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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Seems to me like PSC didn't renew their contract with them because their last album sucked so badly with all that unnecessary autotune on all tracks that I bet it didn't sell well. Also, they kind of lost their touch since their drummer left. I like this band a lot, but I think they should disband already before we all start hating a band we used to love, like most people did with SCREW and ViViD.
  2. jon_jonz

    This documentary about X JAPAN YOSHIKI will be more like:
  3. jon_jonz

    Fuck you haters. This line-up is THE shit ! amber gris + DuelJewel + Kokusyoku Sumire sounds dope af ! I demand some samples ASAP. Also, can't wait for the violin tracks.
  4. I love this concept of them giving you the booklet if you show you've got the free CD previously. That's how good publicity is done. Also, they now have a Youtube channel. Subcribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfr0840pU-vkTtSAUcN7PQA
  5. I've recently watched all of his live DVDs and he just keeps getting better and better. New look, btw: He seems to be competing with GACKT to see who is the most ripped old guy.
  6. Ugh, VKeiers are so full of shit. How does this work ? They'll have the cameramen there with all their paraphernalia and then, if it bombs, they'll just be like "sorry, guys, we have less than 50 fans and can't pay you for your services" ?
  7. Wow, his label is investing a lot on him with all those guest musicians.
  8. jon_jonz

    Except for DIAURA's, I couldn't find the setlist of the other bands of this event. Does anyone have it ? The uploader translated the name of the event, btw, the original was called アインス4 ー暗黒革命ー2016.
  9. jon_jonz

    At least it's free and he won't be charging people $300+ for a "hug" like Avril does, but yeah, I bet it'll be more like this and less like this
  10. jon_jonz

    There's like, 50 people there and some of you guys still think Starwave is gonna do good promotion for Fixer...
  11. It botheres me to see the guys with red and green hair wearing those ratchet wigs when their actual hair have the same color.
  12. This reminds me a lot of Crimson Shiva. The chorus is catchy as fuck. Love it.
  13. Kind of sounds like DIAURA, mainly the vocals. Digging it, tough. Sounds more memorable than whatever else they've released so far.
  14. jon_jonz

    Is there even a good reason for them to be dressed like this ? I get it's a joke, but is there an explanation as to why out of the blue they decided to come up with this or is it them just being random.
  15. This is SO absurd I have to answer you. So let me see if I get what you meant: 1. If you're broke you have to just shut up and you don't have the right to choose what kind of entertainment you get. Just be grateful for what you have and never aim for the best. 2. If you are able to buy every obscure item a band comes up with it's ok to brag about how you'll end up enjoying it alone, but it's not ok for others to complain about not being able to enjoy it. 3. It's perfectly reasonable for someone to run their business based on exploring bands and coming up with extremely limited overpriced items, almost forcing the bands to disband, based on the fact they'll get no recognition, but it's not ok for a fan that enjoys their art to complain about the fact that they'll prolly disband soon, because, after all, I have no right to say a word about how someone chooses to run their business. 4. Most of the "negative" stuff I post are for the LOLz. If you don't have a sense of humour or don't agree wth mine, it's not my fault. Also, you seem to fail to understand sarcasm. Most of my posts are me adding information to what was posted, so this complaint doesn't even make sense and I'm not here to please you or your taste and they're free to reply to whatever I post. And last, but not least, if you think underprivileged people don't have the right to choose, I can't complain about not having acess to what I like and you attack people that you don't agree with while complaining that I do the same, then yes, you're an elitist jerk killing the record industry. I'm not here to argue, ok ? You have your opinion and I have mine. I don't mean to pick up fights and I never attacked anyone here. Just expressing my opinion. Don't want this to become an endless discussion. Let's not flood this post.
  16. GACKT has his own simulator too. Kameleo, Blu-BiLLioN and GOATBED also made OSTs for similar apps.
  17. Not all members of this forum live in a decent country where it's affordable importing stuff from Japan. I've missed gigs from some of my fave bands because not all governments makes it easy for us to consume entertainment. Don't come with this shitty talk about supporting bands when some of us are struggling financially. Also, it's because of selfish attitudes like "I'll buy this but I won't share with anyone" for whatever reasons or "If you're a true fan you'll buy their stuff" that some of your fave bands die. They need money from merch, yes, but if none of their stuff leaks they don't even get the promotion. Anygays, I won't waste my time with this elitist bullshit. IDGAF about your opinion. Looking forward to what this band will come up with and that's what matters.
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