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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    YAS ! The dude that was from Sacrifice makes the best DIR EN GREY plagios in the history of ever. I hope he keeps making br00tal stuff instead of that weak ass B.C shit. Looking forward to this. Great line-up indeed.
  2. jon_jonz

    This. Also, it sounds exactly like BVCCI HAYNES. Equally boring.
  3. jon_jonz

    Too bad the quality sucks, but yeah, thanks for sharing.
  4. Ugh, what a cheap MEJIBRAY rip off. Aesthetically speaking it's a lot like MEJIBRAY. Don't you guys see the MEJIBRAY "references" ? I mean, the pseudo-cute tranny with pink "hair"/eyepatch/scarlet lipstick and feminine poses; the freaky drummer with dolls/teddy bears and bondage stuff and the vocalist that poses screaming while starring directly at the camera. Even the way the video has been edited resembles MEJIBRAY. They even use the same filters and effects. Really, really lame. They don't need this. I agree that Call Me was better than this simply because of that, but musically speaking, it's pretty good. I just don't think it sounds like Arlequin at all. Arlequin is waaaaaaaaay better than this.
  5. jon_jonz

    Yeah, where's it ? The only thing I found was a shitty fan video that looks more like an AMV.
  6. I absolutely love it when VK bands have alter-egos and I think it's one of the coolest things in the VK scene, mostly because it generally is something totes different from what they usually do, so I'm super excited for this and they all look gorgeous, except for the dude with the fake beard. Too bad the guys from Blu-BiLLioN don't seem like they'll do anything very different, but they always deliver, so I expect it to be cool too. I'm more anxious about the Inu Para alter ego tough, because it looks super tr00. I hope they release some music with all those alter ego bands.
  7. That's why I always download everything VK-related from Youtube. Because I know sooner or later it'll happen.
  8. It's not the 1st time Kaya collaborates with aki and I'd like to see some footage of it.
  9. Finally someone that agrees with me ! Yeah, I still love Diru and all and I really hope they surprise me. I'm just not digging what I've heard so far, but I want to like it too.
  10. jon_jonz

    Woah, 10 years already !? Fuck, I'm getting old... Commemorative world tour, pretty please.
  11. Was that to me ? If so, yes. I don't like the previews of the new album at all. I think it sounds a lot like sukekiyo and I believe I'm the only person in this forum that thinks that sukekiyo sucks. Just a matter of taste, yes, but it's not my cup of tea. Too soft and boring for me, and I was expecting something more br00tal from Diru, but as I wrote here when they posted the previews it sounds to me as if they are getting more into the prog/avant-garde vein and leaving their heavier touches behind, so I personally don't like it, even though I adore this band so I want them to keep playing old stuff so that I can keep enjoying their lives.
  12. I love it when old bands get back together. Too bad they don't generally stick for long, though. And I'm still waiting for Janne da Arc...
  13. I've noticed they removed pretty much all of their videos from Youtube. They always do this. I remember once checking their stuff and then a few hours later it wasn't there anymore. Totes awkses.
  14. jon_jonz

    Well, YOHIO has personally been involved with the jap bands. I mean, he went to Japan, played with lots of VK bands, got jap VK guys to produce his stuff, etc. In this aspect, he is better than the others, but it only happens because he has the money to do it and there are some bands in this preview that still sound more VK-ish than he does, but even though it requires a decent aesthetic production, VK has nothing to do with money. There are many bands that get to do decent stuff with a low budget, but they give their best and look/sound VK-ish and most of the bands in this V.A. ain't even trying.
  15. jon_jonz

    "And did Ninjaman Japan lose a bet to be on this DVD?" ^ That's exactly what I thought ! Sarino is really doing lots of lame shit with his career after SHELLY TRIP REALIZE, though, so who cares ? Anygays, supposing all bands were good and had decent music/looks/PVs, are you against the fact that they don't sing in japanese ? In my opinion they should all sing in english, because it helps with the globalization stuff and they don't sound much like weebs. What do you think ?
  16. They'd better keep playing these old songs constantly in their lives because their new album's gonna suck donkey balls.
  17. jon_jonz

    Everytime I see something from this band I think "Fuck this shit. Get Megaromania back already", but I think I'll have to get used to this. Meh.
  18. jon_jonz

    Except for IN SHADE, Kogure and the bands from the asian countries NONE of those sound like a VK band. I think that's the problem with non-jap VK bands. They don't actually sound like VK. Like Disposable said, it's just a shitty mix of lots of stuff and the result sounds more like early 2000's nu-metal and it's disgusting. Most of them aren't even trying. They don't even wear make-up or look like an EBM band. I really, reaaaaaaaaaally wish I could like a western VK band. I'm totally in for the globalization of VK and all, but unfortunately most of the bands ain't helping the scene get any better. In my opinion, this will only help japs keep making fun of us and by us I mean, everyone that isn't japanese. Congratulations to MaleRose, though. They look and sound way better than everything else in this V.A. and seem to be the only band taking this seriously.
  19. jon_jonz

    DANGER CRUE's other artists started really good and then kept getting worse gradually. This one sounds boring and generic since the beginning, so, meh. I bet it'll have some well-known dudes in the line-up, though, so let's see how it develops.
  20. jon_jonz

    Yes. This shit is gorgeous. Flawless ! I love this band so much. Their PVs are THE shit. And this is the best look of 2k14. As someone mentioned above, I too miss their more br00tal stuff, since this is the 2nd PV they release out of a ballad, but it's really great. Too bad they don't get the recognition they deserve. This band is way better than most of those indies people idolize nowadays.
  21. I really like the latin music touches in this song.
  22. Is this related to traditional japanese music ? Seems like it. He looks 20 years older and I have a feeling this will be boring as fuck. Let's see how it develops.
  23. jon_jonz

    Wow, they're so creative with names. First A, then ∀, and now Z. Outstanding.
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