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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Visually speaking, this PV is gorgeous. The song is more of the same, but good.
  2. jon_jonz

    They're generic as fuck but I liked it a lot somehow. I'll keep an eye on them.
  3. jon_jonz

    Here's my contribution: JIN from THE BLACK SWAN feat. Yu (ex-NEGA). I have many more pictures to contribute to this thread. I'll upload'em later, when I have the patience to look it up in my folders.
  4. All PSC bands go major sooner or later. That's actually set-up and has nothing to do with them being good or not.
  5. I'm not angry. I'm just saying everyone bitches when a VK band becomes major out of the blue and now these nobodies do the same and nobody cares. Pardon my ignorance, but I don't know shit about japanese culture. I didn't know it's usual, because the only thing about Japan I care is VK and no VK bands become major after only 1 CD, but yeah, VK ain't mainstream.
  6. jon_jonz

    GOEMON RECORDS isn't their label. I mean, REALies doesn't own it. I like this band a lot but this sounds boring. I hope the other tracks are good.
  7. I had really low expectations for this and it's even worse than what I was expecting.
  8. jon_jonz

    If they had a world tour people would be trying to impeach them just like they are doing with that dude that supposedly harassed japs and gives speeches about it.
  9. jon_jonz

    I never said anything like Toshiya's clothes being disturbing, but yeah, the intention of my avatar is to be disturbing, unlike Toshiya, who clearly tried to look fashionable and failed miserably and looks like an ugly tranny from the Matrix. I actually like him and DEG happens to be one of my fave bands but this is just awful. He ruined the pic.
  10. Y'all complain about VK bands becoming major too soon but look at this shit. They only have 1 listener @ last.fm and not even one single pic there because no one cares. I confess I only clicked on this topic thinking this was a VK band. Unfortunately we don't have separate threads for VK and average J-rock bands like in the download section here in the news. I don't care about non-VK bands unless they're somehow related to VK. This band is, since their guitarrist was in VK bands, but do they consider themselves as VK ? Their OHP says they do play with some VK bands, but most of them aren't. Visually (?) they remind me of Yeti and Lc5, so I dunno. The fact that every young male seems to wear some make-up and put on stylish hairstyles is confusing because many average J-rock bands look more VK than actual VK bands. I tried that PV and I didn't like it, so I don't care if they're VK or not, but they certainly don't deserve to be major.
  11. jon_jonz

    Thanks for considering my request and making this list, Trombe. Much appreciated, srsly. Maybe we should have a thread for trivia or something like that. I mean, a collection of interesting facts about those bandmen. Not only news and gossip.
  12. jon_jonz

    Why is Toshiya wearing a garbage plastic bag ?
  14. jon_jonz

    This sounds very different from everything else they've released before. Kinda jazzy. I love it. Never really liked this band but now I'm excited of what may come with this new dude on vocals, even though he was kinda irrelevant in his previous band.
  15. They should rename the band after that. I hope they at least get to release a CD with that title.
  16. Same. DADAROMA is good, but I was expecting something more in the vein of songs like "The place in which I am now.", so I hope this new band will do stuff like that since it's practically CrazySham with another vocalist.
  17. jon_jonz

    Americans be talking shit like "poKEYmon" and "aniMAY" and now you come up with this, LOL.
  18. jon_jonz

    I couldn't care less about this dude but it's nice to know when VKeiers are related. Is there any place with a list of japanese musicians who are siblings or something like this ? I only know a few...
  19. Yeah, he was my favorite too. Besides MERRY and Lolita23q I don't know any other VK bands in which the drummer stands out during their live performances more than the other members. I'll miss him. MW is pretty good too and I'm a big DOWNER fan so I'm actually excited for this. I hope he becomes a full member.
  20. They've spent so much time without releasing anything I actually forgot they existed. Good news, but everytime a VK band announces shit like this 12-month consecutive thingy they disband before completing it. I hope they'll at least get to release the CD with my sign on it, though.
  21. jon_jonz

    Woah, this is way better than what I was expecting judging by their look and from what I remember listening to what they've released before. It's cute but also tr00 and the eletronic touches give a nice atmosphere to the songs. Even the intro sounds good. I'll keep an eye on them from now on. I hope someone shares this when it comes out because I really want to hear it.
  22. This band is no big deal, but that CD that was composed/produced/whatever by Mitsuki from Sadie was pretty good, so it'd be nice if they wouldn't disband.
  23. I love DISH but it sounds terribly boring as an acoustic unit. He'd better get new members to play with him.
  24. Ugh, I don't like this at all. Their previous releases were much better. Nice look, though.
  25. jon_jonz

    WTF ? He looks like HIZAKI. Is Mana trying to plagiarize HIZAKI who once plagiarized Mana ? What is this ? Inception Kei ?
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