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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. They look a lot like ARCHEMI.
  2. Consistent. Now they look as bad as they sound.
  3. jon_jonz

    Cool look. Serving Head Museum from Futurama realness. I see the days of brands like sex pot revenge sponsoring vk bands are gone and the trend now is budget high fashion. Cool beans.
  4. This is way better than the rest of their discography. I wish they always sounded like this. #bringjazzykeiback2018
  5. jon_jonz

    Would any of you please record this broadcast and share it with us ?
  6. jon_jonz

    The reason for their disbandment will be Kyary suing their asses off over this.
  7. W8, I'm confused. So this has all been released before but there are some new stuff ? What exactly is new ?
  8. I wish someone would leak bootlegs, terekos or whatevs of those gigs.
  9. YAAAAS SEEK ! Bring it ooooon ! They should have him sing always and fire that uncharismatic vocalist for good.
  10. That looks a lot like Enguarde, the Swordfish from Donkey Kong:
  11. jon_jonz

    I can't download that. Would you please reupload it and send me the link ?
  12. WTF is this new metal garbage ? I want the deathcore goodness back.
  13. Sweet ! I wish this trend of cute bands coming up with badass projects would catch up. I remember when several cute bands, like DaizyStripper, AYABIE and THE KIDDIE did the same. I hope it happens more often.
  14. jon_jonz

    I think they misunderstood tribute for disrespect album. This is fucking awful ! KIYOHARU did a good job, but the rest, uuuuugh... Cringeworthy. This gotta be one of the worst cover albuns ever.
  15. FUCK YES ! I hope they stick around for longer than their last revival. At least IZAM is not dressed as man again. This is a good sign, haha. Inb4 8377373838th re-recording of Melty Love. Who are the 2nd Vocal, Drums) and Sax players, tough?
  16. Oh, yeah. I misread your post. Thanks for the clarification.
  17. Didn't they already release this footage ages ago ?
  18. jon_jonz

    This PV has some of the worst acting and CGI in the history of VK, LMAO.
  19. jon_jonz

    Shion sounds pretty good indeed. I've never heard of them before, tough. Would someone be nice enough to share their releases, pretty please ?
  20. jon_jonz

    Ugh, he's still trying ? That looks cheap af indeed, but the song is ok. I just thought that after all those Ayabie and MASK revival he'd finally come up with something decent or revive one of his previous bands, and now this. Meh.
  21. jon_jonz

    Cultural Appropriation Kei never looked so good.
  22. There we go again with this lolicon stuff. Some people never learn.... At least so far it sounds decent, unlike his cringeworthy previous bands. I'm guessing it's gonna suck once he starts singing, but let's see how it develops.
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