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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. AHAHAHAHA. This terminology cracked me up. Everyody knows "executive manager of hostclub" is just another name for PIMP.
  2. I like this. Did any of is solo CDs leak anywhere ? And does he compose anyting or are all of those tracks in his CDs vocaloid covers ?
  3. Yeah, I wish it happened more often. I remember Villain ended their activities because of the vocalist's gf too.
  4. jon_jonz

    If Gazette was 1% as good as Katatonia is they wouldn't have such an annoying fanbase. I feel so ofended by this headline. It's one of the most disturbing things I've ever read, haha.
  5. jon_jonz

    Pretty good indeed, but why the fuck did they put Vladmir Putin in the TYPE A folder ?
  6. Fuck this son of a bitch. He's responsible for Ayabie's downfall and I was glad to see his solo carreer failed. Was kinda hoping he'd never come back. I hope he at least doesn't take anzu's spot.
  7. Same. But I'm excited over the fact that Kiryu was once from this same label. Is it related to B.P RECORDS ? It'd be nice to see they getting the same exposure as Royz and CODOMO DRAGON.
  8. jon_jonz

    This sounds and looks a lot like Crossfaith, but better. They deseve better vocals, but it's pretty good anyway.
  9. Better than what I was expecting, but this looks and sounds (at least the keyboard part) a lot like Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas' Jump Around PV.
  10. jon_jonz

    Holy fuck, man. I'm so happy he's back ! Aikaryu was one of the bands that got me into VK many moons ago and I love them sooo much. Hope he gets back. Aikaryu should get back too, even if it's without TERU. I remember after Aikaryu he became a professional horse rider, haha. Any info if he's still into that ?
  11. Wow, the've improved a lot. Mainly the vocals. This sounds pretty good, actually.
  12. jon_jonz

    This band was so much better than My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND. I hope they Bring it back and dump MBHI.
  13. I didn't. Unless there's a mistake in the correct term Trombe translated no one needs to rest after a check-up. You may need after an exam, therapy, treatment, etc, but never in a check-up. A check-up serves only for the doctor to see if you are ok or not and then they send you to whatever else you may need.
  14. Way better than what I was expecting. Waiting for more from these guys.
  15. LOL, who the fuck needs to rest after a check-up ? What a lame excuse. Those VKeiers ain't even trying to come up with good excuses anymore. I'm waiting for the day we'll be getting news like "someone announced in their blog that he won't go to the next gig because he doesn't feel like it".
  16. jon_jonz

    This is the most ratchet PV Kiwamu has ever produced in any of his labels. Their pronounciation of the word unacceptable would be funny, if it wasn't tragic.
  17. jon_jonz

    Yeah, I'm really hating this trend of many bands copyying the pink-haired dude from MEJIBRAY. Their previous look was way better than this.
  18. At least he didn't come up with another terrible side project like his band mates.
  19. Holy fuck, can't believe they'll actually release something with Anzu on vocals. Can't wait to hear it.
  20. jon_jonz

    There are NINE members in this band now !?
  21. jon_jonz

    What about this new label they've joined ?
  22. jon_jonz

    Damn, that PV is ratchet. I don't like this at all, but I was already expecting that since I hate sukekiyo too. I don't even know if I want them to even release more stuff as DIR EN GREY given how boring their last DVD was, mainly because they played many classics and the performance was boring as fuck. What even happened to these guys ? Ugh.
  23. jon_jonz

    I believe I'm the only one that prefers Jupiter over Versailles, but I didn't know they had this many haters. Weird.
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