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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. Yeah, and nobody ever shares any of this label's DVDs, so what's the point ?
  2. jon_jonz

    Meh. This setlist is pretty much the same of their previous DVD. Can't believe we're getting a 5 hours long gig and they didn't play "Betray", which is my fave song of theirs and they never play. I was hoping for some more older songs too, but it's better than nothing. Glad to see they put some kick ass songs together. Also, Will〜andante〜 live is always amazing ! Can't wait to watch this.
  3. jon_jonz

    Yeah. Despite the disrespectful douches in this forum, they seem to get lots of respect from people that actally know something about music. Too bad they never had the recognition they deserve. I rewatched their live DVDs the other day, and damn, they're good ! I know GACKT has liked them for at least 10 years. He invited some of them to play with him in his TV appearences and some PVs and they say he was the one that told YOHIO to have them compose some (or all, I don't remember) songs from his 1st album, which is actually good, because it's not composed by the weeaboo himself and they also say they made a lot of money with this. I hope their prestige gives them some recognition in their future projects. I'm looking forward to that.
  4. Glad to see everyone here hates Starwave/Kiwamu. Finally something with which we can all agree. Best of luck to them. I do like this band.
  5. VK fans are so full of shit, ugh. I too understand that his voice may be too crispy for some tastes, but this doesn't mean that he sings badly. Not at all. People will critcize anything. He shouldn't care about it. I remember watching an interview some years ago where Danchou from NOGOD said that they once were the O.A. for one of Kaya's gig and his fans were rude to the point of not even facing the stage during their performance, saying that he can't sing and Kaya is a true singer and he was not. I'm not even a fan of NOGOD and I actually think they're boring as fuck, but to say that Danchou can't sing !? WTF ? He actually can reach way more notes than Kaya himself. This is just losers coming up with lame fake reasons not to give credit to certain bands. I hope he doesn't mind the opinion of some silly teenagers and it doesn't affect his career, altough it seems to e affecting already...
  6. jon_jonz

    Awn, I'll miss them. I knew GACKT liked them a lot for a long time. Glad to see he apparently still does.
  7. THIS ! The full video ain't as bad as the preview made it seem, but it made me have a problem with their looks. The drummer looks like the drummer from Kra, bassist reminds me of Mucho Gracias and the guitarrist look like any of those guys from cute bands. Bring the shoegazeish umbrella back.
  8. Ugh, many members from wagakki band doing other stuff yet still Shin won't get back to m:a.ture. Btw:
  9. WTF !? Nobody cares about minus jin-say orchestra. How come they get a 2-man live with a way more famous non-VK band ?
  10. Not bad, but I was hoping for some heavier tunes, at least in the B-sides. I hope the don't stop making tr00 songs.
  11. And here goes one more good band that DANGER CRUE ruined, ugh. What's with this happy chorus ? This band used to be bad vibes af. Disgusting.
  12. Just watched his Live DVD the other day and it rocks ! Looking forward to this. This dude is an amazing musician.
  13. Holy Shit, Plastic Tree covering Alice Nine !? I wish I could see that.
  14. The pre-chorus sounds a lot like Mousou Nikki by SID. Nice tune, tough.
  15. They kind of look like BUCK-TICK. I'm hyped too.
  16. Hahahahaha. This ! Pathetic losers. I dunno what's up with them being shady lately, but I remember other VK bands disbanding right after having attitude issues too. Let's see how long they'll last.
  17. jon_jonz

    They look great, mainly in the profile pics. Too bad that ratchet white wig ruined everything.
  18. jon_jonz

    Everything live this band releases is always the same fucking tracklist over and over again, except for 2 or 3 songs, ugh.
  19. jon_jonz

    Except for BORN, this setlist is boring as fuck. RAVE is the only PSC band worth a listen nowadays. Kra, SCREW and Dauto became boring after their last line-up changes.
  20. Best PV in the history of VK ! I need translations to the lyrics of 欲望の歌 ASAP ! Here's the original, in japanese, if any of you would be nice enough to translate that for us, please: どうやら僕は中の下のようだ 14くらいから感じてはいたが どうも食い付きが良いと思ったら 実はファンでしかもお目当ては他のメンバーァァァァァァァァ!! ああああ面白くねぇ 想像と違うなぁ 親を恨むつもりは無いが こんな僕に最高の歌声と素晴らしい才能を! こんな僕に最高の美しき顔と高い身長を! こんな僕に最高の強い精神と向上心を! こんな僕に最高のユーモアとモテるジェントリズムを! そして隣に最愛の美しき配偶者を! そして住まいは安全10LDKの家(Hi!) 今日もまた人と話すとき 緊張して壁を作る話し方をしてしまったァァァァァァァァ!! ああああ上手くできねぇ 変わりたい この精神と全身よ変われ あの頃感じた 劣等感は いつまでも僕に寄り添う 《何かが変われると思っていた》 結果環境は大きく変わった 僕は欲望を保ったまま 何かを手に入れたつもりだった しかしそこに待っていたのは あの頃よりも確かな劣等感 思春期を苦しめたあいつはまたこうして現れ 僕の醜さを忘れさせてはくれなかった 「そんなことはない」と言ってくれるファンと 『あいつはブサイク』と賑わう女共 もう性格も顔も治らないだろう 歌って誤魔化すしかないんだ、 歌って、歌って、祈るように、、、!!!!!! こんな僕に最高の歌声と素晴らしい才能を! こんな僕に最高の美しき顔と高い身長を! こんな僕に最高の強い精神と向上心を! こんな僕に最高のユーモアとモテるジェントリズムを! そして隣に最愛の美しき配偶者を! そして住まいは安全10LDKの一軒家を! そして僕が最期に目を伏せるその瞬間は こんなクズの罪を全て許してほしい(Hi!)
  21. They've had this session band for more than 10 years and Rame's voice just keeps getting worst, LOL. Also, I've never seen KISAKI so ugly before. Not that he has ever been any cute, but he looks extra ugly this time.
  22. He's looking a lot like HAKUEI.
  23. HOLYY SHIT ! This gave me a boner. #bringMadethgrayllback2k16
  24. Fuck this shit. It took forever from the guys from Hime Ichigo to come back and now this, ugh. I do enjoy their stuff. I hope it doesn't take Suzuya many more years to form another band again.
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