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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. I was expecting something heavier, judging by their look, but it's pretty cool.
  2. The PV itself is boring as fuck, but the music is actually pretty good.
  3. I like this bands a lot, but shit, why do they always make PVs only for the ballads ? I believe they already have almost 10 PVs and it's always the same thing and they only make PVs for the ballads. If you listen to their CDs you'll see they are very versatile and they make many different kinds of music, but their PVs are so repetitive, ugh.
  4. jon_jonz

    Yeah, that's totally Miku from AN CAFE. I can tell by his tattoo. The dude above him looks a lot like Yuuga, from GOKIBURI and the one by his side looks like a Tokami member. I have no idea about the others, but all faces look familiar. I didn't like the songs, but I'm interested in this.
  5. Kinky VK FTW ! Very cool covers, btw.
  6. jon_jonz

    WTF ? Nobody cares about them, how did they get to play their very first live overseas ? Sounds to me as if some weeabo is bringing them to London only to get some jap dick. I mean, the person who's organizing and paying for this to happen.
  7. What is the lyrics about and why does tanuki hate it so much?
  8. I do like this, but it's not even half as good as their previous PV and the quality of the videos is drastically inferior to the previous PV.
  9. This is very different from what they generally do, but I like it a lot.
  10. Woah, this band is raw as fuck ! We have many pseudo-tr00 VK bands nowadays, but only a few are as br00tal as this. CoЯPsE PaЯtY & 凍る太陽と追憶の烙印 sound flawless. Clear vocals aren't that good, but at least their vocalist screams better than most of the others. They have lots of potential. I'll keep an eye on them.
  11. jon_jonz

    Shout out to CHIYU wearing a Jay-Z T-Shirt, hahahaha.
  12. Same. Stella has one of the best chorus a VK bad produced this year. This song is ok, but doens't seem as great as Stella.
  13. jon_jonz

    Slightly reminds me of Megamasso. I dig it.
  14. Pretty good indeed. I don't think they sound like Sadie or Diru at all. This is more br00tal.
  15. jon_jonz

    Come back with BLOOD already, damn it.
  16. jon_jonz

    I didn't like this song at all when I heard the previews, but I've actually enjoyed the full thing and I tend to dislike this cliché of pseudo-jazzy tunes with a PV filmed in a bar, so yeah, keep it up, Sick².
  17. Am I the only one who actually likes this band ? They're just some generic pseudo-cute band, but I kinda like it. I don't get it when you guys say the vocals suck when I bet most of you listen to more annoying shit, like PaRADEiS.
  18. jon_jonz

    If exist†trace released the same thing y'all'd be saying it's the most amazing thing evah, plus they sound like exist†trace and the vocalist's voice reminds me a lot of Jyou's. Shout out to the white weeabo, though.
  19. jon_jonz

    Yes, I need many more. I concur they look a lot like AWOI and sound a lot like lynch., though.
  20. jon_jonz

    Same. I've read somewhere that the cover wit the winged girl was designed by someone related to those awesome Final Fantasy arts.
  21. Better than what I'd expect from the lame ass video they released before, indeed. Looking forward to more from them.
  22. Looks like the quality of his roadies in falling just like the quality of the music he makes, haha.
  23. This band is no big deal, but I do like them so far. I'm glad Tenten decided to make heavy music, since I've always had the feeling his style would fit better in a heavy band.
  24. All of them except for the green haired dude are wearing wigs. Looks like he's using some extensions, though.
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