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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. This band is such a mess. First they were plagiarizing MEJIBRAY and now this. I forgot they were under GOEMON RECORDS. Ugh, what a let down.
  2. Thedane mentioned before ne that this band sounds like ARLEQUIN. I disagree too.
  3. jon_jonz

    They look a lot like VAJRA in that pic. Their individual pics look cool, but the drummer looks ratchet as fuck. I hope they sound good, and I think they will. Yuna always delivers.
  4. Yes, I'm dead serious. It's a matter of taste, but I won't discuss taste with someone that uses the D.I.D. logo as an avatar
  5. jon_jonz

    Yaaas ! Looks badass. I bet VIPER will be a kickass remake. Can't wait for it.
  6. Too much autotune, not like ARLEQUIN at all. Cool samples. At least it's already better than EYA...
  7. LOL, I can't believe Ray took them to the same place NEGA recorded 2 PVs already. This is pretty good, but I've read the comments here before watching the previews and I was expecting something outstanding because y'all freaking out about this, but yeah, they're good, just not above average. It's funny that this band sounds similar t THE BLACK SWAN and Ray and JIN decided to form different bands that play somewhat the same thing. Not complaining, tough. It's better to have 2 projects instead of just one.
  8. Flawless ! I don't even have words to how much I liked this. It surprises me this band doesn't have a bigger fanbase given their awesomeness, despite all the plagios. Can't wait for the those PVs to leak.
  9. This sounds completely different from what I was expecting, yet still it's pretty good. Good surprise. I'm looking forward to that PV, which seems to be br00tal.
  10. jon_jonz

    WTF? No ! He's one of my favorite musicians. Such a good composer... This made me sad. I hope he comes back someday. Today is his birthday, btw. Happy birthday, you adorable son of a bitch. I'll miss you >:
  11. Remember when VK musicians had solo carreers that were good ? Those were the days.
  12. jon_jonz

    Ugh,this band used to be so good. Even on lives they suck now. That Kameleo cover was horrible. Did anyone get the other bands' performances ?
  13. Almost all of those songs have already been released before, right?
  14. jon_jonz

    Nice VelBet cosplay.
  15. Dude dresses up as a pillow and calls this shit VK, LOL.
  16. This band is boring and too generic. Nice performance and all, but there are already too many goodactive bands sounding like old school acts. Their previous Kiryu wannabe project was way better.
  17. jon_jonz

    I counted 40 people too, but I think the person in the far right side is from the security, LOL
  18. I was expecting something heavier, but I like this. Reminds me of SID.
  19. jon_jonz

    I was expecting some br00tal stuff, at least in the B sides, but still, this sounds perf. 'Mermaid Misery' is fucking majestic and the song of the PV is catchy as fuck. I haven't been this excited about a VK band for at least 5 years or so. It's great to have this feeling back. This band gives me life.
  20. Sorry for bringing back an old post but this is relevant: the song in the PV preview is a plagio, at least partially. Dunno if someone has already pointed that out on Tanuki or w/e, but I noticed that the piano part is exactly like the intro to a song called "藍染まる頃" by DOWNER. Check it out:
  21. I love all the gore and soft porn in their PVs. This preview looks like a calm song, but I bet it has some br00tal parts. Can't wait for the full thing.
  22. jon_jonz

    Nobody gives a fuck about San. No wonder this band didn't last long. He was bullied by the other members of NEGA in every single comment they had and I remember back in the days when we had that VK DVD Magazine that they said he is so useless they once forgot him in a mountain or w/e. He was just a talentless cutie in a band with ugly, but actually talented dudes, so that's why you might think he might be a good musician, but he just sucks. Unless he can get another band to suck off the talent of other people, that's what will always happen to his career.
  23. Microsoft Paint Kei. I like the idea. I bet their videos and songs will be as bad as their drawing skills.
  24. jon_jonz

    The dude in the middle looks a lot like Fi'Ance.'s vocalist. Isn't it the same person ?
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