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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. Holy shit, I've never been much into BUCK-TICK but that partnership with Kokusyoku Sumire is gonna be epic. Now I need to watch their whole videography since I never really bothered to check their live stuff. Too bad some of their DVDs are really hard to find online.
  2. jon_jonz

    That's the opposite of what I said, furry. What I really meant is 'it's okay to suffer from a serious life-affecting mental illness unless you're making others pay for this too'. The selfish and self-righteous one is not me, it's this drummer dude, but you both were too busy pretending to care for him in order to see that. Now let's deal with this like decent people and accept that others have different opinions and stop attacking people and calling them names just because we don't agree, will we ? Let's do like the anti-social dude said stop flooding this thread. And stop sending me PMs, awkward dude with poor photoshop skills. I won't waste my time arguing with you. Your arguments and cursing won't make me change my opinion. End of convo.
  3. jon_jonz

    Oh, so you're as totes awksies as he is and I'm supposed to feel guilty because of this ? No can do. My point is: think about the band and stop only caring about him. I never said anything like he's mentally retarded or w/e. You and the furry are the ones making the drama. It's ok if you have a disorder as long as you aren't a dick about it and don't make others suffer for your problems, get it ? And he's being a dick because the band and the fans pay because of his selfishness. But you probably wouldn't understand, because, as you said, you don't care about the band, you think VK = emo and you're too stuck in self pity to think about the others and you only care about this dude because he may be the same as you. Go get some help and stop whining.
  4. jon_jonz

    Sounds way heavier and way better than usual. I dig it.
  5. jon_jonz

    So, you say neo-VK is mostly emo and I am the ignorant one ? Because of this loser's whining a good band is being put on hold or whatever. It's ok if he wants to be socially awkward as long as his attitudes don't affect the work of others and that's exactly what he's doing. His childish behavior deserves no empathy. That's why most VK bands keep disbanding out of the most ridiculous reasons. Because their fanbase supports shit like this. Stop protecting an old ass man being pathetic and support the actual artists and maybe we can help the scene grow.
  6. jon_jonz

    With that attitude he should quit VK and join an emo band.
  7. jon_jonz

    I do like this band, but the last band CROW signed (BIOSPHIA) disbanded in less than a year with them, so I'm skeptical about this.
  8. I miss vell & 【_Vani;lla】 so much. Good to see he still looks the same. I hope he gets in a full-fledged band soon.
  9. Just as I suspected by the band's name, they're "related" to Kamen Rider. However, it's unofficial. They upload some videos with Tokusatsu episodes fansubbed in portuguese and all. I find it pathetic. Nice songs, though.
  10. jon_jonz

    I may be a cunt but at least I'm not a pussy (?)
  11. So Baddies is no more ? Ugh, this band has such a great line-up but their songs aren't a par with it.
  12. Yeah. Those 2 DVDs they've released recently are amazing too, so I have high hopes for this.
  13. jon_jonz

    Good news. Just put their vocalist in a decent band, because he's one hell of a good performer that's wasting his talent with this shitty band.
  14. jon_jonz

    I miss'em. They should come back for real. They're so much better than their new projects.
  15. jon_jonz

    And yet you call me rude. Not that I care, but you're welcome. People used to make the same question back in the old forum too.
  16. jon_jonz

    This is fucking br00tal. I love it ! If only they'd stop releasing those weak ass songs and focus on the heavier tracks they'd be much better.
  17. jon_jonz

    Everytime someone posts about this band there's a person to ask how's their band name pronounced. every fucking time Anygays, how many times have they rereleased .L.S.D ? 4, at least. I mean, this song is fabusome, but come on, stop milking it already. And the previews sound cool but it also sounds generic. They used to have a very unique sound. I miss it.
  18. Yay, Ray is back ! I don't dig this session line-up but even this is better than that shitty and annoying pig screaming Ma'riage. I remember Ray was producing a boring band called DECIDE, so it looks like he's fucking up with his career after the sublime epicness that was NEGA. I hope he does something good this time. Also, it's good to see all members of NEGA back except for Yu, which is the most skillful and talented of them all. He needs to get back too.
  19. jon_jonz

    MELLO did some quality music. I'm excited for this.
  20. jon_jonz

    I hate this band but this actually ok. Surprising.
  21. Woah, they're fucking amazing at lives. Even the GACKT and PIKO covers sounds cool, and I tend to hate covers. So all of their songs are vocaloid covers or do they actually have any songs of their own ?
  22. Awn, I love Wizard. They should come back.
  23. jon_jonz

    Meh. Sounds like their worst album ever. The full song is just boring. This sounds to me as a heavier version of sukekiyo and since I don't like sukekiyo at all... I miss the times when they were br00tal instead of this soft ass pseudo-avant garde shit. Let's hope the other half is better than this.
  24. Sounds like a heavier version of UCHUU Sentai NOIZ. The chorus is catchy as fuck. They're getting better.
  25. jon_jonz

    Their label is clearly investing more money in the production for this band than the others, which is good, because they're their best band. This looks gorgeous.
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