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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Amazing band name, amazing event name and amazing pic. I don't expect it to be any good, though.
  2. jon_jonz

  3. I did look it up, but it was in the VK section, which is why I didn't find it. Thanks, anyway.
  4. This band is fucking awesome ! I've never heard of them before, but I liked this CD folder so much I decided to look'em up. Too bad I couldn't find any of their music. Would anyone please share some of their music ?
  5. Yeah, same. So, only because it's called Visual Kei all they have to worry about is the aesthetics ? I doubt you're an actual black doll, so you point is invalid. And now Chargeeeeee is a bad drummer ? Oh, come on ! He plays way better than most of the drummers in the bands you guys idolize. But I doubt you even cared to check because he's too ugly, so he can't be any good. Tsc.
  6. This shit is hideous. Everything else they've released before was ok, but this PV is actually kinda ratchet. I hope the quality doesn't keep dropping, though.
  7. jon_jonz

    Oh, yeah, I forgot about Q.E.D. I'll get back to following Yasu's works when Janne da Arc is back, so I generally only listen to his new stuff once when the CDs leak and then I forget about it. Acid Black Cherry is actually one the most successful VK bands nowadays, Shaolan. Y'all complain about VK bands not being a big deal overseas but it's partially your fault because you keep bitch whining everytime a band claim to be VK if they don't wear too much make-up, clothes, etc or if there's no tranny in the band. Stop complaining about the most famous acts and instead of boycotting them realize that giving them some support is a good chance of making the scene bigger, because most bands are actually forced to quit being VK once they go major or w/e because they know they won't get enough support.
  8. Did Kaya himself say he is leaving because he is too ugly ? I doubt it. I never expected him to stay since I know Chargeeeeee is a music whore and he sticks with many projects. In fact I tought Femme Fatale would be one of those session bands that only release 1 CD, but the fact that you guys are more worried about him looking good or not instead of their music is what disgusts me about VK fans.
  9. jon_jonz

    It's nice to see a VK band making a conceptual album. Metal bands do it a lot. I'm not a fan of conceptual albuns since I see it as a limitation, but this preview looks preety good and the production is awesome. I've never been an ABC fan, but I'm looking forward to it.
  10. jon_jonz

    What about the south american tour ?
  11. jon_jonz

    The video almost made me cry too. Too bad there are only 3 lives. We deserve at least a new single.
  12. You see ? I told y'all they'd be doing this lame clown shit. Ugh, I hate Danchou so I won't even say anything about that video with him, but the preview is ok. They're keeping up with a good quality release after release. I hope they become a big band someday, because they have lots of talent. I just hope they don't humiliate themselves for this.
  13. LOL, the wig the guy with a hat is wearing is so ratchet I thought it was a garlic necklace. Nice look, though.
  14. Sounds a lot like Crimson Shiva. I like it. When will you guys stop bitch whining about bands taking pics and recording their stuff in the same places ? Yes, it IS annoying to see the same thing over and over again, but they don't have much money. Those are probably the less expensive studios. You can't expect much from poor bands.
  15. jon_jonz

    Fucking finally, a PV of a heavy track. Fabusome, as usual. I love this band.
  16. jon_jonz

    I remember I saw him taking lots of pro shot pics with the guys from MBHI. I wonder if it's related.
  17. jon_jonz

    I got excited when I read the guys from NOKUBURA are in this, but then I read YOHIO is also there and I almost lost interest. The song/PV sounds pretty cool, though, but yeah, I agree with Perez. What about that manga CLAMP would do feat. GACKT ? I haven't heard about it anymore. I think it got cancelled after that scandal about his daughter in Canada or w/e. Does anyone have any info about it ?
  18. Ok, so why don't PIERROT dress like clowns too ? First things first, Arlequin is not the same as Harlequin and your comparison makes no sense at all. He dresses like a clown because he wants to, just like Danchou and that dude from The Pumpkin Head and many others. The point is that they don't need this and we think it doesn't suit their band or at least their sound. That's all.
  19. I'm glad there are more people that think like me, because it actually bothers me a lot. I'd like NoGoD more if Danchou didn't dress like a clown. I'd like Lycaon more if they didn't use those ratchet wigs, etc. I just can't take them seriously. It's not that I hate them or clowns or I can't appreciate their music because of what they look like, but it is as you said. They don't need this. Why make a fool of yourself for attention when you actually have other talents ?
  20. I really, reeaaaaaaally like this band and they're one of my top favorite new comers and I'm always excited about everything new they come up with and all but when will aki ever get rid of that ridiculous clown-ass hairstyle ?
  21. Yaaay, lots of cool bands joining Riostar Records. Great news, even though I'm not much into LOUD GRAPE. Their heavier songs are pretty cool, though, so I'm excited, because they have potential.
  22. I do like Moran and I think they should stick together, but Sizna is one of the best guitarists VK has ever had and he's not using half of his talent, like he did on Sugar, in this band. I hope they make more complex songs so he can use all of his skills and also because they're getting repetitive or maybe Sizna should get a side project or w/e.
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