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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. The "it's not vk so I don't care" part was actually about me. The "nobody cares about this person in particular" part is a fact. The very few that "beg to differ" won't be able to sustain his carreer, but again, I don't care. It's just a fact that 99,9% of people that leave VK bands to get a solo carreer won't last more than 1 or 2 years, so save your whinning for when he gives up or hopefully, he'll do like the last bassist that left SCREW did and get back to VK.
  2. LOL, why's he dressed like Pharrel ? I mean: Nobody cares about this dude, he can't sing and he's only making average music that sounds pretty much like any other j-pop crap. Friendly reminder that the last bassist that left SCREW to get into a non-VK band failed miserably. But at least when Yuto left SCREW wasn't major and he eventually got back into VK...
  3. jon_jonz

    The two dudes in the left side of the pic look like Pentagon and the ones in the right side look like old school Naitomea. They sound ok, tough.
  4. jon_jonz

    When I heard the 1st PV preview I tough it'd be a lame ass song that just sounded like those Super Sentai OPs, but now I see it was just a teaser and the song is actuall catchy as fuck. I also love how lately they do 2 different looks for every release in which one is just for fun and the other is the srs bznss thingy. They have lots of potential. I have a feeling they're gonna be famous soon.
  5. This band is fucking flawless ! I love how their looks are pretty much the same thing over and over again yet still they always slay. Looooove the concept of the live video too. Too bad they have just a few fans. They deserve many, many more.
  6. jon_jonz

    They look a lot like XENON:
  7. jon_jonz

    phase faith was dope. I'm gonna keep an eye on them. As for the many bands called Lilith, most of you guys here use last.fm, right ? Since lately we're getting many bands with the same name I suggest using Lilith for the old school VK act, Lilith 中国 for the chinese band (which btw has been tagged like this upon my sugestion by the person that uploaded most of their CDs in this forum) and L i l i t h for this one. I mean, I don't like more than one artist sharing the same page on last.fm and I do believe the band that came before, whether they're japs or not, deserves the "normal" tag and then we start using unicode and its variations. I'm just saying it here because that's where VK fans gather since I haven't seen any discussion @ last.fm in the recent years. Just for the ones who care.
  8. jon_jonz

    Just watched it and I have to say it's kind of sad that there are almost no dudes in the audience. Before LUNA SEA's gig starts the camera is just there for half an hour showing the audience and there are thousands of people, but like, 99,9% of them are women. It should've been more balanced, plus many of the dudes are old. Weird. Other than that, there are many non-VK bands that I find dead boring and the VK ones just do more of the same, mainly because they've been around for too long. They should put newer bands there. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas owned the whole festival, tough. They're soooo much better than all the other bands in the festival, in terms of performance. I hope they get more recognition after this festival.
  9. TIME SECTION # is still a thing ? Formula One, srsly ? Sizna singing UNiTE. !? He is as random as he's talented, haha.
  10. jon_jonz

    Here's the 2 and a half hours long tv broadcast from day 1: http://k2s.cc/file/cc25bd59de333/lunatic_2015.06.28.part1.rar http://k2s.cc/file/2659bcf65ceb0/lunatic_2015.06.28.part2.rar http://k2s.cc/file/d3a63a083f133/lunatic_2015.06.28.part3.rar http://k2s.cc/file/2874a2849fbd4/lunatic_2015.06.28.part4.rar http://k2s.cc/file/e9be6e9ff0fca/lunatic_2015.06.28.part5.rar http://k2s.cc/file/10fe88cb153ad/lunatic_2015.06.28.part6.rar or http://turbobit.net/bap25p0rg4ne/lunatic_2015.06.28.part1.rar.html http://turbobit.net/8axkt2xjgnp0/lunatic_2015.06.28.part2.rar.html http://turbobit.net/ixii2nnsn3bb/lunatic_2015.06.28.part3.rar.html http://turbobit.net/4ldf4fkeesky/lunatic_2015.06.28.part4.rar.html http://turbobit.net/9ifle3o41dk8/lunatic_2015.06.28.part5.rar.html http://turbobit.net/9chhqkyghu0x/lunatic_2015.06.28.part6.rar.html or http://www.uploadable.ch/file/X4AZgj3kCKc3/lunatic_2015.06.28.part1.rar http://www.uploadable.ch/file/77Ss9Tch9BGa/lunatic_2015.06.28.part2.rar http://www.uploadable.ch/file/Pa3jBNSQ92pB/lunatic_2015.06.28.part3.rar http://www.uploadable.ch/file/9RqebxrCwYvJ/lunatic_2015.06.28.part4.rar http://www.uploadable.ch/file/tPYcVwZst8Q7/lunatic_2015.06.28.part5.rar http://www.uploadable.ch/file/AVDwW3DdjyCV/lunatic_2015.06.28.part6.rar or http://faststore.org/fm7zz1409743 http://faststore.org/75hdxrbze17j http://faststore.org/mo838y4jcqww http://faststore.org/rvwk6zxujxsr http://faststore.org/rm2tqnq74jxa http://faststore.org/q9yjzu7rqpoo (Pass=jpfiles) Dunno who recorded it, since jpfiles just steals stuff, so, who cares ? What about the complete setlist for day 2 ? Did anyone get that ?
  11. jon_jonz

    This is the 1st time ever I aprove of a band changing its name. They look like R-Shitei meets Jin-Machine & Sibilebashir, tough.
  12. jon_jonz

    An idea of the previous bands of G and chidony ?
  13. This looks and sounds flawless. Reminds me of MERRY's latest PV, but more refined. Btw, ain't the tattooed dude lynch.'s drummer ?
  14. These look like some lame ass horror movie posters. Looking forward to the cd, tough.
  15. jon_jonz

    Even tough I don't realky like this band, Jui is still one of my all time fave vocalists, but this PV is so weird. I mean,why is he fapping and licking that stick or whatever ? Haha. They've improved a lot in this new CD, tough. It's by far their best release so far.
  16. That's because when they 1st became major sales didn't go well, so their label cancelled their contract. So they become major and take pics looking like a boy band and no longer compose their own songs ? Meh. No wonder many VK bands don't want to ever be major anymore.
  17. jon_jonz

    This is VK. Fix the tags. Reminds me of early HERO, btw. both visually and musically.
  18. So aoi is coming back to AYABIE, eh ? Disgusting manipulative son of a bitch ! I can't believe Takeppi is accepting him back after all he has done. I was glad his solo carreer failed miserably and was expecting never to hear about him again, meh.
  19. I completely agree with jduv86. Not only does this look and sound horrible but what a terrible mess worst looking and most shitty ratchet ass wig in the history of VK, holy shit !
  20. Now I'm feeling it. This is way better than their previous stuff and has a style completelyy different from their previous bands, which is interesting. Their vocalist is looking a lot like Juka, tough.
  21. jon_jonz

    The chairs are the same, not the look.
  22. jon_jonz

    This band is VK. Fix the tag.
  23. Still waitig for this last release to leak >:
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