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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. Proof that drama is always profitable. That's why many musicians fake being sick, injured, dead, etc. Also, KISAKI PROJECT is dope ! I'm surprised to see they have many haters in this forum, apparently.
  2. jon_jonz

    Ok, but why did he put Donald Trump's wig on his shoulder ?
  3. jon_jonz

    Both of them had a solo carreers before Wagakki Band was a thing and all the others have other musical projects already.
  4. Spill the tea, guys, come on. What's Tanuki saying about this guy ?
  5. jon_jonz

    Does anyone know the name of that font in their logo ? I've seen at least 5 other VK bands use that same font.
  6. jon_jonz

    Btw, what happened after all that drama about them not being allowed to play at Budokan and playing at some other stadium instead ?
  7. jon_jonz

    This place looks like the the back of the junk food store in which they flip burgers for a living. The bathroom profile pics are classy too.
  8. jon_jonz

    How's is doing drugs antisocial behavior ? People become good friends by doing drugs together. And this hiatus is bullshit. Just keep playing without him and play the basslines on the speakers or something like that, while looking for a replacement. Same shit. No big deal.
  9. jon_jonz

    Ugh, fucking japanese people never spill the tea. I want to known what he did. What's tanuki saying about it ?
  10. I hope it's something br00tal, but Judging by the bands he's performing with, I don't think it will be.
  11. jon_jonz

  12. Cool line-up. Wish someone would leak his solo works.
  13. Amazing album art ! Which 12yo from deviantart did it ?
  14. jon_jonz

    Why is he wearing a wig that looks just like his natural hair, tough ?
  15. This band's PVs are THE shit ! I love the concept that they always use of making things look like 70s & 80s stuff.
  16. Could anyone please leak this whole live ? It may be avaliable in that channel, but it seems to be locked or something.
  17. No shade, but all of Tenten's bands since KuRt sound the same. He gets a new band, it fails and then he proceeds to get yet another one and keeps doing the same thing with minor variations over and over again and none of them suceed. It's been 12 years, dude, let go of that formula.
  18. Seems like this documentary is doing pretty well. I was never a fan of this band, so I couldn't bother watching it. Do they even mention VK or try to promote it in any way or it just all about X and YOSHIKI whinning ?
  19. jon_jonz

    Anorexia Kei is dead.
  20. jon_jonz

    LOL, their singer sounds like that annoying Talking Tom app.
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