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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. That pic hurts my eyes, but Eiji never disappoints. Looking forward to their releases.
  2. jon_jonz

    This is what I expected: Still amused, though.
  3. jon_jonz

    Still better than 8P-SB.
  4. jon_jonz

    LMAO ! This is genius ! This is some Lupo Label type of marketing. I hope they keep posting more stuff like that.
  5. jon_jonz

    Full MV: Was there any beef between HYDE and KAZ ? I mean, HYDE's solo career used to sound very different from VAMPS and now both projects sound the same. Either that or she doesn't wanna share any royalties with KAZ anymore and just told her support members to copy VAMPS.
  6. jon_jonz

    This band has some very nice prog metal influences. I wish they'd invest more on that,instead of the other generic stuff.
  7. Notice she's wearing a millennium puzzle around her neck. This is gonna be lit.
  8. jon_jonz

    AROMA is a BOP IMO ! Haven't really followed anything coming from this band in years. Is there any recording of this new version of AROMA anywhere,even if it's just live ?
  9. jon_jonz

    It reminds me of Moi dix Mois as well.
  10. jon_jonz

    Plagio detected ! The breakdown in the 1st song is just like the intro to Dir en Grey's new version of 羅刹国 (Rasetsukoku).
  11. Remember when their original vocalist left to focus on his solo career then it flopped big time and we never heard from him since?
  12. jon_jonz

    I'm still waiting for someone to leak TAKE NO BREAK's stuff...
  13. jon_jonz

    AN CAFE had to die so that Zip.er could live.
  14. jon_jonz

    Dope. This band is quite experimental and way better than GAME OVER. Would've been even better if they just dropped a surprise album along with this news instead of making us wait, tough, but yeah, I'm hyped.
  15. jon_jonz

    I find it funny how people always expect new bands to be different and innovative. Generic doesn't mean bad. This is actually pretty good.
  16. What's the deal with this amairo records ? Sono's own label ?
  17. jon_jonz

    Yaaas Misery, qween ! This is guaranteed to make Sui's career back. I hope he convinces him to change his stage name as well.
  18. jon_jonz

    W8, when did Tero leave the band and why ?
  19. This is actually pretty good ! I was expecting it to suck given how boring that snoozefest of a PV was. Good thing it's actually quite heavy and not just some boring ballads. I was afraid it would've ended up sounding too much like sukekiyo.
  20. jon_jonz

    What about this youtuber ? Is he or he ever been in any VK bands or does he have any sort of connections to VK bands at all ?
  21. I know right ? What's with Japanese musicians and this obsession with a nightmare before Christmas ? There are quite a lot of bands that made entire discographies out of ripping off the soundtrack of that movie. And I just hate how they cover songs and never give credit to the original. I've been misled to believe many,many songs were original songs when in fact they're covers and nobody mentioned that.
  22. The more the years pass the more their vocalist looks like Johnny Depp as Barbanabas Collins.
  23. Any info about the short film ? I mean, synopsis and stuff like that.
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