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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. WTF ? They look like some ratchet gothic/crap kei. Where's their shoegazish vibe ? I hope their sound doesn't change too, because this band is great.
  2. Cool. I already like this more than their previous releases because this has some cool melodic parts, which is what prevented me from liking them more in their other stuff. I always had a feeling this band has too much screaming and not much drama, which's what makes VK unique and also made them sound repetitive. My only criticism is that the cover doesn't look as demonic as the others and was expecting something more "evil looking". Why is it taking so long for their world tour to happen, btw ?
  3. jon_jonz

    So they'll only come back in 2020 !?
  4. #teamsou #soshiwho? If Sou is dead/unavaliable/not intersted put RYO:SUKE on vocals. Even BAN is better than Soshi. As for if they will continue forever or not, I think it's a matter of people being interested. I think that if they see the response to their comeback is good, they'll make it happen, since none of their other projects prospered. Also, this better not just be an April Fool's joke.
  5. Fuck ! I like this band a lot. 子供ROCK is prolly the song I've heard the most this year. I hope they don't disband, because they have lots of potential.
  6. Ryoppi doing some chiptune stuff ? I wanna listen to that ASAP !
  7. Oh, silly me. I didn't read that. Nevermind.
  8. rhythm singles = karaoke/instrumental songs ?
  9. I was expecting this to come out only next month. Good thing they posted it before. I was expecting some better quality footage. All the stuff they posted before looked better than this and again, this ain't even half as good as Crimson Shiva was, but I guess we'll just have to get over it. The live version of Lady with Emotion is great.
  10. Yeah, this could easily pass as a VK band. Typical Ryouhei compositions. Kinda of a dick move, because MEGAMASSO could fit into this style too. Will keep an eye on them because of Ryoppi, but no VK no care.
  11. jon_jonz

    Good thing that dude that dressed like a clown isn't around anymore. If only Arlequin's vocalist would stop doing that too.
  12. Bullshit ! They're playing for 30 people in Rio de Janeiro. Also, they've been inactive for 10 years. Most people that cared about them back then don't care about VK anymore. I understand MERRY cancelling due to poor sales because they have an amazing fanbase, but you can't really complain about having no fans when your PVs look as shitty almost of all of theirs do, including the new one.
  13. The DVD itself looks fun, but they picked some of their some of their worst tracks. Mostly ballads. This setlist could've been waaaaaay better. At least they played stardrop, which is my fave song of theirs and AGEHA. always kicks ass.
  14. Nope. But also: End of discussion.
  15. I know the bands you suggested and I they don't sound as good and with a vocalist as skilled as Deviloof's. As for them being from Japan or not, I couldn't care less if they are japanese. IDGAF about Japan except for VK and I do love a lot of Deathcore bands from outside of Japan. And yes, Their music is generic at best but hey, they try to add something new to vk. What's the problem with that ? Can't a genre that's repetitive as fuck do something new for a change ? Isn't this why y'all get hyped when a new "art-kei" band appears ? Can we live ?
  16. Yay. It has surpassed the 500 RTs already. Who cares for backstage footage ? 1000 and they should change their name back to Crimson Shiva.
  17. Why did they cancel the gig in Finland ? It's far from Belgium. I hope they don't keep cancelling shows because I wanna see them too.
  18. Every time I see a band come up with shit like that it reminds me of that time Rita Ora tried to do something similar: And then she failed miserably and blamed it on "hackers", hahaha: But seriously, tough, you guys would better RT the fuck out of that shit because I don't want to have to create a shitload of fake Twitter accounts just because I want to watch the full live.
  19. "people aren't going to stop though so he should probably try to save his grief for something more worthwhile." This. It's 2016, get over it. If they were any smart they'd start posting all their stuff in their youtube channel or whatevs and monetize that shit instead of bitch whining.
  20. So now they're done copying MEJIBRAY and started copying Mix Speaker's,Inc., eh ? Lame.
  21. THIS ! I'm hyped about this band because it's the first time we get some really br00tal kei without catchy choruses, eletronic touches, etc. I need some live videos ASAP, but if they keep being this good and happen to have good live performances too, this can easily become one of my fave bands and they can become popular, just like NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST which got pretty much recognition from people that couldn't care less about japanese music in general.
  22. inb4 Sel'm & REIGN disbanding because of this.
  23. jon_jonz

    Fuck, man. I'll miss Ray, He has been in the scene for a shitload of time. I hope he doesn't retire, and, if he does, that at least JIN invites him to ocassionally perform with THE BLACK SWAN like he did with Yuu. Or maybe Ray and Yuu should finally get back together and do some decent music already.
  24. This is the least VK sounding thing in the history of VK. Generic as fuck. Sounds just like any other metalcore band out there. Nothing against metalcore meets VK, but other bands at least try to sound VKish. This is just meh. They didn't even try. Lame.
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