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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. This looks interesting. Any idea of the bands all those members of the cast played before ? Some of them look familiar.
  2. I agree with emmny. Wasn't his previous solo shit humiliation enough ? I guess he'll have to be bullied out of VK, but it also looks like he has enough money to buy his way through VK industry. The fact that a PSC artist is related with this scares me the most.
  3. Wow, the youth of today is so rebelious ! We have this and those that say shit like "I paid a lot of money to get this and I'm a selfish hipster so I mustn't share it with anyone on the interwebz". Veekay fans are the best.
  4. W8, we have people here that actually attend to those gigs ? Why aren't we getting any bootlegs, pics and all kinds of backstage gossip, then ?
  5. LOL, they have more tracks in this DVD than fans in that live. It's kinda sad, because I do like them and feel that they adeeded something different to their songs that most VK bands don't do. It's a pitty that most of the bands that musically add something to VK never stick around for long.
  6. jon_jonz

    There are so many wrong stuff going on in this picture... What a clusterfuck.
  7. Funny as fuck. This is how you do parody VK. Not like those shitty unfunny videos pseudo-funny GUTS AND DEATH has been doing.
  8. At least the others come back as a VK act. They look awfully average.
  9. jon_jonz

    I'm pissed because they didn't perform Fiv Five which by far their best song. Nice gig, tough. Videodrome kicks ass.
  10. I never ever give a fuck about CD covers, but damn, this CD cover in partiular is fucking gorgeous ! I can't wait to see the DVD, btw. This is one of my fave bands. Still sad to see them go.
  11. Oh, shit. You just broke my heart >:
  12. So INTETSU quit being an awesome musician to become a cameraman ? Srsly ? Anygays, this is like Terminator meets Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Preety cool. His PVs are always really good and the songs are quite addictive. RYO:SUKE is doing a great job. One of the coolest solo carreers in VK.
  13. Pretty good indeed. I just don't like how the clean vocals sometimes sound like MEJIBRAY's, mainly in the high notes. He didn't do that back in XIBALBA, so there's no need to do it now.
  14. What about the news PVs ? Those are taking forever to leak.
  15. So now we've got another of these nico nico artists who sing vocaloid stuff turned into pseudo-VK, uh ? This dude sucks. What happened to PIKO ?
  16. This name looks like something vistlip would do.
  17. This sounds like BAROQUE and after the epicness of the other BAROQUE wannabe which is Neverland, I'm totally in for this if the keep it up, because their previous stuff was totes generic.
  18. jon_jonz

    Woah, they've improved a lot since their last look. Steampunk Kei FTW !
  19. jon_jonz

    You see what I meant ? The brazilian promoter explicitly said he doesn't care for the fans. And I can't believe he's threatening to call the police. This makes me soooo angry ! Tour in Hell posted in their Facebook that the responsibility for the visas belongs to B7Klan. Doesn't look like the truth at all, to me. I know they have this policy of not using social media to solve their problems but B7Klan totes should publish those e-mails in order to blacklist this son of a bitch. I hope he gets sued and pays lots of money for being such a heartless douche. I wish I could go to the meet and greet. I ain't even a KAMIJO fan, but I wish I could show them my support there personally. Good news is that there's actually a shitload of fans there. Check this pic from the line:
  20. jon_jonz

    This is not how it works. The contract has to have a clause about the legal issues and I don't think they can manage that from Europe because you have to get a local promoter to do that. But yeah, you're right. They should just open a branch here and deal with all of this themselves instead of trusting lame "businessmen" to do that.
  21. jon_jonz

    You've got a point, but there's no one else interested in bringing japs to south america, so maybe that's why they made a deal with an unthustworthy dude. Also, I don't think it's B7Klan's fault because the contract says the local promoter has to deal with the legal issues of his country. This isn't B7Klan's jurisdiction at all.
  22. jon_jonz

    I never said anything about any country being better than the other I just reported what happens here. Well, I never got to know anything about church/government or crime not allowing international gigs to happen in Brazil, and I don't believe it has ever happened, at least in the past 20 years or so, but my point is, church/government/crime are organizations known for fucking up with people since the dawn of time, but here, instead of being manipulated by "evil organizations" it's just one single person at a time, or a small group of like 10 dudes or less that gang up against poor artists that don't get a lot of promotion and need any exposure they can get. So they play with both the fans and the artists' emotions, you know ? Because everyone knows you can get a visa denied in any country in the world, that's law, just the way people from other countries may not be allowed to play in Japan too, but when a promoter tells you you'll be able to go to a tour by getting fake visas and makes you sign contracts that'll make you do illegal shit in their country because the visa you got doesn't allow you to perform as an artist and you can go to jail because of that, that's straight up a douche move. You get how fucked up it is ? He could've sent DEATHGAZE to jail ! And there are many other artists, because, like I said, both GPK and the dude from Gram∞Maria could've died because he sent them to extremely dangerous places simply because he didn't want to pay for a decent hotel for them and he's a greedy son of a bitch. And what chance did they get ? The poor guys had to sign up for that because this may be the only chance they'll ever get to meet some of their international fans, so they allow themselves to be abused in order get just a little bit of exposure. We all know that show biz is fucked up, but this is too much. So here, it's not a matter of artists not being able to do their art because of legal matters. It's actually because the promoters are fucking them up instead of helping them and they know they wouldn't be able to do that with famous artists, because they'd be sued out of the business, so they exploit minor artists that only want a chance.
  23. jon_jonz

    I never knew DEATHGAZE were illegally playing here. This is really bad news, because they could've gone to jail or whatevs. So, as a brazilian and long time VK fan I remember the guy responsible for this Tour in Hell thingy has a really bad reputation here. Turns out he's one of the responsibles for the fake announcemment 8 years ago that they'd bring Charlotte in a joint gig with Hime Ichigo. This rumor was started by someone else, but as far as I remember, he was the one responsible for first contatcting the band and actually scheduling stuff. The gig never happened for really obscure reasons and he went on the internet to blame others and treat angry fans like shit just like he's doing now, but, in that ocasion, anoter enterprise called Yamato, which is the one responsible for bringing SCREW here in July, and also the one that brought bigger bands, like Gazette and AN CAFE took over the contract and brought Charlotte to two gigs. The event was a sucess and they even recorded two DVDs here, but Hime Ichigo, who at the time was under the same management as Charlotte, never came. This Yamato sucks too because their events are always over priced and they don't give a fuck to the fans either, but at least they do what they promise. The years have passed and for a long time Yamato was the only one bringing artists here, but, as always, over priced and with little to no respect for the fans. Then, like 2 years ago, this guy reappeared out of the blue and founded that Tour in Hell thingy, promising to make a revolution in the scene here. Thruth be told he actually made some nice gigs, like when he brought DEATHGAZE, SiSeN and Gram∞Maria, but I remember that both Gram∞Maria and GPK actually posted in their own personal profiles that they stayed in shitty and dangerous "hotels" with GPK even reporting hiding from gunshots in his Facebook, so it looks to me as if instead of fucking with the fans, like Yamato does, he fucked with the artists, who may even hate Brazil now because of him. They also say Kiwamu hates this guy to death because of his lack of respect and there are many more stories I know but can't simply incriminate the guy, because I dunno if they're true or not. Brazil has had many cases of bands being fed up with shitty promoters, like when dozens of actually famous bands black listed our country, which by the way were the same guys that brought DIR EN GREY the last time and many more stories, so it really pisses me off to see this shit happening again, because we're getting a bad reputation because of those douchebags that keep doing shit like this. He's still bringing HIZAKI, tough, so let's see how it develops. I know some of you here are involved in those events, so, if any of you reading this are interested in bringing bands to South America don't ever make business with this guy, because he's the one responsible for this, but please, don't think of us as bad people, because we have nothing to do with this and many of us (like me) even go to cross country trips just to support the bands that come here and we really want and need japanese artists to come to Brazil.
  24. jon_jonz

    His gig in Brazil has been cancelled: The brazilian producers say they have ceased all connections to B7Klan and B7Klan ain't saying anything else about this besides the statement above, but it looks to me as if by "administrative missings" they mean that the brazilian producers simply didn't pay them or honored the contract, even tough the brazilians claim it was just a "favor" B7Klan was doing, but B7Klan still has to bring him to Burajiru because the contract says so. It looks like all the fans will have is a meet & greet.
  25. There are also bands like Jin-Machine, Ensoku and many more. "Funny Kei" isn't new at all and it has been around for almost as long as VK itself.
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