the word encore either in their native way, the english way or the japanese one. At this point I'm finally getting kind of tipsy so I go along with it, and the band comes back to play The Final, Sustain the Untruth and Rasetsukoku. The first two were awesome with the all the audience participation and this made me enjoy Sustain the untruth for the first time in my life! So that's definitely something... and I mean obviously The Final always goes over well. While I might have wanted to hear Kodou instead, I can't say that would have been as good of a time as singing along to the The Final even if it has so far happened at every Deg show I've been to. 
    Rasetsukoku got a good, energetic performance that unfortunately didn't have anything for me to do, lol. I was still clamouring for that pit that just never came, and you might find me doing three shots at once, but there are levels I don't stoop down to and that's swinging my hands up in the air like an asshole. Rasetsukoku has this weird rhythm anyway that doesn't really lend itself to jumping or anything like that, but a circle pit would totally work. 
    The band leaves and the audience gets loud. They throw some stuff in the crowd and people cheer. I drink some more and then end up chatting to anyone with a pulse while waiting for the band outside (as an ironic nod to the weeaboo culture, just so you know) and wondering whether Kyo ate a giant pizza really fast because the box that went in came out in no time while it was just him there.
    Quite a lot of people travelling from other countries, with some even going to multiple shows, and of course some of the Japanese fans were there as well and we broke some cultural boundaries together trying to figure out what transport to take back to town. In the end I stumble upon this group of greek people and off we go for some beers, and one thing leads to another and now I'm here, hungover and writing this while wondering how I'm still alive living this lifestyle. 
    Great show despite the initial difficulties from the venue and the audience. The band is undeniably in peak form right now, so if you got a chance to see them then I say go and hopefully the audience you get is a little better than mine. I'm too trashed to proofread this but i hope it makes sense for ya guize!!
  11. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to TheZigzagoon in DIAURA new concept single, "運命開化" (Unmei Kaika) release   
    Why can't we keep this Diaura instead tho? I prefer 90's homage Diaura to the Diaura we've had, Unmei Kaika is the best thing I've heard from Diaura 
  12. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 黒百合と影 Kuroyuri to kage   
    "I will be having a live with a different band from the one I usually go to the studio with. Sometime during this year"
    From Mei's Twitter.
    Just a session band, but still... ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN.
    Still curious about his actual new band. I guess we won't see or hear anything from them this year at least. 
  13. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to AwesomeNyappy in An Cafe   
    Snow scene is definitely one of my favourite (maybe my no. 1 favourite) song(s). It creates such a melancholic atmosphere. 
    After reading about them disbanding soon, I listened to Stumble across a miracle for the first time in a long time, and suddenly all of the good memories I had with this band came to the surface. I've never even listened to this song much, but it gave me the chills.
  14. Yikes
    PIZAZ reacted to suji in New band NOCTILUCA have formed   
  15. LOLOL
    PIZAZ got a reaction from DESTINYGUY0316 in New band NOCTILUCA have formed   
    That's some really bad photoshop on the red haired one, lmao
  16. Like
  17. I feel ya..
    PIZAZ reacted to emmny in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    i thought i was gonna off myself but i found this thread and also found my will to live...the will to watch satsuki hit rock bottom over n over again
    also tbh i think people overlook how mediocre RES were in the greater scheme of things, especially considering they were a fkin FREE WILL band but they best they managed was shibuya quattro. I think yukari/whoever at free will really tried to push them hard, but as far as i see it, they were unlikeable outside of their core fanbase. Their music had some good moments, but honestly most of it was sloppy musicianship over some good melodies--satsuki isnt even a good singer, just has a pretty voice. When they were good, they were awesome but when they flopped it was awful lmfao. comparing them to kagerou, DEG, merry etc, RES kind of are a joke.
    That said, I think the band were just an awful fit with poor management. They were more or less assembled by yukari to do his thing, but once they had to make their own image and sound, I dont think any of them (free will mgmt included) really had a good sense of taste or vision. Its not to say they werent talented, considering the amazing work mika and takumi are doing now (tbh the gag is that those are the only talented members they had), but it certainly didn't come across in their music all that often.
    This is coming from someone who used to LOVE RES. I wonder how much satsuki flopping has coloured my thoughts on their music hahaha
  18. LOLOL
    PIZAZ reacted to Masato in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    Here you go:
  19. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to nekkichi in 砂月 -SATSUKI- new album, "REBOOT" release   
    I'm wondering if nikalenina_official is going to lipsynch some rentrer en soi classics while wearing angel wings and a tiara to impress the guest x
  20. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in マチルダ (Mathilda) vo. 喰(ku) will be temporarily on a break + will return   
    Those flyers must be tearing up his GI track as hard as their music is tearing up the visual-kei scene!
  21. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to suji in [UPDATE] グラスレ (grass thread) is back (kinda)   
    vk.gy has also implemented a new feature where grassthread pages are queued and automatically added to the database so they don't get lost. However, they'll have to be manually edited by admin users as it's automatic and may have some mistakes.
  22. Like
    PIZAZ got a reaction from The Reverend in Recommended Tracks from Summer 2018   
    Of the stuff I've listened to the clear winners are DEG and DIMLIM, but I haven't checked out any of the non-vkei stuff listed yet. Excited to listen to new toe and heck out NITRO DAY, sounds like they could have a place in my playlist based off of the description. I've also never given Mass of the Fermenting Dregs a try, so I'm going to rectify that later.
    I was unaware of new Shiina, fitear1590. I love when she goes full cinematic, really looking forward to checking that out.
    As always, thanks for putting this list together everyone.
  23. Like
    PIZAZ got a reaction from fitear1590 in Recommended Tracks from Summer 2018   
    Of the stuff I've listened to the clear winners are DEG and DIMLIM, but I haven't checked out any of the non-vkei stuff listed yet. Excited to listen to new toe and heck out NITRO DAY, sounds like they could have a place in my playlist based off of the description. I've also never given Mass of the Fermenting Dregs a try, so I'm going to rectify that later.
    I was unaware of new Shiina, fitear1590. I love when she goes full cinematic, really looking forward to checking that out.
    As always, thanks for putting this list together everyone.
  24. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to crucifiction in Show Yourself (again)   
    There you go!
  25. Like
    PIZAZ reacted to hiroki in Show Yourself (again)   
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